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High Water Mark Data Our message of the day is: We need to know what data the community would like to see gathered and how (data formats) it will be optimally presented

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  1. High Water Mark DataOur message of the day is:We need to know what data the community would like to see gathered and how (data formats) it will be optimally presented We will present a few items from NWFWMD and USGS, then discuss our data types, the collecting and hosting process and then demonstrate the techniques via a web browser in a Windows environment and also in an Apple iOS environment with an Ipad. The software is available to run on Windows, iOS and Android. NEW CONFERENCE CALL- 888-670-3525 code 1886032254

  2. Lets start with developing a dialog and think about how we can review the process and refine or add data as needed:questions to follow and the end of the presentation

  3. GeotaggedAerial RECON Photos Aerial Photos High Water Mark Strike Team (in the field) SERT RECON Team (parallel or congruent effort) HWM Reporting SERT RECON Reporting Website FDOT Contractors Coordination through SERT FWC Civil Air Patrol Coordination through SERT Website Exists Proposed HWM Triage Mobile SERT GATOR iOS Android Blackberry High Water Mark Strike Team (at State EOC) Other Agencies Direct display of data

  4. GeotaggedAerial RECON Photos Aerial Photos High Water Mark Strike Team (in the field) SERT RECON Team (parallel or congruent effort) HWM Reporting SERT RECON Reporting Website FDOT Contractors Coordination through SERT FWC Civil Air Patrol Coordination through SERT Website Exists Proposed HWM Triage Mobile SERT GATOR iOS Android High Water Mark Strike Team (at State EOC) Other Agencies Direct display of data

  5. GeotaggedAerial RECON Photos Aerial Photos High Water Mark Strike Team (in the field) SERT RECON Team (parallel or congruent effort) ArcGIS Collector App SERT RECON Reporting Website FDOT Contractors Coordination through SERT FWC Civil Air Patrol Coordination through SERT iOS Android ArcGIS Online Exists Proposed SERT GATOR Other Agencies Direct display of data

  6. High Water Mark Data Collection from NWFWMD This is a form developed by NWFWMD for High Water Mark Data Collection It’s paper format has been optimized and published to an electronic form through Adobe Acrobat. The data types and formats were helpful to us in how we created our database design.

  7. USGS effort • The USGS has developed a web based data presentation tool that was utilized during Hurricane Sandy in 2012. • The box to the right shows their paper based collection form. • The next slide shows the data they were collecting for their high water mark application display

  8. USGS High-Water Mark data types Fields: OBJECTID (Type: esriFieldTypeOID, Alias: OBJECTID) Shape (Type: esriFieldTypeGeometry, Alias: Shape) HWM_ID (Type: esriFieldTypeString, Alias: HWM_ID, Length: 255 ) Date_ (Type: esriFieldTypeDate, Alias: Date_, Length: 8 ) Lat (Type: esriFieldTypeDouble, Alias: Lat) Long_ (Type: esriFieldTypeDouble, Alias: Long_) Description (Type: esriFieldTypeString, Alias: Description, Length: 255 ) Elevation_navd88 (Type: esriFieldTypeDouble, Alias: Elevation_navd88) elev_survey_meth(Type: esriFieldTypeString, Alias: elev_survey_meth, Length: 255 ) status (Type: esriFieldTypeString, Alias: status, Length: 10 ) data_status(Type: esriFieldTypeString, Alias: data_status, Length: 25 ) source (Type: esriFieldTypeString, Alias: source, Length: 50 ) County (Type: esriFieldTypeString, Alias: County, Length: 25 ) X (Type: esriFieldTypeString, Alias: X, Length: 255 ) Y (Type: esriFieldTypeString, Alias: Y, Length: 255 ) height_ground(Type: esriFieldTypeDouble, Alias: height_ground) peak_dt_time(Type: esriFieldTypeString, Alias: peak_dt_time, Length: 50 ) Link to ArcGIS Services Directory: link Source:

