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INTRODUCTION TO AIDA GASEOUS DETECTORS TUTORIAL Radiation detection and imaging with gas-avalanche detectors , capable of covering large detection volumes with a low material budget , have been playing an important role in many fields.
INTRODUCTION TO AIDA GASEOUS DETECTORS TUTORIAL Radiation detection and imaging with gas-avalanche detectors, capable of covering large detection volumes with a low material budget, have been playing an important role in many fields. Besides their widespread use in particle-physics and nuclear-physics experiments, gaseous detectors are employed in many other fields: astro-particle research and applications such as medical imaging, material science, and security inspection. Classical gas detectors, such as wire-chambers, large drift chambers, resistive-plate counters, Time Projection Chambers, large area photon detectors for RHIC, are extensively employed in advanced HEP experiments (with some limitations: rate capabilitiy, rad-hardness, space resolution …).
More recently the invention of Micro-Pattern Gas Detectors (MPGD), in particular the Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM), the Micro-Mesh Gaseous Structure (Micromegas), and other more exotic micro pattern detector schemes, offers the possibility to develop new gaseous detectors with unprecedented spatial resolution, high rate capability, large sensitive area, operational stability and radiation hardness. Physics processes understanding, characterization of the gas mixtures, ageing and radiation hardness, discharges protection, mechanical and thermal stress, components materials choice, readout electronics and readout integration with detectors are basic and technical issues to be solved for the optimization and design of the detectors. The three lectures will cover the fundamental physics processes of gas detectors and their simulation (I), the basic principles of detector signal formation (II) and the design of the related front-end electronics (III).
Dr. Rob Veenhof(RD51 – Uludağ Univ.) He has worked in experimental particle physics on muon pair production in 450 GeV p-Be collisions at the NA34 spectrometer (NIKHEF and University of Amsterdam). In ALEPH on the hadronic cross section of the Z; in ATLAS on muondigitisation; in NA60 on baryon and anti-baryon reconstruction; in ALICE and HARP on the design of the TPC read -out cells; in the SFT group on Flukacalculations for the CMS INB report. Since 2005 for RD51 (Development of Micro-Pattern Gas Detectors Technologies), on the modellingof gas-based detectors.
Dr. Werner RIEGLER (CERN) The Particle Detective: I have been able to stay in touch with fundamental physics, while at the same time getting my hands dirty with real experimental equipment. Development of the ATLAS Muon Spectrometer 1994-2000 (CERN-Harvard Univ). Development of detector front-end electronics. CERN Staff member in the LHCb collaboration from 2000-2004. Development of the LHCbMuon Trigger. General detector physics studies. CERN staff member of the ALICE collaboration from 2004-present. Member of the technical coordination team. Technical Coordinator of the ALICE experiment starting from August 1st 2009.
Dr. FlavioLoddo, INFN staff since 1999. Expert in front-end design and mixed-signal ASIC development. He designed the front-end electronics of the Resistive Plate Chambers for CMSexperiment at LHC and more recently he has worked on the development of FE circuit of the KLOEGEM-based inner tracker detector. He’s presently working on the upgrades for LHC experiments.