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SQL or SEQUEL - (Structured English Query Language). Based on relational algebra Developed in 1970's released in early 1980'sStandardized - SQL-92 (SQL2), SQL-3, SQL:1999 (SQL-99), current standard - SQL:2003 (aka SQL:200n)High-level DB language used in ORACLE, etc. created at IBM with System
1. SQL Chapter 8
2. SQL or SEQUEL - (Structured English Query Language) Based on relational algebra
Developed in 1970's released in early 1980's
Standardized - SQL-92 (SQL2), SQL-3, SQL:1999 (SQL-99),
current standard - SQL:2003 (aka SQL:200n)
High-level DB language used in ORACLE, etc. created at IBM with System R
SQL provides DDL and DML
DDL - create table, alter table, drop table
DML - Queries in SQL
3. SQL Relation not a set of tuples - a multiset or bag of tuples
Therefore, 2 or more tuples may be identical
Basic building block of SQL is the Select Statement
SELECT <attribute list>
FROM <table list >
WHERE <search conditions>
4. Select Statement Select - chooses columns (project operation p in relational algebra)
From - combines tables if > 1 table (join operation |X| in relational algebra)
Where - chooses rows (select operation s in relational algebra) Exs.
Result of a query is a relation
Results may contain duplicate tuples
Can rename a column name using: as
E.g. select lname as last_name from employee
5. Queries Retrieve the birthdate and address of the employee whose name is 'Smith‘
Select bdate, address
From Employee
Where lname = 'Smith'
To retrieve all the attribute values of the selected tuples, a * is used
Select *
From Employee
Where lname = 'Smith'
6. Queries To select all rows and columns of a relation
Select *
From Employee
To select some of the rows
Select *
From Employee
Where dno = 5
To select specified columns for all rows
Select SSN
From Employee
7. Select Clause Select <attribute list>
Attribute list can be:
column names
arithmetic expressions involving columns, etc.
In Oracle, can also be a select statement (but select can only return 1 column and 1 row)
* lists all attributes in a table
To rename an attribute, use the keyword as
Select lname as last_name
From employee
8. From clause From <table list>
Table list can be:
one or more table names
a select statement itself
How is data combined between more than 1 table?
9. Combining tuples in where clause` To retrieve data that is in more than one table can use:
a cartesian product X Fig6.5
Select *
From Empnames, Dependent
A join operation |X| Fig6.6
List each department and its manger info
Select *
From Employee, Department
Where mgrssn=ssn
10. Combining tuples in where clause A cartesian product combines each tuple in one table, with all the tuples in the second table (and all columns unless specified in select clause)
A join combines a tuple from the first table with tuple(s) in the second table if the specified (join) condition is satisfied (again, all columns included unless specified in select clause)
11. Relational Algebra Select those who work for the research department?
Similar to select-project-join sequence of relational algebra operations
dname = 'Research' is a selection condition
dnumber = dno is a join condition
12. Join Conditions For every project located in 'Stafford' list the project number, the controlling department number and department manager's last name, address and birthdate.
Select pnumber, dnum, lname, bdate, address
From Project, Department, Employee
Where dnum = dnumber and mgrssn = ssn
and plocation = 'Stafford'
There are 2 join conditions in the above query
13. Additional characteristics In SQL we can use the same name for 2 or more attributes in different relations. Must qualify the attributes names:
Use distinct to eliminate duplicate tuples:
Select distinct salary
From Employee
14. Additional characteristics
Aliases are used to rename relations:
Select E.lname, D. dname From Employee E, Department D
Where E.dno = D.dnumber
List all employee names and their supervisor names
Select E.fname, E.lname, S.fname, S.lname
From Employee E, Employee S
Where E.superssn = S.ssn
15. Where clause Where <search conditions> (s in relational algebra)
Search conditions can be:
Comparison predicate: expr § expr2
where § is <, >, <=, etc.
in, between, like, etc.
expr is constant, col, qual.col,
aexpr op aexpr, fn(aexpr), set_fn(aexpr)
expr2 is expr | select statement
Note: expr can be a select statement!
