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Unison is a full-service digital agency that develops integrated solutions by combining anthropological, strategic, creative and technological capabilities to advance our clients’ brands across all relevant touch points. By combining high-impact media and seamless usability with the latest technology in content management systems, e-commerce, social media and digital mobility, Unison works with nascent as well as well-known international brands to deliver value by creating end-customer experiences that are multifunctional and bridge channels and platforms.
Unison Agency Case Studies ASTRAZENECA co MMunication WEB S WebMAINTAINING THE SUCCESSFUL CHALLENGE AstraZeneca, one of the world’s largest pharmaceuticalCHARACTERISTICS OF A BRAND companies,needed to revamp their communications, both internally and externally. Specifically, the company needed a way to easily communicatethe benefits and requirements of its PrescriptionWHILE PROVIDING A MODERN Assistance Program for Medicare patients.FACELIFT. UNISON BRANDING SOLUTIONAND PACKAGING TAKES Unison’s engagement with AstraZeneca consisted of three major phases. In its first stage, Unison helped to redesign internalALREADY EXISTING STRENGTHS corporate communications at AstraZeneca, debuting a new palette of presentation graphics and formats for use within the company. The new visual language introduced by Unison injected some modernityOF A PRODUCT AND EXPOSES into adecades-old company. In its second stage, Unison designed “AZ&Me,” a website targeted toward Medicare patients to explain the particularsTHEM TO THE CONSUMER. of Medicare and the Prescription Assistance Program. The siteASTRAZENECA 202.337.7887 UNISONA GENC Y.C OM
was designed to effectively and intuitively communicate complex ABOUT UNISONinformation to AstraZeneca’s customers. In its third stage, Unison Unison delivers design, branding, interactive and strategic com-designed two parallel sites for AZ’s cholesterol drug, Crestor. The munication services to help companies develop unique and effec-two sites, one targeted toward doctors and one toward consumers, tive brands. Unlike many creative-only or strategy-only agencies,demonstrated the proven results of the drug in trials and explained Unison’s multi-talented team of strategists, designers, writers andwhat symptoms and conditions Crestor could improve. technical developers provides a broad, 360-degree vision of each communications challenge.RESULTAstraZeneca was more efficient at patient outreach and education. CONTACTComplex insurance policies were made understandable to patients 1010 Wisconsin Ave., NWand the personalization of the “AZ&Me” site, based on the patient’s Suite 400prescription needs, made the prescription process intuitive for a Washington, DC 20007key market segment that is as a whole less Internet-savvy than thepopulation at large. Patrice Samara Executive Director of Strategic Communications P. 202.337.7887 E.patrice@unisonagency.com ®ASTRAZENECA was designed to effectively and intuitively communicate complex ABOUT UNISONinformation to AstraZeneca’s customers. In its third stage, Unison Unison delivers design, branding, interactive and strategic com-designed two parallel sites for AZ’s cholesterol drug, Crestor. The munication services to help companies develop unique and effec-two sites, one targeted toward doctors and one toward consumers, tive brands. Unlike many creative-only or strategy-only agencies,demonstrated the proven results of the drug in trials and explained Unison’s multi-talented team of strategists, designers, writers andwhat symptoms and conditions Crestor could improve. technical developers provides a broad, 360-degree vision of each communications challenge.RESULTAstraZeneca was more efficient at patient outreach and education. CONTACTComplex insurance policies were made understandable to patients 1010 Wisconsin Ave., NWand the personalization of the “AZ&Me” site, based on the patient’s Suite 400prescription needs, made the prescription process intuitive for a Washington, DC 20007key market segment that is as a whole less Internet-savvy than thepopulation at large. Patrice Samara Executive Director of Strategic Communications P. 202.337.7887 E.patrice@unisonagency.com ®ASTRAZENECA
AVALON PHARMA BRANDING Movie Production PRODUCT PACKAGING eMarketing WebCLIENT’S BRAND HAS BEEN CHALLENGE The client is a Saudi company and a leading pharmaceutical pro-COMPLETELY RE-DESIGNED AND ducer in the Middle East. Given its ambitious expansion plans in both product mix and new market entry, the company needs an integrated approach to marketing. Re-evaluating the equity of the existing brandBROUGHT INTO A was a necessary first step. The client needed a plan that would be fitting of a regional leader in the pharma industry and would be aMODERN MARKET. powerful presence in an increasingly competitive industry. SOLUTION Unison brought out the whole package for this extensive engagement. An extensive brand audit identified key areas of strength and areas where improvement was needed in communicating quality, safety, and value in the Middle East market. After engaging in a comprehen- sive review process, Unison strategists, copywriters, and designers began work on an overhaul of the Avalon name. The new brand mes-AVALON PHARMA 202.337.7887 unisonagency.coM AVALON PHARMA BRANDING Movie Production PRODUCT PACKAGING eMarketing WebCLIENT’S BRAND HAS BEEN CHALLENGE The client is a Saudi company and a leading pharmaceutical pro-COMPLETELY RE-DESIGNED AND ducer in the Middle East. Given its ambitious expansion plans in both product mix and new market entry, the company needs an integrated approach to marketing. Re-evaluating the equity of the existing brandBROUGHT INTO A was a necessary first step. The client needed a plan that would be fitting of a regional leader in the pharma industry and would be aMODERN MARKET. powerful presence in an increasingly competitive industry. SOLUTION Unison brought out the whole package for this extensive engagement. An extensive brand audit identified key areas of strength and areas where improvement was needed in communicating quality, safety, and value in the Middle East market. After engaging in a comprehen- sive review process, Unison strategists, copywriters, and designers began work on an overhaul of the Avalon name. The new brand mes-AVALON PHARMA 202.337.7887 unisonagency.coM