  9. Historical Water Level database The basis originated from SWFWMD. After some reoptimization and organization of the SWFWMD file was performed and resulted in a new file titled Historical Water Level database. • High water data comes from a variety of sources and includes different types of information. This is a GIS geodatabase that includes 4 point layers designed to document locations of historical high water. A brief summary of each layer is provided below: • QUALITATIVE DATA (location only) • 1) Flood Photos - Location of photo(s) that document high water. • 2) Flooding Complaints - Location of flooding complaints. • 3) Known Flooding Areas - Locations of known flooding from a • variety of sources. • QUANTITATIVE DATA (includes water elevations) • 4) Historical Water Levels - Locations and elevations of historical • water levels. These may include high water elevations measured from • flood photos, biological indicators (lichen/stain lines), private • citizen accounts, FDOT drainage plans, high water surveys, • reports/studies, peak recorded gauge data and data from other • local/state/federal agencies. Present water levels at many locations are • also provided to compare to the high water as a reference.

  10. Flood_Photos File Geodatabase Feature Class TagsHistoric Flood Damage, Flood Photos Summary This feature class originated in the HighWater database constructed by the Southwest Florida Water Management District - ResProj- Engineering Section. It represents a compilation of the following feature classes: FloodPhotos_SarasotaCounty, FloodPhotos_HernandoCounty and FloodPhotos_PolkCounty. Description The purpose of this feature class is to identify locations and photographs of historic flooding. It is not intended to be comprehensive, but rather to document the best available data that could be recorded at the time of the event. Point locations identify addresses where flooding was reported. Exact location of flooding on property is not known and would require further investigation. A brief description of the damage is contained in the database. This feature class is related tot he HistoricPhotos Table via the "Flood_Photos_has_HistoricPhotos" relationship class through a HYDROCODE_DESC field. When "IDENTIFIED" using the ArcGIS IDENTIFY tool, the photos can be selected and viewed. Credits Southwest Florida Water Management District - ResProj-Engineering and Mapping & GIS sections Use limitations Users are advised that this feature class is not intended to be comprehensive and that point locations do not indicate the exact location of the flood report. Points may have been georeferenced by a variety of techniques including, but not limited to: Address matching, heads-up digitizing, digitizing from a georeferenced aerial image, georeferencing from an orth-rectified aerial image, etc. OBJECTID Object ID SHAPE Geometry DESCRIPTION Text FILE_NAME Text SURVEY_ELEVATION Text STR Text PHOTO_DATE Text SOURCE Text HYDROCODE_DESC Text COUNTY_NAME Text PHOTO_COUNT Short Integer GIS_UPDATE_DT Date

  11. QUALITATIVE DATA (location only) Flood_Photos- Location of photo(s) that document high water. What are your thoughts? Flood_Photos File Geodatabase Feature Class TagsHistoric Flood Damage, Flood Photos Summary This feature class originated in the HighWater database constructed by the Southwest Florida Water Management District - ResProj- Engineering Section. It represents a compilation of the following feature classes: FloodPhotos_SarasotaCounty, FloodPhotos_HernandoCounty and FloodPhotos_PolkCounty. Description The purpose of this feature class is to identify locations and photographs of historic flooding. It is not intended to be comprehensive, but rather to document the best available data that could be recorded at the time of the event. Point locations identify addresses where flooding was reported. Exact location of flooding on property is not known and would require further investigation. A brief description of the damage is contained in the database. This feature class is related tot he HistoricPhotos Table via the "Flood_Photos_has_HistoricPhotos" relationship class through a HYDROCODE_DESC field. When "IDENTIFIED" using the ArcGIS IDENTIFY tool, the photos can be selected and viewed. Credits Southwest Florida Water Management District - ResProj-Engineering and Mapping & GIS sections Use limitations Users are advised that this feature class is not intended to be comprehensive and that point locations do not indicate the exact location of the flood report. Points may have been georeferenced by a variety of techniques including, but not limited to: Address matching, heads-up digitizing, digitizing from a georeferenced aerial image, georeferencing from an orth-rectified aerial image, etc. OBJECTID Object ID SHAPE Geometry DESCRIPTION Text FILE_NAME Text SURVEY_ELEVATION Text STR Text PHOTO_DATE Text SOURCE Text HYDROCODE_DESC Text COUNTY_NAME Text PHOTO_COUNT Short Integer GIS_UPDATE_DT Date

  12. QUALITATIVE DATA (location only) Flood_Photos- Location of photo(s) that document high water. What are your thoughts?