16. Expr as a select statement You need to be careful using this. Result must be a single value
Select lname, dno
From employee
Where dno = (select dnumber
from department
where dname = ‘Research’)
17. Using Predicates Using where condition - you can nest queries:
In predicate: expr [not] in (select | val
{, val})
Quantified predicate: expr § [all | any] (select)
Exists predicate: [not] exists (select)
Other where conditions:
Between predicate: expr [not] between expr2 and expr3
Like predicate: col [not] like 'pattern'
Null predicate: col is [not] null
18. Predicates Predicates evaluate to either T or F. Many of the previous queries can be specified in an alternative form using nesting.
19. In predicate The in predicate tests set membership for a single value at a time.
In predicate: expr [not] in (select | val {, val})
Select * From Agents
Where city in ('Atlanta', 'Dallas')
20. In predicate Rewrite to select employees in research dept.
Select *
From Employee
Where dno in (Select dnumber
From Department
where dname = 'Research')
The outer query selects an Employee tuple if its dno value is in the result of the nested query.
21. Quantified predicate Quantified predicate compares a single value with a set according to the predicate.
Quantified predicate: expr § [all | any] (select)
Select *
From Employee
Where dno = any (Select Dnumber
From Department
Where dname = 'Research')
22. Quantified predicate What does the following query?
Select *
From Employee
Where salary > all (Select salary
From Employee
Where sex = 'F')
= any equivalent to in
not in equivalent to <> all
23. Exists predicate The exists predicate tests if a set of rows is non-empty
Exists predicate: [not] exists (select)
Select *
From Employee
Where exists (Select *
From Department
Where dname = 'Research' and dno = dnumber)
24. Exists predicate Exists is used to check whether the result of the inner query is empty or not. If the result is NOT empty, then the tuple in the outer query is in the result.
Exists is used to implement difference (‘not in’ used) and intersection.
25. Exists predicate Retrieve all the names of employees who have no dependents.
Select fname, lname
From Employee
Where not exists (Select *
From Dependent
Where ssn = essn)
All of the Dependent tuples related to one Employee tuple are retrieved. If none exist (not exists is true and the inner query is empty) the Employee tuple is in the result.
26. Nested queries In general we can have several levels of nested queries.
A reference to an unqualified attribute refers to the relation declared in the inner most nested query.
An outer query cannot reference an attribute in an inner query (like scope rules in higher level languages).
A reference to an attribute must be qualified if its name is ambiguous.
27. Will this work? Suppose you want the ssn and dname:
Select ssn, dname
from employee
where dno in (select dnumber
from department)
28. Correlated Nested Queries Correlated Nested Queries:
If a condition in the where-clause of a nested query references an attribute of a relation declared in an outer query, the two queries are said to be correlated.
The result of a correlated nested query is different for each tuple (or combination of tuples) of the relation in the outer query.
Which takes longer to execute? a correlated nested query or a non-correlated nested query?
29. Correlated queries List the name of employees who have dependents with the same birthday as they do.
Select E.fname, E.lname
From Employee E
Where E.ssn in (Select essn
From Dependent D
Where essn = E.ssn
and E.bdate = D.bdate)
Can this be written as uncorrelated nested?
30. Single block queries An Expression written using = or IN may almost always be expressed as a single block query:
Select E.fname, E.lname
From Employee E, Dependent D
Where E.ssn = E.essn and E.bdate = D.bdate
31. Select statement Multiple levels of select nesting are allowed.
Like predicate, Between predicate and Null predicate
Can apply arithmetic operations to numeric values in SQL
Select fname, lname, 1.1*salary
From Employee
Select discount_rate*price
From products
32. Aggregate functions Aggregate Functions (set functions, aggregates):
Include COUNT, SUM, MAX, MIN and AVG
aggr (col)
Find the maximum salary, the minimum salary and the average salary among all employees.
Select MAX(salary), MIN(salary), AVG(salary)
From Employee
33. Aggregates Retrieve the total number of employees in the company
Select COUNT(*)
From Employee
Retrieve the number of employees in the research department.
Select COUNT(*)
From Employee, Department
Where dno=dnumber and dname='Research'
34. Aggregates Note that: Select COUNT(*)
from Employee
Will give you the same result as:
Select COUNT(salary) from Employee
Unless there are nulls - not counted for salary
To count the number of distinct salaries.
