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Feel your best with healing, pain-relieving and detoxifying experience of infrared sauna for your body. Learn about the various health benefits of an infrared sauna. To book one call us @ (212) 661-3400.
I N F R A R E D S A U N A N Y C A T C H I L L S P A C E It'stimetoindulgeyourselfinoneoftheeffective InfraredSaunas toolsforafull-bodydetoxification - . It isalsocalledinfraredtherapythatusesinfrared heaterstoemitinfraredlightexperiencedas radiantheatwhichisabsorbedbythesurfaceofthe humanskin. Chillspaceprovidestwodifferenttypes ofsaunaexperiencetofitinthebusyscheduleofNew Yorkcityresidents. 1.ClearlightInfraredSauna Itconsistsofmedicalgradechromotherapy lightsandshowerwithorganicmaterialsto helpyougiveafreshstartonyourwayto officeor home. 2.VitalHealthInfraredSauna Thisisaquickfixforthosewithnotimeto spare. The roomisequippedwithchilledeucalyptus- infusedtowels, disposablefaceandbody wipes, andcoolwater – soyoucandetoxand go! Bookaninfraredsaunathatsuityourschedule today! Call @ (212) 661-3400. ChillSpace Address: 124 East 40th Street Suite 603 New York, NY 10016 Number: (212) 661-3400