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Risks factors for Oral-facial clefts.
Risks factors for Oral-facial clefts Introduction:Theaimofthisstudywastoevaluate the risks factors, incidence, causes and symptoms of oral facial clefts at the children hospitalized in the children’s ward in Stip. Methods:Afterbirth, cleftlipandpalatewerediagnosedbyphysicalexam. The risks factors and special exposure of their mothers duringpregnancy were assessed. Also, the incidence, causes and symptoms at the children with oral facial clefts were evaluated. Their parents did n’t have oral-facial clefts.Results:Theresultsindicatedthat during past 10 year children with oral facial clefts were borned in series in the same or closer month in the year. Also, was find that every year increased the number of children with oral-facial clefts and they were notassociatedwithother syndrome. Childrenwithoral-facial clefts have specialproblems and complication like feedingdifficulties, earinfections and hearingloss. Conclusion: The obtain results suggestthatenvironmentalfactors, suchasdrugs (includingseveraldifferentanti-seizuredrugs) andmaternalsmoking, are risk factors for appearance of oral-facial clefts. Cleftlipsandpalateswere notassociatedwith a syndromearecausedby a combinationofgeneticandenvironmentalfactors. We concluded that seasonalcauses (suchaspesticideexposure); maternaldietandvitaminintake; retinoids, whicharemembersofthevitamin A family; anticonvulsantdrugs; alcohol; cigaretteuse; nitratecompounds; organicsolvents; parentalexposuretolead; asteratogensincreasethepossibilityofclefting. Anincreasedriskforisolatedoral-facial cleftswasfoundincasesborntomotherstreatedwithamoxicillin, phenytoin, oxprenolol, andthiethylperazineduringthesecondandthirdmonthofpregnancy, whichisthecriticalperiod for duringfetaldevelopment.