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GIZ Sector Network: Health and Social Protection Johannesburg, 05-09 February 2012

GIZ Sector Network: Health and Social Protection Johannesburg, 05-09 February 2012. Capacity building to increase the all health system effectiveness: a south-south cooperation experience in a Latin American perspective LUIZ EDUARDO FONSECA Fiocruz /Ministry of Health – BRAZIL lef @ fiocruz.br.

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GIZ Sector Network: Health and Social Protection Johannesburg, 05-09 February 2012

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Presentation Transcript

  1. GIZ Sector Network: Health and Social ProtectionJohannesburg, 05-09 February 2012 Capacity building to increase the all health system effectiveness: a south-south cooperation experience in a Latin American perspective LUIZ EDUARDO FONSECA Fiocruz/Ministry of Health – BRAZIL lef@fiocruz.br

  2. Presentation objectives 1. The understanding of current capacity building needs from a Latin American perspective 2. How to address capacity building to meet Latin American expectations 3. How optimize applied strategies of capacity building in a Latin American context

  3. Health sector current capacity building needs in Latin America • To reinforce the national health systems • To strengthen health system governance • To promote intersectoral policies and actions

  4. General view on the global present situation • Crisis in the hard core of the global capitalism: • Debt crisis on central countries with socialization of the deficit (fiscal austerity) • Increasing unemployment and social inequities • Emergent economies still strong but not immune to a world recession.

  5. General view on the Latin American present situation • Population growth • Health hazards • Poor health governance

  6. Capacity building and international cooperation in LA: baseline ideas • Technical assistance versus technical cooperation • Alterity • Development expressing differences • Project ownership • Technical results efficiency versus process of mechanism’s change • Use of modern technologies versus decision making (governance)

  7. International cooperation to strength the health sector and the health systems (1/2) Thus, due to: • Fragile health systems • Limitations on health governance • Sub-financing • Fragile social control

  8. International cooperation to strength the health sector and the health systems (2/2) The international cooperation is still needed to: • Support the weak national health systems • Promote more coordination on public policies to face the social determinants of health • Reinforce national strategies • Align the capacity development activities to national priorities and systems

  9. A south-south experience in capacity building and international cooperation South American Health Council within the South American Union – UNASUL (2008) • 5 years Strategic Health Cooperation Plan • Common funding schemes • Capacity building to develop health technicians training centers, national institutes of health and public health schools • Distance education courses • Advising on national, provincial and local strategic planning • ISAGS

  10. A structural cooperation model for health development • Development of individual skills • Integrated in institutional development • Maximizing partnership: the triangular cooperation

  11. The triangular perspective: challenges for Latin American capacity building aiming the health system development • Is it a new model for the international cooperation? • A new south-south paradigm? • Adaptation and re-definition of financial sources, competences and organizational and institutional cultures • Development of new process indicators • Work on national health priorities and systems aiming capacity building to decision-making processes

  12. Many thanks! LUIZ EDUARDO FONSECA Fiocruz/Ministry of Health – BRAZIL lef@fiocruz.br

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