Select COUNT(distinct salary)
From Employee
35. What does this query do? SELECT dno, lname, salary FROM employee x
WHERE salary >
(SELECT AVG(salary)
FROM employee
WHERE x.dno = dno)
What would happen if you delete the qualification “x.”?
36. Grouping We can apply the aggregate functions to subgroups of tuples in a relation.
Each subgroup of tuples consists of the set of tuples that have the same value for the grouping attribute(s).
The aggregate is applied to each subgroup independently.
SQL has a group-by clause for specifying the grouping attributes.
37. Grouping For each department, retrieve the department number, the total number of employees and their average salary.
Select dno, COUNT(*), AVG(salary)
From Employee
Group By dno
The tuples are divided into groups with the same dno.
COUNT and AVG are then applied to each group.
38. Grouping For each project, retrieve the project number, project name and the number of employees who work on that project.
Select pnumber, pname, COUNT(*)
From Project, Works_on
Where pnumber=pno
Group By pnumber, pname
In the above query, the joining of the two relations is done first, then the grouping and aggregates are applied.
39. Oracle group by Expressions in the GROUP BY clause can contain any columns of the tables or views in the FROM clause, regardless of whether the columns appear in the SELECT clause.
However, only grouping attribute(s) and aggregate functions can be listed in the SELECT clause.
40. Having Clause Sometimes we want to retrieve those tuples with certain values for the aggregates.
The having clause is used to specify a selection condition on a group (rather than individual tuples).
If a having is specified, you must specify a group by.
41. Having For each project on which more than two employees work, retrieve the project number, project name, and the number of employees who work on that project.
Select pnumber, pname, COUNT(*)
From Project, Works_on
Where pnumber =pno
Group By pnumber, pname
Having COUNT(*) > 2
42. To Access Oracle in EE116 Log on to the machine, using your STUDENTS account
Login: bama account name
Password: your CWID
Go to Start, Programs then choose Oracle-OraHome9, Application Development and SQL Plus.
In SQL Plus
User Name: your CWID
Password: your CWID
Host String: students
43. Using SQL Plus Type in SQL commands interactively
Or can cut and paste queries from a .txt file
Each SQL statement must have a semicolon ; at the end
Results of the queries are displayed on the screen
Can cut and paste the results to a file
Can also run commands from a file by specifying @filename
To write the screen output to a file, select File, Spool and specify a filename
Use Spool off to stop redirection to the file
44. Oracle: changes permanent inserting tuples into a table using SQL Plus, you must:
type in commit;
specify quit;
To make changes permanent
45. Oracle SQL Oracle9i SQL reference can be found here
46. Subselect formal definition Select called Subselect
Select expr {, expr}
From tablename [alias] {, tablename [alias]}
[Where search_condition]
[Group By col {, col}]
[Having search_condition]
47. Order By To sort the tuples in a query result based on the values of some attribute:
Order by col_list
Default is ascending order (asc), but can specify descending order (desc)
48. Order by Retrieve a list of the employees each project (s)he works on, ordered by the employee's department, and within each department order the employees alphabetically by last name.
Select dname, lname, fname, pname
From Department, Employee, Works_on, Project
Where dnumber=dno and ssn=essn and
Order By dname, lname
49. Set operations Also available are Set Operations, such as:
Subselect {Union [all] subselect} [Order By col [asc | desc] {, col [asc | desc]}]
50. Set Operations The resulting relations are sets of tuples; duplicate tuples are eliminated.
Operations apply only to union compatible relations. The two relations must have the same number of attributes and the attributes must be of the same type.
51. Oracle example SELECT * FROM
52. Set operations List all project numbers for projects that have an employee whose last name is Smith as a worker or as a manager of the department that controls the project.
(Select pname
From Project, Department, Employee
Where dnum=dnumber and mgrssn=ssn and lname='Smith')
(Select pname
From Project, Works_on, Employee
Where pnumber=pno and essn=ssn and lname='Smith')
53. Example queries SQL to list employee name and department name for employees with salary > $25,000.
SQL to list department name for departments with average salary > $25,000.
Can you write this query?:
SQL to list employee name and department name for departments with average salary > $25,000.