sage and visual identity were at the heart of the re-positioning effort. ABOUT UNISONThe visual identity was extended to a new line of product packaging Unison delivers design, branding, interactive and strategic com-designed to communicate safety and results, while moving from the munication services to help companies develop unique and effec-generic look of the company’s previous packaging to that of a modern tive brands. Unlike many creative-only or strategy-only agencies,global pharma company. In the engagement’s last phase, the brand Unison’s multi-talented team of strategists, designers, writers andstrategy was carried over to a new dynamic Web presence used to technical developers provides a broad, 360-degree vision of eachmarket the company not just in the Gulf but around the world. communications challenge. CONTACTRESULT 1010 Wisconsin Ave., NWClient’s brand has been completely re-designed and brought into a Suite 400modern market. Given a new strategy and more visually appealing Washington, DC 20007look at all touchpoints, the company is in a much stronger position tocompete in many foreign markets. The company continues to meet Patrice Samaraor exceed its ambitious growth forecasts as it reinvents itself as a Executive Director of Strategic Communicationsvalued supplier of pharmaceutical and dermatological products toindividual consumers and institutional customers. P. 202.337.7887 E.patrice@unisonagency.com ®AVALON PHARMA sage and visual identity were at the heart of the re-positioning effort. ABOUT UNISONThe visual identity was extended to a new line of product packaging Unison delivers design, branding, interactive and strategic com-designed to communicate safety and results, while moving from the munication services to help companies develop unique and effec-generic look of the company’s previous packaging to that of a modern tive brands. Unlike many creative-only or strategy-only agencies,global pharma company. In the engagement’s last phase, the brand Unison’s multi-talented team of strategists, designers, writers andstrategy was carried over to a new dynamic Web presence used to technical developers provides a broad, 360-degree vision of eachmarket the company not just in the Gulf but around the world. communications challenge. CONTACTRESULT 1010 Wisconsin Ave., NWClient’s brand has been completely re-designed and brought into a Suite 400modern market. Given a new strategy and more visually appealing Washington, DC 20007look at all touchpoints, the company is in a much stronger position tocompete in many foreign markets. The company continues to meet Patrice Samaraor exceed its ambitious growth forecasts as it reinvents itself as a Executive Director of Strategic Communicationsvalued supplier of pharmaceutical and dermatological products toindividual consumers and institutional customers. P. 202.337.7887 E.patrice@unisonagency.com ®AVALON PHARMA
Bahrain Branding WEBSITE DESIGN web brochures campaignBRINGING A MESSAGE OF MIDDLE Challenge Better familiarize Americans with Bahrain, its century-old friendshipEAST PROGRESS TO THE UNITED with the United States, and to further strengthen the region’s eco- nomic stability through free trade. Provide an up-to-date resource on news of the debate over free trade and highlight areas of impor-STATES. UNISON IS PROUD TO tance to U.S. members of Congress and U.S. business community on Bahrain.SHARE THE GULF’S MOST OPENCULTURE AND MARKET WITH THE Solution Unison created a comprehensive identity program composed of a logoREST OF THE WORLD. and tagline (Bahrain: Gateway to the Gulf), a themed website bahrain- gateway.org designed and written advertising copy for the Hill and Roll Call publications, created a brochure for U.S. Congress on the subject of Bahrain, implemented an e-mail marketing campaign, online marketing, developed new collateral for the Embassy staff (Business cards, letter head, envelopes), and other assets t-shirts, mugs, bags, and pens.Bahrain 202.337.7887 unisonagency.coM Bahrain Branding WEBSITE DESIGN web brochures campaignBRINGING A MESSAGE OF MIDDLE Challenge Better familiarize Americans with Bahrain, its century-old friendshipEAST PROGRESS TO THE UNITED with the United States, and to further strengthen the region’s eco- nomic stability through free trade. Provide an up-to-date resource on news of the debate over free trade and highlight areas of impor-STATES. UNISON IS PROUD TO tance to U.S. members of Congress and U.S. business community on Bahrain.SHARE THE GULF’S MOST OPENCULTURE AND MARKET WITH THE Solution Unison created a comprehensive identity program composed of a logoREST OF THE WORLD. and tagline (Bahrain: Gateway to the Gulf), a themed website bahrain- gateway.org designed and written advertising copy for the Hill and Roll Call publications, created a brochure for U.S. Congress on the subject of Bahrain, implemented an e-mail marketing campaign, online marketing, developed new collateral for the Embassy staff (Business cards, letter head, envelopes), and other assets t-shirts, mugs, bags, and pens.Bahrain 202.337.7887 unisonagency.coM
In September 2004 after the signing of the Free Trade Agreement in ABOUT UNISONWashington DC Unison produced two high profile trade and invest- Unison delivers design, branding, interactive and strategic com-ment focused events for Bahrain in New York, NY. Please see links munication services to help companies develop unique and effec-below for event details. tive brands. Unlike many creative-only or strategy-only agencies, Unison’s multi-talented team of strategists, designers, writers and technical developers provides a broad, 360-degree vision of each communications challenge. CONTACT 1010 Wisconsin Ave., NW Suite 400 Washington, DC 20007 Patrice Samara Executive Director of Strategic Communications P. 202.337.7887 E.patrice@unisonagency.com ®Bahrain In September 2004 after the signing of the Free Trade Agreement in ABOUT UNISONWashington DC Unison produced two high profile trade and invest- Unison delivers design, branding, interactive and strategic com-ment focused events for Bahrain in New York, NY. Please see links munication services to help companies develop unique and effec-below for event details. tive brands. Unlike many creative-only or strategy-only agencies, Unison’s multi-talented team of strategists, designers, writers and technical developers provides a broad, 360-degree vision of each communications challenge. CONTACT 1010 Wisconsin Ave., NW Suite 400 Washington, DC 20007 Patrice Samara Executive Director of Strategic Communications P. 202.337.7887 E.patrice@unisonagency.com ®Bahrain
Bank of Georgetown branding Movie Production web eMarketing brochure bank card kioskWASHINGTON’S FINEST Challenge Create an entirely new brand for the soon to launch Bank of Georgetown.COMMUNITY BANK DESERVES SolutionAN EQUALLY FINE LOGO AND The Bank’s new logo builds upon a neighborhood metaphor based on a common sight around Georgetown: the steady and rhythmic pattern ofWEB DESIGN. COMBINING oars propelling crew shells along the Potomac. The logo, and its subsequent branding initiative, draws upon a theme ofCOMMUNITY AND TEAMWORK teamwork and collaboration. launch Bank of Georgetown sees itself as a neighborhood bank; one intent upon supporting the people and the busi-INTO ONE IMAGE. nesses of the community on a personal and professional level. result The new identity achieves premium market appeal with an elegant and contemporary design that provides visual impact and serves to differenti-BANK OF GEORGETOWN 202.337.7887 unisonagency.coM Bank of Georgetown branding Movie Production web eMarketing brochure bank card kioskWASHINGTON’S FINEST Challenge Create an entirely new brand for the soon to launch Bank of Georgetown.COMMUNITY BANK DESERVES SolutionAN EQUALLY FINE LOGO AND The Bank’s new logo builds upon a neighborhood metaphor based on a common sight around Georgetown: the steady and rhythmic pattern ofWEB DESIGN. COMBINING oars propelling crew shells along the Potomac. The logo, and its subsequent branding initiative, draws upon a theme ofCOMMUNITY AND TEAMWORK teamwork and collaboration. launch Bank of Georgetown sees itself as a neighborhood bank; one intent upon supporting the people and the busi-INTO ONE IMAGE. nesses of the community on a personal and professional level. result The new identity achieves premium market appeal with an elegant and contemporary design that provides visual impact and serves to differenti-BANK OF GEORGETOWN 202.337.7887 unisonagency.coM
