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ConcepTests in Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics Unit 2: Generalized Analysis of Fluid Properties Note: Slides marked with JLF were adapted from the ConcepTests of John L. Falconer, U. Colorado. Cf. Chem. Eng. Ed. 2004,2007. Day 22 MRs.
ConcepTests in Chemical Engineering ThermodynamicsUnit 2: Generalized Analysis of Fluid PropertiesNote: Slides marked with JLF were adapted from the ConcepTests of John L. Falconer, U. Colorado. Cf. Chem. Eng. Ed. 2004,2007
Day 22 MRs 22.1. Transform the expressions below in terms of Cp, Cv , T, P, and V. Your answer may include absolute values of S if it not associated with a derivative. (S/V)T (a) (P/V)S (b) (T/V)U (c) (U/T)V (d) (P/T)V
Day 22 MRs 22.2. Transform the expressions below in terms of Cp, Cv , T, P, and V. Your answer may include absolute values of S if it not associated with a derivative. (S/P)V (a) Cv(T/P)V/T (b) (T/V)U(c) (U/T)V(d) (P/T)V
Day 22 MRs and EOSs 22.3. Transform the expressions below in terms of Cp, Cv , T, P, and V. Your answer may include absolute values of S if not associated with a derivative. (V/S)P (a) Cv(T/P)V/T (b) T(V/T)P/Cp(c) (T/P)S(d) -(V/T)P
Day 22 MRs and EOSs 22.4. Transform the expressions below in terms of Cp, Cv , T, P, and V. Your answer may include absolute values of S if not associated with a derivative. (G/S)P (a) V(P/S)V/T(b) TS(V/T)P/Cv(c) -TS/Cp(d) -S(T/S)P
Day 22 MRs and EOSs 22.5. Use the vdW EOS to describe the following derivative. -T(Z/T)VFYI vdw EOS is: Z = [1/(1-br)] – [ar/RT] (a) [1/(1-br)] (b) [1/(1-br)2] (c) –[ar/RT](d) [ar/RT2]
QikQiz2.1 Q2.1.1. Transform the expression below in terms of Cp, Cv , T, P, and V. Your answer may include absolute values of S if not associated with a derivative. (A/P)V (a) -S(T/P)V(b) Cp(T/P)V(c) TS/P(d) -VS(T/V)P /Cp
QikQiz2.1 Q2.1.2. Transform the expression below in terms of Cp, Cv , T, P, and V. Your answer may include absolute values of S if not associated with a derivative. (H/P)T (a) V(b) V-T(V/T)P(c) -T(S/P)T+V(d) -T(P/T)V - P
QQ2.1 Q2.1.3. The following strange equation of state has been proposed: P = (RT/V1.5) - a/T1.3where a is a constant. Derive an expression for (P/T)V (a) RT2/(2*V1.5) + a/(0.3*T0.3)(b) (R/V1.5) – 1.3a/T2.3(c) -1.5(R/V2.5) – 1.3a/T2.3(d) (R/V1.5) + 1.3a/T2.3
Day 24 MRs and EOSs 24.1. Transform the expression below in terms of Cp, Cv , T, P, and V. Your answer may include absolute values of S if not associated with a derivative. (H/S)V (a) T(1+ V(P/T)V/Cv )(b) VS(T/V)P/Cv(c) TS/Cp(d) -VS(T/V)P /Cp
Day 24 MRs and EOSs 24.2. Transform the expression below in terms of Cp, Cv , T, P, and V. Your answer may include absolute values of S if not associated with a derivative. (H/P)V (a) Cv(T/P+ T(V/P)T/V )(b) VS(T/V)P/Cv(c) TS/P(d) Cp(T/ P )V + [V-T(V/T)P]
Day 24 MRs and EOSs 24.3. Use the PR(1976) EOS to describe the following derivative. -T(Z/T)VFYI: PR EOS is on P204 (Eq. 6.16-6.19) (a)(b) (c) (d)
