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Norwalk Public Schools ’

Norwalk Public Schools ’. May 2012 46 States + DC Have Adopted the Common Core State Standards. *Minnesota adopted the CCSS in ELA/literacy only *Adopted by the CT State Board on July 7, 2010. Recent Changes in America….

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Norwalk Public Schools ’

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  1. Norwalk Public Schools’

  2. May 2012 46 States + DC Have Adopted the Common Core State Standards *Minnesota adopted the CCSS in ELA/literacy only *Adopted by the CT State Board on July 7, 2010

  3. Recent Changes in America… • CommonCoreStateStandards(CCSS)voluntary, but almost universal (46 States) • Two testing consortia (PARC & SBAC), both promising computerized testing and performance assessments • CCSS dictates change in content which will necessitate change in teaching practices

  4. What is CCSS? • A core set of academic standards in Mathematics and English/Language Arts collectively developed by states • Science standards to be ready 2013

  5. CCSS BENEFITS FOR STUDENTS • They were adopted to bring about real and meaningful transformation of our education system to benefit all students • They define the knowledge and skills all students need to succeed in college and careers • Expectations will be consistent for all students

  6. CCSS Benefits for Parents • Helps parents understand what students need to know and be able to do • Helps parents support their children and educators by making expectations clear and goals high • Provides equal access to a high quality education • Provides opportunities to meaningfully engage parents

  7. CCSS Benefits for Teachers • Allows for more focused teacher training • Assures that what is taught is aligned with what is assessed • Informs the development of a curriculum that promotes deep understanding for all children

  8. What will the CCSS Accomplish?OVERVIEW • Consistent Standards at each grade level for ALL states in Math, Language Arts & Science • Higher standards for ALL students (rigor) • Prepares students to compete globally • More focused teacher training • National common assessments (tests) at each grade level • Provides the opportunity to compare and evaluate student achievement across states, Districts, schools, etc…

  9. CCSS and then Common Assessment • Common assessments aligned to the Common Core will help ensure the new standards truly reach every student and “Proficiency” will be a national standard • This means that every state will have an equal/comparable measure of student performance

  10. FEWER, CLEARER, HIGHER - DEPTH over BREADTHMATHEMATICS (K-8) • The K-5 standards provide students with a solid foundation in whole numbers, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions and decimals (less breadth but more depth) • The 6-8 standards describe robust learning in geometry, algebra,and probability and statistics • Modeled after the focus of standards from high-performing nations, the standards for grades 7 and 8 include significant algebra and geometry content • Students who have completed 7th grade and mastered the content and skills will be prepared for algebra, in 8th grade or after

  11. MATHEMATICS (9-12) Grades 9-12 organized in conceptual categories or modules/progressions under the headings: Number and Quantity Algebra Functions Geometry Statistics and Probability Modeling

  12. Major Shifts K-5 Numeration and operation intensified, and introduced earlier Memory of basic addition and multiplication facts at specific grades Early place value foundations Regrouping as composing / decomposing Specific references are made to using the “standard algorithm” Emphasis on using unit fractions Emphasis on number line as visualization /structure Focus on properties of operations

  13. Major Shifts K-5 Mathematics K – Count by 10’s and 1’s to 100, using fingers to represent addition and subtraction. Fluency with numbers to 20 Gr. 1 – Count, read, write and represent numbers to 120 Gr. 2 – Memory of all addition facts Gr. 3 – Memory of all multiplication facts. Study of fractions begins Gr. 4 – Fluently add and subtract multi-digit problems. Emphasis on unit fractions and using the number line Gr. 5 – Beginning of division

  14. Instructional Shifts in MATH • FOCUS “Less is more,” “Depth over Breadth,” Fewer topics • COHERENCE Developmentally appropriate progressions: i.e. – What can or should a child learn at each grade level? • RIGOR (balanced) Fluency (“fast & accurate”), Concepts (“Deep Understanding”) & Application (“Real World”)

  15. English Language Arts The Standards comprise three main sections: a comprehensive K-5 section and two content area-specific sections for grades 6-11, one in English language arts and one in history/social studies and science Contains appendices with research supporting the standards, examples of illustrative texts, and samples of student writing

  16. Major Shifts K-5 in Literacy • Building knowledge through content-rich nonfiction and informational text (50:50 info. Text to lit in K-5) • Reading and writing grounded in evidence from text • Regular practice with complex text and its academic vocabulary • Increased emphasis on Speaking & Listening skills

  17. Assessment System Components Assessment system that balances summative, interim, and formative components for Language Arts and Mathematics: • Summative Assessment (Computer Adaptive) • Interim Assessment (Computer Adaptive) • Formative Processes and Tools • Exit exams for secondary subjects

  18. Computer Adaptive Testing (CAT) • Automatically adjusts the level of difficulty to each child - Provides more challenging questions until each student achieves a set percentage level • Reporting the results can be made available more quickly • Test Security is preserved as students are presented with different items


  20. To find out more... Common Core State Standards (home): http://www.corestandards.org/ Connecticut State Department of Education: CT CCSS website: http://www.sde.ct.gov/sde/cwp/view.asp?a=2618&q=322592 Norwalk Public Schools: http://portal.norwalkps.org/default.aspx Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC): http://www.k12.wa.us/SMARTER/ CSDE Web site at

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