ate the Bank in a highly-competitive industry. The initial presentation ABOUT UNISONlikewise establishes a clear brand architecture that can adapt as the bank Unison delivers design, branding, interactive and strategic com-grows in the Washington DC metropolitan area and beyond. munication services to help companies develop unique and effec- tive brands. Unlike many creative-only or strategy-only agencies, Unison’s multi-talented team of strategists, designers, writers and technical developers provides a broad, 360-degree vision of each communications challenge. CONTACT 1010 Wisconsin Ave., NW Suite 400 Washington, DC 20007 Patrice Samara Executive Director of Strategic Communications P. 202.337.7887 E.patrice@unisonagency.com ®BANK OF GEORGETOWN ate the Bank in a highly-competitive industry. The initial presentation ABOUT UNISONlikewise establishes a clear brand architecture that can adapt as the bank Unison delivers design, branding, interactive and strategic com-grows in the Washington DC metropolitan area and beyond. munication services to help companies develop unique and effec- tive brands. Unlike many creative-only or strategy-only agencies, Unison’s multi-talented team of strategists, designers, writers and technical developers provides a broad, 360-degree vision of each communications challenge. CONTACT 1010 Wisconsin Ave., NW Suite 400 Washington, DC 20007 Patrice Samara Executive Director of Strategic Communications P. 202.337.7887 E.patrice@unisonagency.com ®BANK OF GEORGETOWN
BROADSPAN IDENTITY Movie Production WEB eMarketingFormerly named EMEA CHALLENGE Broadspan began its corporate operations in 2002 as EMEA Enter-Enterprise Solutions, prise Solutions in Doha, Qatar, where it built a solid reputation deliv- ering infrastructure technology services and consulting in enter- prise businesses. Anticipating new investments and the expansionBroadspan steps forward of their operations outside of the Middle East and North Africa, the management and board of directors of EMEA decided to embark onwith a new name and a comprehensive rebranding effort. After a lengthy bidding process, they selected Unison to craft their new image and outreach strategy.outreach strategy, SOLUTIONdeveloped and designed To attract a new round of investment from partners in the United States, while increasing its service and product offerings, particular-by Unison. ly in the areas of physical security services, education, and training programs, Broadspan needed a more universal corporate identity that communicated the essence of their core business. EMEA wanted a new brand to convey its track record of providing customer-centric solutions for critical technological and professional services.BROADSPAN 202.337.7887 unisonagency.coM BROADSPAN IDENTITY Movie Production WEB eMarketingFormerly named EMEA CHALLENGE Broadspan began its corporate operations in 2002 as EMEA Enter-Enterprise Solutions, prise Solutions in Doha, Qatar, where it built a solid reputation deliv- ering infrastructure technology services and consulting in enter- prise businesses. Anticipating new investments and the expansionBroadspan steps forward of their operations outside of the Middle East and North Africa, the management and board of directors of EMEA decided to embark onwith a new name and a comprehensive rebranding effort. After a lengthy bidding process, they selected Unison to craft their new image and outreach strategy.outreach strategy, SOLUTIONdeveloped and designed To attract a new round of investment from partners in the United States, while increasing its service and product offerings, particular-by Unison. ly in the areas of physical security services, education, and training programs, Broadspan needed a more universal corporate identity that communicated the essence of their core business. EMEA wanted a new brand to convey its track record of providing customer-centric solutions for critical technological and professional services.BROADSPAN 202.337.7887 unisonagency.coM
. RESULT ABOUT UNISONUnison developed a new name, Broadspan, that implies the global Unison delivers design, branding, interactive and strategic com-character of the business as well as the value of partnering with munication services to help companies develop unique and effec-the organization. Unison also developed a handsome visual identity tive brands. Unlike many creative-only or strategy-only agencies,system, complete with market collateral, and unveiled a website to Unison’s multi-talented team of strategists, designers, writers andherald the company’s new era of growth. Large-scale graphics and technical developers provides a broad, 360-degree vision of eacha cool color palette give Broadspan a sleek, polished look, highlight- communications challenge.ing the company’s key capabilities while creating a striking personal-ity that sets the stage for their new business model. Accompanying CONTACTmarketing collateral complement and support Broadspan’s new 1010 Wisconsin Ave., NWimage, and emphasize Broadspan’s continued growth. With Unison’s Suite 400creative vision, Broadspan is poised to become a world-class pro- Washington, DC 20007vider of technology, security, and telecommunications needs. Patrice Samara Executive Director of Strategic Communications P. 202.337.7887 E.patrice@unisonagency.com ®BROADSPAN
. CARBON-X BRANDING Web STATIONERYCarbon-x: Clean design. CHALLENGE Carbon-x, a new venture based out of La Paz, Bolivia, needed a newFor a cleaner world. logo and website to coincide with their official business launch. The new identity needed to stand out in a crowd as a number of business- es have flocked to the nascent carbon emission credit market created by cap and trade regulations. With the market still in its infancy, Carbon-x needed to project that it was uniquely qualified to navigate its complexities and offer the most value to their clients and partners. SOLUTION Unison produced a new visual identity centered around the idea of connection. The logo, a stylized carbon ring, is not only a clear allu- sion to Carbon-x’s name, but also to the element at the center of the entire cottage industry of emissions trading. The ring also signifies Carbon-x’s position as a node in the value chain of trading emissions credits, engaging with its Latin American agents, financial institu-CARBON-X 202.337.7887 unisonagency.coM
. tion investors, and clients. The creation of value is circular, not only ABOUT UNISONeconomic but also environmental as market forces work to reduce Unison delivers design, branding, interactive and strategic com-emissions. As Carbon-x links emission-reducing projects with capital munication services to help companies develop unique and effec-investors, the creation of economic value and a cleaner, safer world tive brands. Unlike many creative-only or strategy-only agencies,will continue to build upon itself. Unison’s multi-talented team of strategists, designers, writers and technical developers provides a broad, 360-degree vision of each communications challenge.RESULTThe new Carbon-x logo and website (launching in October 2008) CONTACTreflects the unique point of differentiation Carbon-x uses to its advan- 1010 Wisconsin Ave., NWtage: an extensive network of agents in Latin America who can link Suite 400global clients with only the most promising agricultural and industrial Washington, DC 20007projects that will generate returns not only for financiers, but also forthe world as a whole through emissions reduction. Patrice Samara Executive Director of Strategic Communications P. 202.337.7887 E.patrice@unisonagency.com ®CARBON-X
