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Aaron Eastham Network Security & Electronics Program Dept. of Applied Engineering & Technology

Aaron Eastham Network Security & Electronics Program Dept. of Applied Engineering & Technology Eastern Kentucky University. OUTLINE. Overview Motivation Introduction Problem Statement Assumptions Proposed Solution Results Video Conclusions Future Work References Acknowledgements.

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Aaron Eastham Network Security & Electronics Program Dept. of Applied Engineering & Technology

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  1. Aaron Eastham Network Security & Electronics Program Dept. of Applied Engineering & Technology Eastern Kentucky University

  2. OUTLINE • Overview • Motivation • Introduction • Problem Statement • Assumptions • Proposed Solution • Results • Video • Conclusions • Future Work • References • Acknowledgements

  3. MOTIVATION • Always wanted one. • To see if I could accomplish it. • Save money. • Fun to play with. • To incorporate a microcontroller into my project. http://www.mouser.com/arduino/

  4. INTRODUCTION • Ever since I had something laser engraved for me I have been interested in them. • I researched the internet for different ways to control the machine, laser types and how the machine moves. • There were two different ways to control the machine: A raspberry pi or an Arduino and I started with the pi then switched to the Arduino. • An in depth knowledge of electronics and Arduino programming.

  5. PROBLEM STATEMENT • The reason I started this project was to make a low cost laser engraver that I could use as for hobby. • Learning more about software and hardware integration.

  6. ASSUMPTIONS • The laser and motor drivers are connected directly to the microcontroller and when a design is uploaded, it should output the correct directions. • An implicit assumption is that the person enjoys working with hardware and software, along with the time and money for the project.

  7. PROPOSED SOLUTION • There were many steps to solve this problem. • I tried using a Raspberry Pi and an Arduino, along with two different types of motor drivers and laser drivers.

  8. SOLUTION CONTINUED • Eventually picked the Arduino with EasyDrivers for stepper motor and a laser with a built in driver.

  9. SOLUTION CONTINUED • The assembly of the machine was tricky as everything had to be perfectly straight or it wouldn’t work.

  10. SOLUTION CONTINUED • Prototyping for the motor drivers and motors went as planned but the laser driver proved to be pretty difficult, one miscalculation and the laser goes up in smoke.

  11. SOLUTION CONTINUED • Once everything was together and running I got to test it out and then troubleshoot the problems. • Motors didn’t go as far as they should have. • I had to calculate the steps/mm of my specific threaded rod and motor combo. Then recalibrate the machine. • Laser wouldn’t come on when command was given. • I found out that the Arduino is touchy with the ground pins and where they go. After I figured that out the laser started working. • Once the laser worked it just burned black spots instead of the design. • This had a pretty simple solution of just changing the speed until it performed as it should.

  12. RESULTS • An Arduino controlled laser engraver that uses GRBL to execute G-Code commands. • A laser that can travel left to right across the X-Axis of the machine, which is connected to the Y-Axis to allow font to back travel. • Auto on/off for laser during engraving process.


  14. RESULTS CONTINUED AutoCAD Design Prototype Actual Laser Engraver

  15. RESULTS CONTINUED AutoCAD Design Prototype Actual Laser Engraver

  16. Click to watch video Arduino Laser Engraver Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9SRjOHVzrUA

  17. CONCLUSIONS • In conclusion this project was a great learning experience of the Arduino platform and circuit design. • I learned a lot about Arduino programming, as this is something I didn’t have much background in, and my electronics knowledge has grown considerably.

  18. FUTURE WORK • Implications: • Good learning experience on software and hardware integration. • This project helped with developing good time management skills. • Possible extensions to project • Change out the threaded rod with ball screws for smoother movement. • Add a Z-Axis for possible milling with a power tool such as a dremel • Invite audience for suggestions • Thank You for your time! • Aaron_Eastham2@eku.edu

  19. Comments or Questions?

  20. REFERENCES • engravR (RPi Laser Engraver) [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=xxQ33cNIXxU • Monk, S. (2012, June 6). Adafruit’s Raspberry Pi Lesson 4 GPIO Setup. Message posted to http://learn.adafruit.com/adafruits-raspberry-pi- lesson-4-gpio-setup/overview. • McMill, I. (N.D.). Frankenstein Laser Engraver. Retrieved from http:// www.instructables.com/id/Frankenstein-Laser-Engraver/ • TingaWinga5 (Why do laser diodes need driver circuits and how do they work?) [Video file]. Retrieved from https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=eF1dSMcfteo • Monk, S. (2012, October 31). Arduino Lesson 16 Stepper Motors. Message posted http://learn.adafruit.com/adafruit-arduino-lesson-16-stepper- motors/overview • Skogsrud, S. (N.D.). Grbl is software for controlling the motion of machines that make things. Retrieved from http://bengler.no/grbl

  21. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS • I would like to thank my Dad for letting me use some scrap material and the machines at his work. • I would like to also thank Zack for putting up with me for all of our group projects.

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