  13. QUALITATIVE DATA (location only) Flood_Photos_has_HistoricPhotos – File Geodatabase Relationship Class related to Flood Photos. What are your thoughts?

  14. QUALITATIVE DATA (location only) Flooding Complaints - Location of flooding complaints. Flooding_Complaints File Geodatabase Feature Class TagsHistoric Flood Damage, Flooding Complaints Summary This feature class originated in the HighWater database constructed by the Southwest Florida Water Management District - ResProj- Engineering Section. It represents a compilation of the following feature classes: FloodComplaints_City_of_Venice, FloodComplaints_HernandoCounty_August_8_9_10_2003, FloodComplaints_HernandoCounty_other, FloodComplaints_PascoCounty_1998, FloodComplaints_SWFWMD_REG. The original data included parcels impacted during the respective year's flood event. Description The purpose of this feature class is to identify locations of historic flooding. It is not intended to be comprehensive, but rather to document the best available data that could be recorded at the time of the event. Point locations identify addresses where flooding was reported. Exact location of flooding on property is not known and would require further investigation. A brief description of the damage is contained in the database. Credits Southwest Florida Water Management District - ResProj-Engineering and Mapping & GIS sections Use limitations Users are advised that this feature class is not intended to be comprehensive and that point locations do not indicate the exact location of the flood report. Points may have been georeferenced by a variety of techniques including, but not limited to: Address matching, heads-up digitizing, digitizing from a georeferenced aerial image, georeferencing from an orth-rectified aerial image, etc. OBJECTID Object ID SHAPE Geometry OWNER_OCCUPANT Text ADDRESS Text COUNTY Text TELEPHONE_NUMBER Text DATE Date FILE_ORIGIN Text DESCRIPTION Text ACTION_TAKEN Text GIS_UPDATE_DT Date

  15. QUALITATIVE DATA (location only) Historical water Levels Historical_Water_Levels File Geodatabase Feature Class TagsWater Levels, SWFWMD Summary This data set includes elevations of historical water levels including flood events within the boundary of the Southwest Florida Water Management District. This is not a complete data set of all locations of flooding, but rather a listing that continues to be updated as more data is gathered. These data include historical water elevations that may correspond to the peak stage from an associated flooding event. Information provided in this data set is evidence of the presence of water at specific locations. These elevations should only be used as a tool, not as established flood elevation levels. Description This data set includes elevations of historical water levels including flood events within the boundary of the Southwest Florida Water Management District. Credits Southwest Florida Water Management District - ResProj - Engineering Section Use limitations These elevations should only be used as a tool, not as established flood elevation levels. OBJECTID Object ID Shape Geometry POINT_TYPE Text ELEVATION Double EVENT_DATE Text SOURCE Text SOURCE_DATE Text DATUM_CONVERSION Double BENCH_ADJUSTMENT Double TOTAL_ADJUSTMENT Double ELEV_NAVD88 Double CORRECTION_COMMENT Text GENERAL_COMMENT Text ELEV_SOURCE Text FIELD_BOOK Text FB_PAGE Double GIS_UPDATE_DT Date

  16. QUALITATIVE DATA (location only) 4) Known Flooding Areas - Locations of known flooding from a variety of sources. Known_Flooding_Areas File Geodatabase Feature Class TagsHistoric Flood Damage, Known Flooding Areas, Repetitive Losses Summary This feature class originated in the HighWater database constructed by the Southwest Florida Water Management District - ResProj- Engineering Section. It represents a compilation of the following feature classes: FloodedSubDivisions_PhillippiCreek_SarasotaCounty, RepetitiveLosses_City_of_Sarasota, RepetitiveLosses_HernandoCounty, RepetitiveLosses_PolkCounty, RepetitiveLosses_SarasotaCounty_FEMA_AdditionalClaims. The original data included parcels impacted during the respective year's flood event. Description The purpose of this feature class is to identify locations of historic flooding. It is not intended to be comprehensive, but rather to document the best available data that could be recorded at the time of the event. Point locations identify addresses where flooding was reported. Exact location of flooding on property is not known and would require further investigation. A brief description of the damage is contained in the database. Credits Southwest Florida Water Management District - ResProj-Engineering and Mapping & GIS sections Use limitations Users are advised that this feature class is not intended to be comprehensive and that point locations do not indicate the exact location of the flood report. Points may have been georeferenced by a variety of techniques including, but not limited to: Address matching, heads-up digitizing, digitizing from a georeferenced aerial image, georeferencing from an orth-rectified aerial image, etc. OBJECTID Object ID Shape Geometry ADDRESS Text EVENT1 Text EVENT2 Text EVENT3 Text EVENT4 Text EVENT5 Text EVENT6 Text EVENT7 Text EVENT8 Text EVENT9 Text EVENT10 Text LAST_UPDATE Text FILE_ORIGIN Text DEPTH_OF_FLOODING Text DAMAGE_DESC Text ACTION_TAKEN Text COMMENT Text COUNTY Text GIS_UPDATE_DT Date