. Cassidy & associates video Production Movie production web eMarketing advertisingUNISON PROVIDES AN Challenge Cassidy & Associates, a leader in the government relations industryARRESTING, REFRESHED IMAGE for over thirty years, came to Unison looking to promote its recent work in higher education, healthcare and energy policy. In addition to showcasing these recent accomplishments, Cassidy wanted to high-FOR THE MARKET LEADER IN AN light its role as a leader in the rapidly evolving field of energy policy.EVOLVING INDUSTRY. SolutionBLENDING HERITAGE AND Unison decided to produce a documentary-style video reviewing Cassidy’s remarkable accomplishments, as well as a series of bannerLEADERSHIP WITH NEW IDEAS ads promoting the acumen of two Cassidy associates who are at the forefront of energy policy. Unison undertook an exhaustive contentAND INNOVATIONS. research and image evaluation process to develop the script and select final imagery from literally thousands of photos. A script went through numerous revisions, voiceover was recorded and the final product was developed in Flash.Cassidy & associates 202.337.7887 unisonagency.coM
. RESULT ABOUT UNISONThe final result was a stunning five-minute video and a series of Unison delivers design, branding, interactive and strategic com-creative promotional banners solidifying Cassidy’s distinctive identity munication services to help companies develop unique and effec-as a leader in both the government relations industry and the crucial tive brands. Unlike many creative-only or strategy-only agencies,sector of energy policy. The pieces provided an elegant and concise Unison’s multi-talented team of strategists, designers, writers andoverview of Cassidy’s remarkable history and exceptional positioning technical developers provides a broad, 360-degree vision of eachfor future shifts in the political landscape and reintroduced existing communications challenge.Cassidy clients to the firm they only thought they knew. CONTACT 1010 Wisconsin Ave., NW Suite 400 Washington, DC 20007 Patrice Samara Executive Director of Strategic Communications P. 202.337.7887 E.patrice@unisonagency.com ®Cassidy & associates
. Chartwell branding Movie Production web eMarketing brochureA DESIGN WITH ROOM TO GROW. Challenge Chartwell International, a multi-industry holding company whichA COMPANY WITH FORWARD focuses on the development of natural resources, management of waste disposal, and improvement of rail transportation, wanted a unique corporate identity that would reflect the company’s vision andMOMENTUM. UNISON DESIGNS operational strengths.A UNIFORM IDENTITY FOR A SolutionMULTI-SECTOR CORPORATION Unison created a new logo that embodies the energy, forward mo- tion and potential of the company. A circular logo composed of twoEXPANDING STRATEGICALLY. arrows in blue and green, the motif embodies continual motion and an environmental perspective. In addition, Unison created an easily navigable website which reflects the expertise of the company, with a vibrant color scheme and eye-pleasing layout.chartwell 202.337.7887 unisonagency.coM
. RESULT ABOUT UNISONChartwell’s new logo and website creates presence in its industry Unison delivers design, branding, interactive and strategic com-and offers increased accessibility to the general public and enhances munication services to help companies develop unique and effec-Chartwell’s prospects for growth and expansion. tive brands. Unlike many creative-only or strategy-only agencies, Unison’s multi-talented team of strategists, designers, writers and technical developers provides a broad, 360-degree vision of each communications challenge. CONTACT 1010 Wisconsin Ave., NW Suite 400 Washington, DC 20007 Patrice Samara Executive Director of Strategic Communications P. 202.337.7887 E.patrice@unisonagency.com ®chartwell
. coba capital branding Movie Production web eMarketingWISDOM, BLENDING Challenge Coba Capital, LP , a limited partnership private equity fund thatINTELLIGENCE AND EXPERIENCE: invests globally in small- to medium-sized businesses, came to Unison with the task of creating a brand identity that represented and emphasized the capabilities and strengths of the firm.THE FUNDAMENTALS OF ASTRONG PRIVATE EQUITY FUND. Solution Unison delivered a clean and simple design for Coba that establishedUNISON CREATES A NEW and brought forth the firm’s wisdom and experience in an elegant and understated way. The new Coba logo flowed from the Russian wordELEGANT AND CONFIDENT “coba” meaning “owl,” as a symbol of Coba’s sage investment phi- losophy. This theme was carried forward through a Unison-designedIDENTITY. dynamic website at www.cobacapital.com with intuitive navigation and rich in vibrant red tones that further emphasized the firm’s energy and strength. The brand identity both captures the viewer’s attention while exuding elegance and intelligence.coba capital 202.337.7887 unisonagency.coM
. RESULTS ABOUT UNISONThe resulting new brand identity and website keeps up with Coba’s Unison delivers design, branding, interactive and strategic com-rapid ascent in the highly competitive private equity field, allowing munication services to help companies develop unique and effec-them to gain recognition while putting forth an image of strength. tive brands. Unlike many creative-only or strategy-only agencies, Unison’s multi-talented team of strategists, designers, writers and technical developers provides a broad, 360-degree vision of each communications challenge. CONTACT 1010 Wisconsin Ave., NW Suite 400 Washington, DC 20007 Patrice Samara Executive Director of Strategic Communications P. 202.337.7887 E.patrice@unisonagency.com ®coba capital
. contrack branding Movie Production web eMarketing brochure fleetGLOBAL REACH, LOCAL IMPACT. Challenge A leading engineering, procurement, and construction company thatUNIQUE AND VISIONARY operates on an international scale, Contrack International required Unison’s strategic and creative guidance as part of an ongoing brand consulting relationship.CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS FORDIVERSE COMMUNITIES. UNISON Solution Unison worked to provide logo on identity services, create market-BUILDS A BRAND AND SITE FROM ing collaterals, and launch a fresh, dynamic website. The holistic approach offers Contrack increased opportunities for efficiency andTHE GROUND UP. force within its field. Unison’s efforts serve to reposition Contrack in a manner appropriate for a company of their size and global reach.Contrack 202.337.7887 unisonagency.coM
. RESULT ABOUT UNISONThe new website enables Contrack to cut across cultural, language, Unison delivers design, branding, interactive and strategic com-and geographic borders to make an impact upon the international munication services to help companies develop unique and effec-business community. tive brands. Unlike many creative-only or strategy-only agencies, Unison’s multi-talented team of strategists, designers, writers and technical developers provides a broad, 360-degree vision of each communications challenge. CONTACT 1010 Wisconsin Ave., NW Suite 400 Washington, DC 20007 Patrice Samara Executive Director of Strategic Communications P. 202.337.7887 E.patrice@unisonagency.com ®Contrack