Day 24 MRs and EOSs 24.4. FOR the SRK(1972) EOS: -T(Z/T)V = Evaluate (a)(b) (c) (d)
Day 25 MRs and EOSs 25.1. Transform the expression below in terms of Cv, T, P, and V. Your answer may include absolute values of S if not associated with a derivative. (H/T)P (a) Cv+ T(P/T)V(V/T)P(b) Cv+ [T(P/T)V –P ](V/T)P(c) Cp(d) (U/ T)P + P(V/T)P]
Day 25 MRs and EOSs 25.2. Transform the expression below in terms of Cp, Cv , T, P, and V. Your answer may include absolute values of S if not associated with a derivative. (A/V)T (a) (U/V)T - T (S/V)T(b) [(P/T)V – P] + (P/T)V(c) -P(d) –T (P/T)V
Day 26 Dep Funs 26.1. FOR the SRK EOS: Evaluate (a)(b) (c) (d)
Day 26 DepFuns 26.2. FOR the PR EOS: Evaluate(Hint:p602) (a)(b) (c) (d)
Day 26 Dep Funs 26.3. FOR the ESD EOS:where Y = exp(e/kBT)-1.06c and q are constants Evaluate (a)(b) (c) (d)
Day 27 QikQiz2.2 Q2.2.1. Transform the expression below in terms of Cp, Cv , T, P, and V. Your answer may include absolute values of S if not associated with a derivative. (G/S)P (a) - V(T/V)P(b) PS(T/P)V/Cp(c) –ST/Cp(d) (H/S)P –T –S(T/S)P
Day 27 QikQiz2.2 Q2.2.2. Transform the expression below in terms of Cp, Cv , T, P, and V. Your answer may include absolute values of S if not associated with a derivative. (P/S)G (a) -T(V/T)P(b) [-(V/T)P – CpV/(ST)]-1(c) –(ST/Cp)(V/T)P + V(d) -(T/V)P
Day 27 QQ2.2 Q2.2.3 FOR the ESD EOS: Evaluate (a)(b) (c) (d)
Day 27 QQ2.2 Q2.2.4 For the SAFT EOS: Derive an expression for (U-Uig)/RT (a)(b) (c) (d)
28.1. Why do we write our Equation of State models as Z(T,V) or A(T,V) when what we want is V(T,P)? Day 28 EOSs • because dA = PdV – SdT is more “fundamental.” • because pressure is a sum of forces, but density is not a sum of pressures. • to make life difficult for poor students. • because V(T,P) is not a function.
Day 28 EOSs 28.2. FOR the ESD EOS:where Y = exp(e/kBT)-1.06c,q are constants Evaluate (a)(b) (c) (d)
Day 28 EOSs 28.3.True or false____The compressibility factor Z is always less than or equal to unity.____The critical properties Tc and Pc are constants for a given compound.____A steady-state flow process is one for which the velocities of all streams may be assumed negligible.____The temperature of a gas undergoing a continuous throttling process may either increase or decrease across the throttling device, depending on conditions. (a) FTFT(b) TTTF (c) TFTF(d) FFFT
Day 29 HW 29.1. At 2.25$/gal, and 0.692 g/cm3, the price of gasoline in $/kg is closest to: (a) 0.2(b) 0.4(c) 0.6(d) 0.8
Day 29 HW 29.2. At 4$/gal, the price of propane in $/kg is closest to: (a) 1(b) 2(c) 3(d) 4
Day 29 HW 29.3. Referring to problem 6.21, the resulting equation of state at the given conditions has the value of Z = ___ (a) 0.5(b) 1.5(c) 2.5(d) 3.5
Day 33 DepFuns 33.1 FOR the Scott EOS:Evaluate (a)(b) (c) (d)
Day 33 DepFuns 33.2 FOR the EOS:Evaluate (a)(b) (c) (d)
