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Please take out your notebooks and be prepared to take down the information that is going to be presented. . EL TIEMPO. y. las es ta ci on es. El Tiempo – Clima The Weather. The main objective of this lesson is to understand words and phrases related to weather in Spanish.
Please take out your notebooks and be prepared to take down the information that is going to be presented.
EL TIEMPO y lasestaciones
El Tiempo – ClimaThe Weather The main objective of this lesson is to understand words and phrases related to weather in Spanish
What is the weather like? Here are some common ways to ask about the weather • ¿Qué tiempo hace? What’s the weather like? • ¿Cómoes el clima? How’s the weather? • ¿Cómoestá el clima? How is the weather? You may be thinking "tiempo” means time - that's true - but tiempo is also used to indicate the weather. The word clima is also used frequently.
Weather Expressions • There are 3 words commonly used to make expressions relating to the weather in Spanish: • hace - is used with nouns that denote the weather conditions. Hacefrío. • está- is utilized to describe weather conditions that are considered by the speaker to be temporary. Estácaliente. • hay- It is used to describe what can be seen. Hay sol, hay nieve, hay lluvia.
Weather Expressions With HACE HACE... Hacefrío It's cold Hacecalor It's hot (surroundings) Haceviento It's windy Hace sol It's sunny Hace fresco It's cool
Weather Expressions With ESTÁ ESTÁ... está nevando…………..it’s snowing está lloviendo…………..it’s raining está nublado…………..is cloudy estadespejado…………..is clear está fresco…………..is cool está soleado…………..is sunny
Weather Expressions With ESTÁ ESTÁ... está tronando…………..is thundering está caliente…………..is hot (touch) está cálido…………..is warm está húmedo…………..is humid está brumoso…………..is hazy está mojado…………..is wet
Weather Expressions With HAY HAY... hay lluvia…………..there's rain hay nieve…………..there's snow hay viento…………..there's wind hay neblina…………..there's fog hay nubes…………..there's clouds hay relámpago………..there's lightening hay truenos…………..there's thunder hay humedad…………..there's humidity
Imminent weather expressions • In Spanish, it's common to talk about the future by using the present tense of the verb IRplus a, similar to English going to.... So when talking about imminent weather, it's common to use vaa... plus a verb to express imminent weather: • vaa llover - it's going to rain • va a nevar - it's going to snow • va a hacerfrío - it's going to be cold • va a estarsoleado - it's going to be sunny
More Useful Weather Expressions calor — hot chaparrón — downpour disperso — scattered despejado — cloudless fresco — cool frío — cold granizo — hail, sleet huracán — hurricane humedad — humidity
More Useful Weather Expressions lluvia — rain nieve — snow nublado — cloudy parcialmente — partly pie — foot (12 inches) posibilidad — possibility precipitación — precipitation presión — air pressure
More Useful Weather Expressions pronóstico — forecast pulgada — inch rocío — dew satélite — satellite sol — sun temperatura — temperature visibilidad — visibility viento — wind
What Is The Temperature? There are two main temperature scales: • F°, the Fahrenheit Scale (used in the US) • C°, the Celsius Scale (part of the Metric System, used in most other countries) • They both measure the same thing (temperature!), but use different numbers: • When you freeze water, it measures 0° in Celsius, but 32° in Fahrenheit • When you boil water, it measures 100° in Celsius, but 212° in Fahrenheit
Temperature Formulas Keep in mind that most of the Spanish-speaking world uses temperatures in Celsius rather than the Fahrenheit you're used to if you live in the United States. To convert temperatures from Celsius to Fahrenheit mathematically, use the following formulas: If you try these formulas, you'll find that a body temperature of 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit is the same as 37 degrees Celsius, and vice versa.
Converting Celsius to Fahrenheit • Converting a Celsius temperature to Fahrenheit is easy, just use this formula: • Multiply the Celsius temperature by 9 • Divide the answer by 5 • Add 32 • (°C × 9/5) + 32 = °F • (26° × 9/5 = 234/5 = 46.8) + 32 = 78.8° F
Converting Fahrenheit to Celsius • When converting a Fahrenheit temperature to Celsius use this formula: • Subtract 32 from the Fahrenheit temperature • Divide the answer by 9 • Multiply that answer by 5 • (°F - 32) x 5/9 = °C • (98.6° - 32 = 66.6) × 5/9 = 333/9 = 37° C
Other conversion Methods Use 1.8 instead of 9/5 9/5 is equal to 1.8, so you could also use this method: Fahrenheit to Celsius (°F - 32) / 1.8 = °C Celsius to Fahrenheit (°C × 1.8) + 32 = °F
“Hace + número + grados” Hace 35grados Centígrados (Hace 95grados Farenheit) Hace 32 grados Farenheit (Hace 0grados Centígrado) How do you write the temperature?
What are the seasons in Spanish? In Spanish, the four seasons of the year are as follows: El invierno - winter La primavera - spring El verano - summer El otoño - fall
The Seasons And Their Months diciembre - December EL INVIERNOenero - January febrero - February
The Seasons And Their Months marzo - March LA PRIMAVERAabril - April mayo - May
The Seasons And Their Months junio - June EL VERANOjulio- July agosto- August
The Seasons And Their Months septiembre - September EL OTOÑOoctubre - October noviembre- November
Write The Correct Weather Word ¿Qué tiempo hace? Hace __________ (it’s cold) ¿Qué tiempo hace? Hace __________ (It’s hot) ¿Qué tiempo hace? Hay _________ (it’s windy) ¿Qué tiempo hace? Hace _________ (It's warm) ¿Qué tiempo hace? Está_________ (Is cool) ¿Qué tiempo hace? Está __________ (Is hot) ¿Qué tiempo hace? Hay _______ (There’s snow) ¿Qué tiempo hace? Hay _______ (There’s rain)
Contesta las siguientes preguntas: • Which choice belowisNOT a weatherexpression? • hay lluvia • hace fresco • está feliz • How do yousayfog in Spanish? • nubes • neblina • nublado • Which wordrepresentssunnyweather? • está despejado • está soleado • está cálido
? ? ? ? ¿Tienes alguna pregunta? ? ? ?