. corchos packaging Movie Production eMarketingMESSAGE IN A BOTTLE: UNISON’S CONCEPT Corchos, a family-owned winery, needed a brand identity and pack-PRODUCT PACKAGING DESIGN aging design that would stand out in a fragmented industry where wineries both large and small are competing for “cellar share.”UNCORKS A SMALL FAMILY SOLUTIONWINERY’S POTENTIAL. The Unison brand development strategy centered around the winery’s ancestral roots in northern Spain. This unique territory, with its cli- mate and soil ideal for growing wine grapes, became the centerpiece around which Unison designers found inspiration. Product packaging centered on earthy tones and clean, uncomplicated lines that gave the bottles an understated air.corchos 202.337.7887 unisonagency.coM
. RESULT ABOUT UNISONThe new Corchos-branded bottles captured the artistic spirit of Unison delivers design, branding, interactive and strategic com-winemaking. The brand pays homage to the soil where its grapes take munication services to help companies develop unique and effec-root, while its minimalistic design maintains the degree of sophistica- tive brands. Unlike many creative-only or strategy-only agencies,tion and class required of a small family-owned wine. Unison’s multi-talented team of strategists, designers, writers and technical developers provides a broad, 360-degree vision of each communications challenge. CONTACT 1010 Wisconsin Ave., NW Suite 400 Washington, DC 20007 Patrice Samara Executive Director of Strategic Communications P. 202.337.7887 E.patrice@unisonagency.com ®corchos
. Core branding Movie Production web eMarketing brochureAN ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGN Challenge Launch an improved web presence for a nationally recognized archi-FIRM WITH A STRONG DESIGN tecture and design firm.PHILOSOPHY NEEDS A WEBSITE Solution Unison developed coredc.com, a new site powered by Fuseon®TO MATCH. UNISON PROVIDES Unison’s content management solution—an intuitive, Web-based in- formation publishing system. The comprehensive web site includesA SITE THAT INCORPORATES in-depth illustrated case studies; an overview of the firm’s history, philosophy, leadership and scope of work; listings of CORE clientsBUILDING DESIGN AND and projects, and complete bibliography and awards documentation from the firm’s first 13 years.CREATIVITY. The expanded size and redesigned formatting showcases CORE’s expanded portfolio of work, which has increased from just a dozen or so images to more than 150 for viewers to enjoy and gain a better understanding of the firm’s diversity, talent, quality of work and award-wining designs.core 202.337.7887 unisonagency.coM
. Unison created a unique and customized format with the Cold Fusion ABOUT UNISONpackage that will allow for in-house monitoring and updating of the Unison delivers design, branding, interactive and strategic com-site with an intuitive back-end dashboard to manage all aspects of munication services to help companies develop unique and effec-publication. This client-managed function will bring timely sharing tive brands. Unlike many creative-only or strategy-only agencies,of news and information with CORE’s clients, the media, professional Unison’s multi-talented team of strategists, designers, writers andcolleagues and potential clients though new software that will easily technical developers provides a broad, 360-degree vision of eachallow for regular electronic newsletter. communications challenge. CONTACTRESULT 1010 Wisconsin Ave., NWThe all-new coredc.com is more representative of CORE’s position Suite 400in today’s architecture and design market. The site offers greatly Washington, DC 20007enhanced capabilities in terms of online marketing, communicatingwith existing clients and reaching out to potential clients. Patrice Samara Executive Director of Strategic Communications P. 202.337.7887 E.patrice@unisonagency.com ®core
. CHRIST CHURCH web Movie Production eMarketingGEORGETOWNBringing the Word to the CHALLENGE Christ Church, Georgetown, an Episcopal congregation located inWeb: Unison Designs Site for the heart of Georgetown, needed a new website in order to more ef- fectively communicate with its congregation and reach out to new po- tential churchgoers. The leadership of the church also needed a WebChrist Church, Georgetown design solution that would allow them to update the site frequently without extensive knowledge of Web programming. SOLUTION Unison’s team of designers, strategists, and copywriters developed an entirely new Web presence for the historic Georgetown institution. The motif used for the site—from color scheme to imagery to type- faces—was chosen to reflect the reverence and austerity of Christ Church. The website opened new lines of communication between the Church and its parishioners, allowing the Church to send newslet- ters, process tithes, and host audio recordings of choral music and worship services, all online. Unison deployed its proprietary Fuseon content management system to allow the Church staff to add more information to the site quickly and easily. “Obviously when designingCHRIST CHURCH GEORGETOWN 202.337.7887 unisonagency.coM
. a site for a church, the key consideration is maintaining the austerity ABOUT UNISONand reverence which parishioners bring to their congregation. The Unison delivers design, branding, interactive and strategic com-new site is designed to be elegant and traditional, in line with the munication services to help companies develop unique and effec-church’s rich history, but also integrate new methods of communica- tive brands. Unlike many creative-only or strategy-only agencies,tion to strengthen the relationship between the pew and the pulpit,” Unison’s multi-talented team of strategists, designers, writers andsaid Unison creative director Julius Talvik. technical developers provides a broad, 360-degree vision of each communications challenge.RESULTWith Unison’s helping hand, Christ Church has transformed their CONTACTonline presence with innovative ways to reach out to their parishio- 1010 Wisconsin Ave., NWners as well as the Georgetown community as a whole. The Unison- Suite 400designed Christ Church Georgetown site, set to launch in early June Washington, DC 200072009, will enhance the image of the Church and allow the public tofind out more about Christ Church and how they can join the worship Patrice Samaracommunity. “Many thanks for your excellent work (and that of the Uni- Executive Director of Strategic Communicationsson team),” said The Reverend Stuart Kenworthy, rector of of ChristChurch, Georgetown. P. 202.337.7887 E.patrice@unisonagency.com ®CHRIST CHURCH GEORGETOWN
. Cvent MULTIMEDIA identity identity WEBSITE DESIGN WEBSITE DESIGN packaging packaging ENVIRONMENTS packaging identityEXPANDING AN INDUSTRY Challenge Cvent, the largest online event registration company in the US, isLEADER IN EVENT PLANNING relied upon by over 5,000 event planners. Although already a leader in its field, Cvent wanted to broaden its audience. When Cvent developed a cutting-edge suite of event planning tools, the company sought toREQUIRED AN INNOVATIVE AP- market its benefits via the Internet. Cvent turned to Unison for cre- ative vision and Internet expertise.PROACH. UNISON PROVIDED AUNIQUE VIRTUAL TOUR THAT CRE- Solution In a comprehensive effort that touched upon all of Unison’s strengths,ATES A FUN AND EASY TO USE IN- we storyboarded, designed, and produced an engaging Flash-based module which highlights Cvent’s products in an attractive, persuasiveFORMATIVE GUIDE FOR CURRENT manner through music, flash images, and narration.AND POTENTIAL CLIENTS.Cvent 202.337.7887 unisonagency.coM