  17. The High Water Data web mapping site is now available with some initial test data – From a desktop computer: * Visit http://bit.ly/1baBi7p * Login with – o User – highwater o Password – Striketeam! * Explore the data o Note 4 layers are initially displayed (all of these data layers are editable) – * Flood Photos * Flooding Complaints * Historic Water Levels * Known Flooding Areas o Additional map layers are available (that are not editable) – * River Conditions * Storm Tide Stations * Tide Monitoring Buoys o A Topographic basemap is initially selected * Other basemaps are available by clicking Basemap and selecting another basemap type o Click over one of the Flood Photos icons (the cameras) near the top of the map (bottom- most icon does not have a photo attached); note that the attributes for that flood photos are displayed; scroll down a little, look under attachments and click on the hyperlink to load the photo. o Note that you can edit the attributes and/or browse, select a photo on your computer, and upload it. o Click on icons for Flooding Complaints, Historic Water Levels, and Known Flooding Areas to explore the attributes for each of these features. Note, these features do not have photos. From an iOS or Android device (these instructions will not be exact): * From either iTunes or Google Play download the ArcGIS and Collector for ArcGIS apps * From Find Maps, click GIS Connections * Click on the Padlock icon * Login with – o User – highwater o Password – Striketeam! * Click My Groups * Tap on High Water Data Strike Team folder to expand it * Tap on High Water Data (under development) map * Review the information about this map and click Open * Explore the map

  18. “I’ve also added responses (shown in red below) to many of the existing comments to help clarify things a bit. I think these comments are good and will help us to determine how to refine this application to meet the needs of this specific project/effort. The challenge of this effort is to understand what types of data will reside in this application and how best to organize those data. I commend the efforts of Richard and Dave thus far and look forward to working with everyone to better refine this product.” Mark Fulkerson -2013 High Water Mark Application Comments collected in previous discussions by Mark Fulkerson Flood Photos · Are the flood photos the only way to enter in High Water Mark information? Does the name properly reflect this function? Shouldn’t it be High Water Mark? The flood photos are only 1 of 4 high water layers. The flood photos simply represent a point location with 1 or more photos of flooding at that location. · Will we only enter data that has the Surveyor Elevation? The Survey Elevation field is an optional Yes/No entry that we use to define whether or not we plan to survey the high water elevation from the flood photo. · Attributes self-populate - Can the STR, County be filed automatically? For all layers? ?? · Naming convention for photo file names? This is an optional field we use for data management of the photos. The critical field is the HYDROCODE_DESC field which links this photo location to the HISTORIC_PHOTOS table that provides a detailed description of each photo taken at that location for a specific flood event. Flooding Complaints · Address location - Can we input an address and it places in the correct place on the map? (Did not see that option if possible) · Do we want to enter all phone complaints? Or only if we get several from the same area? We have typically included any flooding complaint that we had knowledge of, even if there were only 1 at a certain location. · Can it interface with a handheld GPS (i.e. Garmin)? ?? Historical Water Levels · What are we looking for to be entered there? This layer provides locations with high water elevations from numerous sources. For our uses this layer also includes some present water levels for location comparison with high water levels. I think it would make more sense in the context of this project to only include high water elevations in this layer and possibly rename it to HIGH WATER MARK. · Couldn’t it be linked to a table? Wouldn’t this be a static layer? The attribute table that goes with this layer is populated with all pertinent data associated with the high water elevation (date, source, description, elevation, etc…).

  19. Have you been thinking about our process and how we can refine or add data as needed?Now let’s have those questions and start the dialog

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