54. Example Queries Suppose you have created a table QtrSales (ID, Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4)
SQL to compute the total sales for each quarter?
SQL to compute the total sales for each ID?
55. Evaluation Logical order of evaluation:
Apply Cartesian product to tables, apply search conditions, then group by and having.
Apply the select clause and order the result for the display.
Actual order of evaluation?
More efficient to apply join condition during Cartesian product (called a join operation)
How can a DBMS implement a join?
56. DDL – Data Definition in SQL Used to CREATE, DROP and ALTER the descriptions of the relations of a database
Specifies a new base relation by giving it a name, and specifying each of its attributes and their data types
CREATE TABLE name (col1 datatype, col2 datatype, ..)
Data types: (ANSI SQL vs. Oracle)
There are differences between SQL and Oracle, but Oracle will convert the SQL types to its own internal types
int, smallint, integer converted to NUMBER
Character is char(l) or varchar2(l), varchar(l) still works
Float and real converted to number
58. Constraints Constraints are used to specify primary keys, referential integrity constraints, etc.
table (col)
You can also specify NOT NULL for a column
59. Create table – In line constraint definition Create table Project2 (pname varchar2(9)
pnumber int not null,
plocation varchar2(15),
dnum int CONSTRAINT fk
REFERENCES Department (dnumber),
phead int);
60. Create Table – out of line constraint definition Create table Project2 (pname varchar2(9),
pnumber int not null,
plocation varchar2(15),
dnum int, phead int,
REFERENCES Department (dnumber));
61. Oracle Specifics When you specify a foreign key constraint out of line, you must specify the FOREIGN KEY keywords and one or more columns. When you specify a foreign key constraint inline, you need only the REFERENCES clause.
62. Create table To create a table with a composite primary key must us out of line definition:
Create table Works_on (essn char(9), pno
int, hours number(4,1),
CONSTRAINT pk2 PRIMARY KEY (essn, pno));
63. DROP TABLE Used to remove a relation and its definition
The relation can no longer be used in queries, updates or any other commands since its description no longer exists
Drop table dependent;
64. ALTER TABLE To alter the definition of a table in the following ways:
to add a column
to add an integrity constraint
to redefine a column (datatype, size, default value) – there are some limits to this
to enable, disable or drop an integrity constraint or trigger
other changes relate to storage, etc.
65. Alter is useful when … You have two tables that reference each other
Table must be defined before referenced, so how to define?:
department mgrssn references employee ssn with mgrssn
Employee dno references department dnumber
Create employee table without dno
Create department table with reference to mgrssn
Alter employee and add dno column
66. Alter table - Oracle The table you modify must have been created by you, or you must have the ALTER privilege on the table.
If used to add an attribute to one of the base relations, the new attribute will have NULLS in all the tuples of the relation after command is executed; hence, NOT NULL constraint is not allowed for such an attribute.
Alter table employee add job varchar(12);
The database users must still enter a value for the new attribute job for each employee tuple using the update command. Oracle alter
67. Updates (DML) Insert, delete and update
Insert into table_name ( [(col1 {, colj})] values (val1 {, valj}) | (col1 {, colj}) subselect )
add a single tuple
attribute values must be in the same order as the CREATE table
68. Insert
Insert into Employee values ('Richard', 'K', 'Marini', '654298343', '30-DEC-52', '98 Oak Forest, Katy, TX', 'M', 37000, '987654321, 4);
Use null for null values in ORACLE
69. Insert Alternative form - specify attributes and leave out the attributes that are null
Insert into Employee (fname, lname, ssn) values ('Richard', 'Marini', '654298343');
Constraints specified in DDL are enforced when updates are applied.