. RESULT ABOUT UNISONUnison’s work earned raves throughout the industry. “The Product Unison delivers design, branding, interactive and strategic com-Tour is a great tool for us in that it gives our customers—and potential munication services to help companies develop unique and effec-customers—a quick understanding of all that we have to offer. It also tive brands. Unlike many creative-only or strategy-only agencies,does it in an extremely attractive way that gives those audiences a Unison’s multi-talented team of strategists, designers, writers andwhole new perspective on Cvent and what we can do,” said Eric Eden, technical developers provides a broad, 360-degree vision of eachVice President of Marketing of Cvent. “We couldn’t be more pleased communications challenge.with the result. Unison did a great job.” CONTACT 1010 Wisconsin Ave., NW Suite 400 Washington, DC 20007 ®Cvent
. deepdish Web MULTIMEDIA e-MarketingGRAMMY-WINNING DUO WITH Challenge Develop a cutting-edge, technologically improved website for theGLOBAL FANBASE NEEDS A Grammy Award-winning duo Deep Dish.WEBSITE TO EXTEND THEIR Solution Unison launched the vastly enhanced deepdish.com. Unison’sREACH. UNISON SITE FINDS creative team implemented a sophisticated design that reflects Deep Dish’s global popularity and cutting-edge style. On the technical end,INSPIRATION IN THE RHYTHMS the new site is powered by Unison’s Fuseon® content management solution—an intuitive, Web-based information publishing system.AND SAMPLES OF THEIR MUSIC. Fuseon enables non-technical marketing teams at Deep Dish and affiliateA STRATEGY WORTHY OF THE TOP companies to manage and publish up-to-the-minute event information, tour schedules, productions, photos, streaming video, audio and news announcements from any Internet-enabled location in the world. Likewise,OF THE CHARTS. an exclusive, secure extranet was implemented for promoters, producers and PR firms to access Deep Dish’s marketing and other digital material.deepdish 202.337.7887 unisonagency.coM
. RESULTS ABOUT UNISONThe new site serves the needs of Deep Dish’s growing worldwide Unison delivers design, branding, interactive and strategic com-audience and the digital-age requirements of the artists’ expanding munication services to help companies develop unique and effec-production business. tive brands. Unlike many creative-only or strategy-only agencies, Unison’s multi-talented team of strategists, designers, writers and technical developers provides a broad, 360-degree vision of each communications challenge. CONTACT 1010 Wisconsin Ave., NW Suite 400 Washington, DC 20007 Patrice Samara Executive Director of Strategic Communications P. 202.337.7887 E.patrice@unisonagency.com ®deepdish
. DELTA FOX branding web brochure fleetBRANDING AND WEB SOLUTIONS CHALLENGE A unique new startup approached Unison in need of a strong brand.FOR AN AVIATION SUPPORT Delta Fox aviation, an aviation services company that provides fuel- ing, maintenance, and hangar services to chartered planes, required a brand that would resonate with a higher-end customer base, whileCOMPANY ABOUT TO TAKE OFF. at the same time projecting the value message that became increas- ingly important with rising fuel and other air travel costs.COME FLY WITH US. SOLUTION From corporate identity design, to crew uniforms, even to the livery of Delta Fox’s own fleets, Unison’s design touch everything. A stylized paper plane symbolizes the spirit with which Delta Fox approaches aviation. Delta Fox’s dynamic new website takes the viewer through the clouds while presenting all the support services the company offers. The Delta Fox DFerence, meanwhile, shows how costs can be cut by using Delta Fox services to underscore the value that the company offers to its high-end individual and corporate clients, who are still very aware of travel costs.DELTA FOX 202.337.7887 unisonagency.coM
. RESULT ABOUT UNISONWith a visually arresting new site and brand identity accompanying Unison delivers design, branding, interactive and strategic com-the peerlessly pristine facilities on the ground at Manassas Regional munication services to help companies develop unique and effec-Airport, Delta Fox is truly poised to take flight. tive brands. Unlike many creative-only or strategy-only agencies, Unison’s multi-talented team of strategists, designers, writers and technical developers provides a broad, 360-degree vision of each communications challenge. CONTACT 1010 Wisconsin Ave., NW Suite 400 Washington, DC 20007 Patrice Samara Executive Director of Strategic Communications P. 202.337.7887 E.patrice@unisonagency.com ®DELTA FOX
. DILIGENCE BRANDING Web BROCHUREUnison branding creates a CHALLENGE Re-brand and develop brand architecture for international risknew identity for a leading management and security leader.business intelligence and SOLUTION Diligence’s senior management team and advisors are a who’s-whorisk management firm. It’s a of Washington diplomatic and ex-government officials. The brand had to project the bona fides of this group while projecting a modern,dangerous world out there. current appearance. Unison elected for a classic serif, uppercase font and austere blue and silver/gray color palette that rightly implyUnison can help. Diligence’s strength. A clear brand hierarchy was then developed for DME—Diligence Middle East —Diligence’s security firm doing business in high-risk areas such as Iraq and the Gulf region.DILIGENCE 202.337.7887 unisonagency.coM
. RESULT CONTACTUnison encapsulated Diligence’s authority and gravitas in an identity 1010 Wisconsin Ave., NWsystem that draws upon the classic without looking dated. DME is Suite 400given its own look and feel while remaining resolutely within the Washington, DC 20007Diligence family. Patrice Samara Executive Director of Strategic CommunicationsABOUT UNISONUnison delivers design, branding, interactive and strategic com- P. 202.337.7887munication services to help companies develop unique and effec- E.patrice@unisonagency.comtive brands. Unlike many creative-only or strategy-only agencies,Unison’s multi-talented team of strategists, designers, writers andtechnical developers provides a broad, 360-degree vision of eachcommunications challenge. ®DILIGENCE
. District of Columbia Branding Movie Production SIGNAGE eMarketingpublic LibraryCONTEMPORARY CHALLENGE As part of a renovation initiative, the District of Columbia PublicAPPROACH TO A COMMON Library (DCPL) worked with Unison partner CORE Architecture + De- sign to revamp several of its branch buildings. As part of the attempts to redesign these spaces, DCPL engaged with Unison to createNEIGHBORHOOD SYMBOL. signage for four locations.SIMPLE GRAPHIC DESIGN SOLUTIONREDEFINES THE LIBRARY Led by Graphic Designer Sara Lin, Unison created clean, structured signage through an intuitive approach. Unison recognized that sig-INTO SOMETHING WORTH nage is a vital part of interior and exterior design, and that elegance would contribute significantly to the overall look and feel of the updat-READING ABOUT. ed branches. Unison provided interior signage for the Tenley-Friend- ship Heights branch, as well as updating existing exterior signage for the Anacostia, Benning, and Shaw neighborhood branches.DCPL 202.337.7887 unisonagency.coM
