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Solar Power Electronics Calgary Alberta Canada TSX V STG

Forward Looking Statement. This presentation contain statements that constitute ?forward looking statements" within the meaning of National Instrument 51 ? 102. In particular we includeStatements on the future size of the solar PV market and the size of the solar inverter market;Statements concer

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Solar Power Electronics Calgary Alberta Canada TSX V STG

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    1. Solar Power Electronics Calgary Alberta Canada TSX V (“STG”)

    2. Forward Looking Statement This presentation contain statements that constitute “forward looking statements” within the meaning of National Instrument 51 – 102. In particular we include Statements on the future size of the solar PV market and the size of the solar inverter market; Statements concerning our production plans which make assumptions concerning manufactured costs, sales and average selling prices; and Statements concerning factors which we believe relevant in assessing whether our plans are achievable Such forward looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause our actual results, performances or achievements to differ materially from the anticipated results, performances or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from anticipated results include the risks and uncertainties described in our Annual Information Form filed with the Alberta Securities Commission and which may be found at www.sedar.com and our website at www.sustainableenergy.com We disclaim any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements in this presentation, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise

    3. Highlights

    4. Our take on the market

    5. Thin film has the edge

    6. Policy tilt to rooftops & building integrated solar No transmission and grid infrastructure costs; rooftop systems stabilize grid Ideal peak shaver for building air conditioning loads European feed – in tariffs offer premium pricing for rooftop and BIPV Spain shifts from solar plants (90% in 07-08) mandating 2/3 (200MW) for rooftops So to summarize the technical benefits of our inverter for building solutions, our inverters Accommodate shading from normal urban congestion Accommodate a wider variety of building designs The inverters are extra low voltage The end product can be pre-assembled and pre-fabricated to reduce costSo to summarize the technical benefits of our inverter for building solutions, our inverters Accommodate shading from normal urban congestion Accommodate a wider variety of building designs The inverters are extra low voltage The end product can be pre-assembled and pre-fabricated to reduce cost

    7. Why this matters to STG A larger market: Industry growth (35% - 45% CAGR) will grow inverter sales from $1.3B/yr in 2007 to $3.B/yr in 2010 and $6.9B/yr in 2012 Real competition creates demand for an edge: Oversupply conditions will drive a demand for differentiated solutions to gain market share and maintain margins Well defined need for STG value: STG technology addresses thin film’s single biggest hurdles in rooftop applications Focus on total system cost and yields: STG value is higher total system yields and lower balance of system costs under real world conditions

    8. What STG has to offer Reduces shading losses and eliminates module mismatch losses from variances in orientation and manufacturing tolerances = higher yields 5% - 15% higher total system yields under real world conditions Simplifies system design and installation; reduces wiring costs; improves area coverage = lower balance of system cost

    9. How it works

    10. For example: Shading This is the problem with solar today, in that it requires ideal conditions. But what happens if you have shading? Shading can come from a variety of sources. What this study shows, from U of Oregon is that shading has a huge impact on performance when using series configuration. This is the problem with solar today, in that it requires ideal conditions. But what happens if you have shading? Shading can come from a variety of sources. What this study shows, from U of Oregon is that shading has a huge impact on performance when using series configuration.

    11. For example: Module orientation This is the problem with solar today, in that it requires ideal conditions. But what happens if you have shading? Shading can come from a variety of sources. What this study shows, from U of Oregon is that shading has a huge impact on performance when using series configuration. This is the problem with solar today, in that it requires ideal conditions. But what happens if you have shading? Shading can come from a variety of sources. What this study shows, from U of Oregon is that shading has a huge impact on performance when using series configuration.

    12. Complete rooftop solution Pre-assembled “bundles” consisting of thin film PV modules, pre-cut racking and simplified wiring assemblies Massively parallel alignment enables virtually 100% area coverage Standardized package eliminates complex design issues and reduces installer time on the roof New wiring concepts reduce connector and wiring costs and losses Operating voltages below “extra low voltage” regulatory thresholds (120v) enables installation by anyone

    13. Another potential market Parallel array reduces exposure to “module mismatch” from variability in manufacturing and installation tolerances Ultra fast control response and proprietary “idle” mode ensure continuous grid connectivity under changing lighting conditions Industry’s best hot weather performance eliminates “thermal rollback” as ambient temperatures rise We are just learning about this technology as are many of the project developers but we believe we may be a key enabler Based on what we have learned in the past 6 months: We can increase efficiencies by up to 6% We keep the system connected to the power grid And we maintain full power all day in very high temperatures which is where these systems will be sited We are just learning about this technology as are many of the project developers but we believe we may be a key enabler Based on what we have learned in the past 6 months: We can increase efficiencies by up to 6% We keep the system connected to the power grid And we maintain full power all day in very high temperatures which is where these systems will be sited

    14. Where we stand today Patented and proprietary technology More than 1,300 Gen I units in Spain and Greece meeting performance specifications Gen II modular platform will support multiple products Gen II will have lowest manufactured cost/watt in its class Gen II will qualify in all major markets; rollout in Q1 2009

    15. Where we stand today 50/50 joint venture with Spain’s top construction company: Copcisa SLU STG sells inverters to joint venture at OEM prices; Joint venture sells rooftop bundles to systems aggregators Building supply chain relationships with leading thin film manufacturers and others Prototype planned with leading systems integrator for Oct/Nov 2008 Plan to begin taking orders in Q4 2008 with first sales in Q1 2009

    16. Where we stand today

    17. Where we earn our revenue

    18. Leadership team . .

    19. In summary

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