70. Insert To insert multiple tuples from existing table:
Create table Depts_Info (dept_name
varchar(10), no_of_emps int, total_sal int);
Insert into Depts_Info
Select dname, count(*), sum(salary)
From Department, Employee
Where dnumber = dno
Group By dname;
71. Delete Delete from table_name [search_condition]
If include a where clause to select, tuples are deleted from table one at a time
The number of tuples deleted depends on the where clause
If no where clause included all tuples are deleted - the table is empty
72. Delete Delete From Employee
Where lname = 'Brown‘;
Delete From Employee
Where ssn = '123456789‘;
Delete from Employee
Where dno in (Select dnumber
From Department
Where dname = 'Research');
Delete from Employee;
73. Update Modifies values of one or more tuples
Where clause used to select tuples
Set clause specified the attribute and value (new)
Only modifies tuples in one relation at a time
Update <table name>
Set attribute = value {, attribute = value}
Where <search conditions>
74. Update Update Project
Set plocation = 'Bellaire', dnum = 5
Where pnumber = 10
Update Employee
Set salary = salary * 1.1
Where dno in (Select dnumber
From department
Where dname = 'Research')
75. Integrity constraints in Oracle A NOT NULL constraint prohibits a database value from being null.
A unique constraint - allows some values to be null.
A primary key constraint combines a NOT NULL constraint and a unique constraint in a single declaration.
A foreign key constraint requires values in one table to match values in another table.
A check constraint requires a value in the database to comply with a specified condition.
A REF constraint lets you further describe the relationship between a REF column and the object it references.
76. Violation of Integrity Constraints Insert, delete or update can violate a referential integrity constraint
SQL allows qualified options to be specified for the foreign key:
Set null
Set default
On delete or On update (includes insert)
Not all options available in Oracle
Set null and Cascade
77. Oracle The ON DELETE clause - If you omit this clause, then Oracle does not allow you to delete referenced key values in the parent table that have dependent rows in the child table.
Specify CASCADE if you want Oracle to remove all tuples with dependent foreign key values.
Specify SET NULL if you want Oracle to convert dependent foreign key values to NULL.
78. Relational Views A view - a virtual table that is derived from other tables (vs. base table)
A view can be used to simplify frequent queries
e.g. a join condition
A view does not necessarily exist in physical form
There is no limit on querying a view
(limits on an update to a view)
Views are useful for security and authorization mechanisms
79. Create View View attribute names are inherited from other tables
If aggregate functions are the result of arithmetic operations, they must be renamed
Views can be defined using other views
80. Create view CREATE VIEW view_name [(col1 {, col2})]
AS SELECT col1 {, col2}
FROM (table1| view1) {, table2 | view2}
WHERE search_condition
81. Multiple table views To create a view from multiple tables
Create View Works_on1
As Select fname, lname, pname, hours
From Employee, Project, Works_on
Where ssn = essn and pno = pnumber
82. Create View Create a view to list for each department: dname, number of employees and total salary paid out
Create View Dept_Info (dept_name, no_of_emps, total_sal)
As Select dname, count(*), sum(salary)
From Department, Employee
Where dnumber = dno
Group By dname;
83. Views Queries on View - same as queries on base tables
Retrieve the last and first names of all employees who work on ProjectX
Select lname, fname
From Works_on1
Where pname = ‘ProjectX’
How to represent derived attributes?
84. Maintain views 2 strategies to maintain views:
View is stored as a temporary table for future queries called view materialization
view is not realized at the time of the view definition but when specify the query
Another strategy is to modify the view query into a query on the underlying base table called query modification
DBMS keeps views up to date – how?
85. Views A view is removed by using the DROP VIEW command.
Drop View Works_on1;
Drop View Dept_info;
86. Updating views If specify an update to a view, it updates the corresponding tables.
Create View Emp
As Select fname, lname, ssn, dno
From Employee
Update Emp
Set dno = 1
Where lname = ‘English’
87. Updating views It may not make sense to update some views – why?
Update Dept_info
Set total_sal = 100000
Where dname = ‘Research’
Cannot always guarantee that a view can be updated
88. Views When would it not make sense?
General Rule: (true for ORACLE)
View with one defining table is updatable if the view attributes contain a primary key
Views with more than one table using joins is not updatable
View with aggregate functions are not updatable
89. Logical order of Evaluation
Select pnumber, pname, COUNT(*)
From Project, Works_on
Where pnumber =pno
Group By pnumber, pname
Having COUNT(*) > 2
Order by pname
Apply Cartesian product to tables,
apply search conditions,
then group by and having.
Apply the select clause
order the result for the display.
90. Order of evaluation Actual order of evaluation?
More efficient to apply join condition during Cartesian product (called a join operation)
How can a DBMS implement a join?