Day 33 33.3 Which of the following would indicate a small acentric factor? (a) high molecular weight(b) a noble gas(c) strong hydrogen bonding(d) a spherical molecule with strong hydrogen bonding
Day 33 33.4. “Boiling” is the process of transforming a liquid into a vapor. “Sublimation” is the process of transforming a solid into a vapor. For carbon dioxide, the heat of sublimation (HV-HS) is roughly 24750 J/mole at the triple point temperature and pressure of -56.6C and 5.27 bars. Estimate the sublimation temperature at 0.5 bar. (a) 240(b) 225(c) 210(d) 195
QikQiz2.3 Q2.3.1 Vapor ethylene oxide is compressed from 25C and 1 bar to 125C and 20 bar. The change in entropy (J/mol-K) is: (a) 8(b) 10(c) -12(d) -16
QikQiz2.3 Q2.3.2. Determine the work (kW) required to continuously compress reversibly and adiabatically 0.5kg/min of ethylene oxide from 25C and 1 bar to 20 bar. The temperature (K) exiting the compressor is: (a) 425(b) 450(c) 470(d) 500
QikQiz2.3 Q2.3.3. Determine the work (kW) required to continuously compress reversibly and adiabatically 0.5kg/min of ethylene oxide (MW=40) from 25C and 1 bar to 20 bar. (a) 1.8(b) 2.0(c) 200(d) 9000
QikQiz2.3 Q2.3.4. Ethylene oxide (MW=40) enters a throttle as saturated liquid at 2MPa and exits at 1bar. Determine the quality (%) at the exit. (a) 45(b) 35(c) 25(d) 15
Day 33 HW Ch 7&8 33.1 FOR the SRK EOS:Evaluate (a)(b) (c) (d)
QikQiz2.4 Q2.4.1. Derive the simplest form of the Gibbs energy departure function for the following equation of state: Z = 1 + 4b/(1-2b) - a/RT1.7 (a) –ln(1-b)- a/RT1.7 + Z – 1 - lnZ(b) -2ln(1-2b)- a/RT1.7 + Z – 1 - lnZ(c) -2ln(1-2b) + 1.7a/RT2.7 + Z – 1 - lnZ(d) -4ln(1-2b)- a/RT1.7 + Z – 1 - lnZ
QikQiz2.4 Q2.4.2. Estimate the vapor pressure (bars) of n-butane at T=40C. (a) 1(b) 2(c) 3(d) 4
QikQiz2.4 Q2.4.3. Estimate the saturation temperature (K) of n-butane at P=20bars. (a) 300(b) 325(c) 350(d) 375
QikQiz2.4 Q2.4.4. “Boiling” is the process of transforming a liquid into a vapor. “Sublimation” is the process of transforming a solid into a vapor. For carbon dioxide, the heat of sublimation (HV-HS) is roughly 24750 J/mole at the triple point temperature and pressure of -56.6C and 5.27 bars. Estimate the sublimation temperature at 0.5 bar. (a) 240(b) 225(c) 210(d) 195
Qq2.5.1. FOR the Scott EOS:Evaluate QikQiz2.5 (a)(b) (c) (d)
QikQiz2.5 Qq2.5.2. FOR the EOS:Evaluate (a)(b) (c) (d)
QikQiz2.5 Q2.5.3. A power cycle is to run on bromine operating at 0.1MPa in the condenser and 6MPa in the boiler. Estimate the Carnot efficiency. (a) 0.3(b) 0.4(c) 0.5(d) 0.6
QikQiz2.5 Q2.5.4. A Rankine cycle is to operate on bromine operating at 0.1MPa in the condenser and 6MPa in the boiler. Estimate the turbine work (kJ/mol). (a) 18(b) 12(c) 6(d) 3
QikQiz2.5 Q2.5.5. A Rankine cycle is to operate on bromine operating at 0.1MPa in the condenser and 6MPa in the boiler. Estimate the Rankine efficiency. (a) 0.3(b) 0.4(c) 0.5(d) 0.6
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