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„ Prevention Third party violence on local level ” project

„ Prevention Third party violence on local level ” project Project Promoter : Hungarian National Association of Local Authorities (TÖOSZ) Partners : Norwegian Association for Local and Regional Authorities (KS) Trade Union of Hungarian Civil Servants and Public Employees (MKKSZ)

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„ Prevention Third party violence on local level ” project

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  1. „Prevention Third party violence on local level” project Project Promoter: Hungarian National Association of Local Authorities (TÖOSZ) Partners: Norwegian Association for Local and Regional Authorities (KS) Trade Union of Hungarian Civil Servants and Public Employees (MKKSZ) Fagforbundet(NUMGE) Norwegian Union of Municipal andGeneral Employees „Prevention Third party violence on local level” project

  2. AboutthePartnership: KS is a membership organization for all Norwegian local and regional authorities - Representing interests of the members at the national arena, promoting legal and economic framework for local authorities, local democracy and local service delivery. - Representing the members in the social dialogue and tripartite negotiations - Representing and coordinating Norwegian local authorities in international organisations as UCLG, CEMR as well as international projects, e.g. EEA and Norway Grants projects. „Prevention Third party violence on local level” project

  3. Fagforbundetis thelargestunionin LO (The NorwegianConfederation of Trade Unions), with more than 300,000 members. The membersworkintheprivatesector, for local and countygovernmentsandinthehospitals. Fagforbundet´s main task is toensurethattheirmembers´pay and jobconditionsaregoodandsecure. „Prevention Third party violence on local level” project

  4. MKKSZ The Trade Union of Hungarian Civil Servants Public Servants and Civil Service Employees (MKKSZ) is the national interest representation and interest protection organisation of the national and localadministration; institutions, economic and civil organisations financed from the national budget; and pensionersin Hungary. MKKSZ represents the workers of the public sphere on a regional and vocational basis . The present number of its members :14.247 persons. In addition to the national organizations, within MKKSZ national councils of professional activity, sectoral interest reconciliation forums represent the workers. „Prevention Third party violence on local level” project

  5. TÖOSZ is a national interest representing organ that was created byHungarian local authoritiesfor the collective representation andpromotion of the rights and interests of local authorities and functions. More than 1600 local authorities fromthe 3100 participate inthe work of the Association. Key tasks: capacity-buildingfor local governments, interestsprotecting, representing, and promotingthemonnationalandinternationallevel. „Prevention Third party violence on local level” project

  6. TROLL = Threats and violence

  7. History • Care units saw the problem • In Fredrikstad municipality they are filling out deviation forms • We have around 15 000 deviations a year • Underreporting • Most of them from the care units but also schools • 3 party cooperation at every individual workplace

  8. Procedures The proceduresareadopted in ”AMU” (cooperation agency for politicians, management, union- and safety representatives) • Training in the handling of TROLL • What to do in a threatening situation. • How to follow up employees who have been exposed to aggressive behavior. • Necessary steps after a traumatic incident

  9. Objectives of the project: enhancedunderstanding of thebenefitsofdecentwork: researchthethirdpartyviolencein local governments (LGs) and itsinstitutions; supportingactionsbyLGsandtheirpublicservantstoprevent, reduceandmitigatethird-partyviolenceanditsconsequencesthroughNorwegianexperiences.EnsuringthatLGsin Hungary wouldhave a results-orientedpolicywhichaddressestheissue of third-partyviolence. „Prevention Third party violence on local level” project

  10. Expectedresults: Wide-rangeresearchaboutthirspartyviolencein Hungary firts of allinsocialcare and childprotection enhancedunderstanding of decentwork and importance of managingthirdpartyviolence and necessity of creating LG policy basedonNorwegianmethodsforidentifying, preventing, reducing and mitigatingworkrelatedharassmentandviolencebythird-parties; training of 20 trainers (municipalemployees) in Hungary and implementation 3 pilot trainingsforLGs, widerangecommunicationaboutresults. „Prevention Third party violence on local level” project

  11. Outcome: Improvedmutualunderstandingof factors contributing to better worklife in local governments officesthroughthe project Improved local governmentscapacity to systematically work onpreventionthirdpartyviolence Improvedlegislationin Hungary IncreasedbilateralcooperationbetweenNorwegian and Hungarianmunicipalities „Prevention Third party violence on local level” project

  12. Outputs: Adaptedtrainingmethodfor local governmentsofficerswith printed guideline Pilot trainingwithtraining of trainers 19 disseminationeventsoncountylevel International finalconferenceontheresults and experiences TwostudyvisitstoNorwayinvolvingMinistries and researchinstitutions „Prevention Third party violence on local level” project

  13. Activities: Research and assessmentthirdpartyviolenceinLGs,particularinsocialservicesandchildprotection (until end of February 2013) Creating method to prevent, mitigate violence from third part (until May 2013) Piloting method (fromJuly - October 2013) Dissemination of theresults Project management, monitoring Communication „Prevention Third party violence on local level” project

  14. Lessons learnt so far The onlyconstantelement of the project planning is thechange. Fromcommonprevious project implementationwecanbenefitalways. Youcannotcommunicatetomuch. Importance of meeting, whenyouhavethechancetoseat down and speakwitheachother. „Prevention Third party violence on local level” project

  15. Challenges Cutsinthebudget – and keepthe main objectives Findingtheproperactivitiesthanreshufflethewholeplan. Fearsfromtoomuchburocracy and administrativeburdens. Indicators, outcomes, outputs… effectiveassessmentmethod. „Prevention Third party violence on local level” project

  16. Inthename of ourPartnershipwearelookingforwardtoworkwithyou! „Prevention Third party violence on local level” project

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