. RESULT ABOUT UNISONSummarizing the project, Lin says, “The objectives were to create Unison delivers design, branding, interactive and strategic com-simple and elegant designs that would compliment CORE’s vision munication services to help companies develop unique and effec-while adding Unison’s clean approach. Unison met the challenge by tive brands. Unlike many creative-only or strategy-only agencies,marrying function with style.” Unison’s multi-talented team of strategists, designers, writers and technical developers provides a broad, 360-degree vision of each communications challenge. CONTACT 1010 Wisconsin Ave., NW Suite 400 Washington, DC 20007 Patrice Samara Executive Director of Strategic Communications P. 202.337.7887 E.patrice@unisonagency.com ®DCPL
. Doha Debates PUBLIC RELATIONS Movie Production eMarketingA VIP event created by a CHALLENGE The influential Doha Debates, a public forum held throughout theVIP agency. Unison and the year to promote free speech in the Middle East, came to Georgetown University on March 25th, 2009. To celebrate the first debate held in the United States, the U.S.-Qatar Business Council, along with itsUS Qatar Business Council partner Qatar Foundation, needed to organize a spectacular event on the eve of the historic meeting. To plan and implement the gala, theyjoin forces to organize a turned to Unison’s highly capable event management services.spectacular event for the SOLUTION Unison’s talented event planning team stepped in to organize theDoha Debates in the heart of event, held at the prestigious Newseum in the heart of downtown Washington, DC. Unison vetted and hired the caterer, valet, and secu-the U.S. capital. rity services and paid careful attention to detail, ensuring the event flowed effortlessly. Unison likewise focused on list management, guest-list augmentation, RSVP management, follow-up and reporting services. Creating the VIP list and invitations, Unison shaped a meet- ing attended by Washington’s business, political, and media elite.DOHA DEBATES 202.337.7887 unisonagency.coM
. RESULT ABOUT UNISONWith Unison’s supreme talent in event management, the US Qatar Unison delivers design, branding, interactive and strategic com-Business Council and the Qatar Foundation were able to throw a munication services to help companies develop unique and effec-historic night to celebrate the Doha Debates. tive brands. Unlike many creative-only or strategy-only agencies, Unison’s multi-talented team of strategists, designers, writers and technical developers provides a broad, 360-degree vision of each communications challenge. CONTACT 1010 Wisconsin Ave., NW Suite 400 Washington, DC 20007 Patrice Samara Executive Director of Strategic Communications P. 202.337.7887 E.patrice@unisonagency.com ®DOHA DEBATES
. Dupont fabros technology branding Movie Production eMarketingEFFICIENCY AND SOLIDITY IN Challenge Dupont Fabros Technology, Inc. (Public, NYSE:DFT), owns and oper-INFORMATION ARCHITECTURE. ates wholesale data centers where the collective bits of information of today’s Internet-based economy are housed. Theirs is a behind- the-scenes role, but one crucial to the remarkable power of theEFFICIENCY AND SOLIDITY IN Internet. Accordingly, DFT wanted to enhance its public identity and stock exchange profile. So, they turned to Unison.CORPORATE IDENTITY DESIGN.UNISON AND DFT, ALIGNED IN A Solution Unison started with a new logo in the form of an orange three-dimen-COMMON VISION. sional cube to represent the strength and depth of DFT’s business. The precise edges of the cube and the arithmetic of the geometric shape emphasize the philosophy of efficiency and solidity in infra- structure design. With the logo designed, Unison delivered a full suite of collateral materials for internal and external audiences that further reflected DFT’s new image.dupont fabros technology 202.337.7887 unisonagency.coM
. RESULTS ABOUT UNISONDFT’s dynamic and modern corporate identity matches their corpo- Unison delivers design, branding, interactive and strategic com-rate capabilities and positions the company as leaders in wholesale munication services to help companies develop unique and effec-data center design, development and management. tive brands. Unlike many creative-only or strategy-only agencies, Unison’s multi-talented team of strategists, designers, writers and technical developers provides a broad, 360-degree vision of each communications challenge. CONTACT 1010 Wisconsin Ave., NW Suite 400 Washington, DC 20007 Patrice Samara Executive Director of Strategic Communications P. 202.337.7887 E.patrice@unisonagency.com ®dupont fabros technology
. ECOFINISHES branding identity identity web WEBSITE DESIGN WEBSITE DESIGN brochure packaging packaging fleet ENVIRONMENTS packaging PACKAGING identityCLEAN AND EFFICIENT Challenge ecofinishes® is a leading flooring manufacturer and distributorDESIGN IN SUPPORT OF AN in the Washington, DC metro area committed to environmentally friendly practices and sustainable materials. ecofinishes® ap- proached Unison to reinvent and transform its corporate identity inENVIRONMENTALLY SUSTAINABLE order to present a more unified and “green” look, and to reinforce their Earth-friendly appeal.FLOORING SUPPLIER, WITH ALITTLE PLAYFULNESS ADDED IN. Solution First off, Unison redesigned the ecofinishes® logo, transforming the company’s unique but off-message tree frog logo into a simple, iconic leaf motif with a dash of ladybug spots. Unison then re-designed ecofinishes®’ entire line of marketing collaterals—from sample deck-boards to brochures to delivery truck panels, and more—to give ecofinishes® an ingenious polished look. Lastly, Unison revamped ecofinishes® Web site, www.ecofinishes.com,with sleek design, ef-ECOFINISHES 202.337.7887 unisonagency.coM
. ficient navigation and engaging content to improve ecofinishes’ sales ABOUT UNISONefforts while always reinforcing the company’s overarching environ- Unison delivers design, branding, interactive and strategic com-mental approach. A robust database-driven online product catalogue munication services to help companies develop unique and effec-and content management system (CMS) were integrated for seamless tive brands. Unlike many creative-only or strategy-only agencies,web publishing and content updates. Unison’s multi-talented team of strategists, designers, writers and technical developers provides a broad, 360-degree vision of each communications challenge.RESULTecofinishes® is now united under a distinct and on-target logo and CONTACTa redesigned Web site and are planning to re-approach the market 1010 Wisconsin Ave., NWunder their new identity perfectly fitted to today’s ever increasingly Suite 400green-conscious flooring consumers. Washington, DC 20007 Patrice Samara Executive Director of Strategic Communications P. 202.337.7887 E.patrice@unisonagency.com ®ECOFINISHES
. Edward marc branding Movie Production web eMarketing packaging brochureTRANSLATING THE HERITAGE Challenge Founded in 1914 by the grandparents of the present owners, EdwardOF A CENTURY-OLD FAMILY Marc Chocolatier is an institution in Pittsburgh. Edward Marc ap- proached Unison with the challenge of revitalizing the company’s identity and extending its reach beyond the local area, while alsoCONFECTIONER TO THE NEW respecting its remarkable history and traditions.MEDIA OF THE TWENTY FIRST SolutionCENTURY. HOW SWEET IT IS. Unison developed a brand experience that could compete in today’s modern markets. The website, designed in a rich, warm color scheme that accentuates the delicious perfection of their chocolates, appeals to a wide clientele. The online product catalog allows customers all over the world to purchase from Edward Marc. To reinforce the com- pany’s attention to detail and tradition, Unison chose a logo in a sleek, sophisticated script that represents the signature of the maker. The effect of the logo on new packaging creates a sense of class and charm.edward marc 202.337.7887 unisonagency.coM
. RESULT ABOUT UNISONEdward Marc’s venture into online commerce facilitates the com- Unison delivers design, branding, interactive and strategic com-pany’s development and growth on a global level. The refinement of munication services to help companies develop unique and effec-Edward Marc’s brand and website creates an impression that compli- tive brands. Unlike many creative-only or strategy-only agencies,ments the gourmet confections themselves. Unison’s multi-talented team of strategists, designers, writers andPost site launch Unison is in the process of developing and integrat- technical developers provides a broad, 360-degree vision of eaching e-commerce functionality for the website. communications challenge. CONTACT 1010 Wisconsin Ave., NW Suite 400 Washington, DC 20007 Patrice Samara Executive Director of Strategic Communications P. 202.337.7887 E.patrice@unisonagency.com ®edward marc
. EMPIRE FINANCIAL BRANDING Web STATIONERY BROCHURE ENVIRONMENTSHow do you create a CHALLENGE For Empire Financial, a home-mortgage specialist that serves asuccessful brand that primarily Hispanic audience in the DC/Baltimore area, responding to the particular needs of clients is a primary concern. Empire sought to project this concern through a pleasing brand experience and aresonates with your specific user-friendly website.niche segment and also gives SOLUTIONstrong brand equity in the Unison addressed the unique needs of Empire Financials’ clientele with a comprehensive response. To brand the company, Unisonmarket as a whole? Unison conceptualized a yin-yang inspired motif, composed in soothing green and blue. Hinting at the circle of life, the design associates Empiregives the answer to a local with messages of family, home, and stability. The thoughtful choice of logo emphasizes Empire’s mission to help hard-working families achieve their dreams of homeownership. In addition, Unison devel-financial services firm. oped a website at empirefs.com. In order to be accessible to Empire’sEMPIRE FINANCIAL 202.337.7887 unisonagency.coM
. diverse audience, the website functions in Spanish and English. ABOUT UNISONUnison ensured that the customer-focused website embodies Em- Unison delivers design, branding, interactive and strategic com-pire’s commitment to each and every client. munication services to help companies develop unique and effec-After the website launch Unison designed and placed a series of tive brands. Unlike many creative-only or strategy-only agencies,ads in Hispanic focused publications. As well as designed signage Unison’s multi-talented team of strategists, designers, writers andfor the Empire corporate office and sales centers in Maryland and technical developers provides a broad, 360-degree vision of eachNorthern Virginia. communications challenge. CONTACTRESULT 1010 Wisconsin Ave., NWThrough Unison’s tailored solution, Empire Financial has bettered Suite 400its ability to appeal to and care for its clients. The new brand and Washington, DC 20007website distinguish the company as a distinctive presence in thehome mortgage arena. Patrice Samara Executive Director of Strategic Communications P. 202.337.7887 E.patrice@unisonagency.com ®EMPIRE FINANCIAL
. Friends of the branding Movie Production web eMarketingglobal fight blog newsletter media kitLOGO AND WEB DESIGN TO SHED CHALLENGE Friends of the Global Fight (Friends), the US-based advocacy groupLIGHT ON ONE OF THE WORLD’S for increasing American commitment to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria, needed to refresh its Web image as well as redefine itself as an advocacy group unofficially connectedMOST PRESSING ISSUES. UNISON to the Global Fund. Given Friends’ potential strategic expansions to non-Fund related activities, it is important that they have a strongAND FRIENDS ARE COMMITTED TO presence in their own right.INCREASING PUBLIC HEALTH THE SOLUTIONWORLD OVER. The new Friends site, featuring its Unison-redesigned logo, is all about creating an impact. From vivid high-resolution video and im- ages highlighting the poverty that the Global Fund works to eradicate, to powerful testimonials and case studies of the Global Fund’s impact worldwide, the site is designed to reach policymakers, members of the media, and the general public alike.friends of the global fight 202.337.7887 unisonagency.coM
. RESULT ABOUT UNISONWith a powerful new site, including new communication techniques Unison delivers design, branding, interactive and strategic com-like blogging and social networking, Friends is able to streamline its munication services to help companies develop unique and effec-message and focus its supporters and audiences on the plight of re- tive brands. Unlike many creative-only or strategy-only agencies,gional and global epidemics, while asserting that a future of preven- Unison’s multi-talented team of strategists, designers, writers andtion and protection is possible through the Global Fund. technical developers provides a broad, 360-degree vision of each communications challenge. CONTACT 1010 Wisconsin Ave., NW Suite 400 Washington, DC 20007 Patrice Samara Executive Director of Strategic Communications P. 202.337.7887 E.patrice@unisonagency.com ®friends of the global fight
. Global Fund Web Movie Production eMarketingThe Idol Gives Back initiative CHALLENGE Foxs incredibly popular primetime reality show, American Idol, hostedsuccessfully raised over a two-day special charity event, Idol Gives Back, in which Friends of the Global Fight established The Global Fund as one of the events main partners. Gathering widespread support for an international$75 Million to help eradicate cause required a public campaign on the Web. The Global Fund needed a vital online presence for its charity services, communications andAIDS, tuberculosis and donations to generate support for the fight against AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria.malaria. SOLUTION Unison developed a Flash-based web module - jointheglobalfund. org - that served as The Global Funds main communications outlet providing educational and essential information about some of the worlds most deadly diseases. Through vibrant Flash clips and pho- tography, the Web site offers an interactive experience for visitors to learn about the epidemics and how to help.GLOBAL FUND 202.337.7887 unisonagency.coM
. RESULT ABOUT UNISONBy adding more constructive knowledge to the publics awareness of Unison delivers design, branding, interactive and strategic com-the scourge of AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria, the dynamic Web site munication services to help companies develop unique and effec-helped spread the word in a compelling way and to further the goals tive brands. Unlike many creative-only or strategy-only agencies,of the global fight against these infectious diseases. Unison’s multi-talented team of strategists, designers, writers and technical developers provides a broad, 360-degree vision of each communications challenge. CONTACT 1010 Wisconsin Ave., NW Suite 400 Washington, DC 20007 Patrice Samara Executive Director of Strategic Communications P. 202.337.7887 E.patrice@unisonagency.com ®GLOBAL FUND