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Caroline Huwiler, ENCO AG Belgrade 16 May 2019

Strengthening Energy Planning and Management in Serbian cities based on the European Energy Award approach. Caroline Huwiler, ENCO AG Belgrade 16 May 2019. M unicipal E nergy E fficiency M anagement P roject - MEEMP. General goal.

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Caroline Huwiler, ENCO AG Belgrade 16 May 2019

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  1. Strengthening Energy Planning and Management in Serbian cities based on theEuropean Energy Award approach Caroline Huwiler, ENCO AG Belgrade 16 May 2019

  2. Municipal Energy Efficiency Management Project - MEEMP General goal Improve the municipal energy management and the energy efficiency of public buildings, and introduce, where appropriate, renewable energy sources. Components Help the city engage in a Quality Management Cycle, based on EMIS/ ISEM and the European Energy Award. Facilitate investments for the refurbishment of public schools to minimize energy consumption. Strengthen the municipal capacity to plan, design, manage and monitor energy projects 1 1 2 3

  3. 1. How does it work? 2. How can it support and strengthen the Energy Management System in Serbia? 3. What has been done so far – and where do we stand?

  4. European Energy Award What is it? And how does it work? PROCESS METHODOLOGY LABEL

  5. PROCESS- METHODOLOGY - LABEL European Energy Award A continuous cycle of improvement in municipal energy management 2 1 3 4 Energy Team Political Commitment Initial Assessment Action Plan Project Design Initial Assessment Action Plan Project Design 5 7 Implementation External Audit External Audit 6 Internal Monitoring Internal Monitoring

  6. PROCESS- METHODOLOGY - LABEL European Energy Award • Municipal energy management performance refers to 6 areas, 46 measures. • Consideration the • city as a • Planner • Regulator • Model consumer • Service provider • Facilitator • Partner • Informer Municipal buildings and infrastructure 2 3 Clean energy, waste and waste water 1 Urban Planning and Construction 6 6 Cooperation and communication Urban mobility 4 5 Internal organisation and public procurement

  7. PROCESS- METHODOLOGY - LABEL European Energy Award Initial Energy Review A continuous cycle of improvement in municipal energy management

  8. PROCESS- METHODOLOGY - LABEL European Energy Award Energy Planning A continuous cycle of improvement in municipal energy management

  9. PROCESS- METHODOLOGY - LABEL European Energy Award Implementation Project Design Mobilise Financing Project Implementation A continuous cycle of improvement in municipal energy management

  10. PROCESS- METHODOLOGY - LABEL European Energy Award Monitoring A continuous cycle of improvement in municipal energy management

  11. PROCESS- METHODOLOGY - LABEL European Energy Award Initial Energy Review Audit A continuous cycle of improvement in municipal energy management

  12. European Energy Award – how can it support and strengthen the Serbian Energy Management System?

  13. PROCESS- METHODOLOGY - LABEL How can the eea strengthen the Serbian Municipal Energy Management System? 1 The Energy Manager is supported by an Energy Team. Local Steering Structure 1 2 Baseline Assessment 3 Energy Efficiency Programmes and Plans Energy Team Serbian Energy Management System 4 Implementation Energy Manager 5 Monitoring (EMIS/ ISEM) 6 Energy Efficiency Reporting

  14. PROCESS- METHODOLOGY - LABEL How can the eea strengthen the Serbian Municipal Energy Management System? 2 Besides municipal buildings and infrastructure 1 Local Steering Structure all areas under direct or indirect influence of the municipality are considered for energy management. 2 Baseline Assessment 2 Municipal buildings and infrastructure Energy Efficiency Programmes and Plans 3 Serbian Energy Management System Implementation 4 5 Monitoring (EMIS/ ISEM) 6 Energy Efficiency Reporting

  15. PROCESS- METHODOLOGY - LABEL How can the eea strengthen the Serbian Municipal Energy Management System? 3 Instead of working alone, 1 Local Steering Structure • the Energy Manager and Energy Team Leader get professional help – from an EEA advisor, facilitating: • Baseline Assessments • Energy Planning • Project Design and implementation • Monitoring results and reporting 2 Baseline Assessment 3 Energy Efficiency Programmes and Plans Serbian Energy Management System 4 Implementation 5 Monitoring (EMIS/ ISEM) 6 Energy Efficiency Reporting

  16. PROCESS- METHODOLOGY - LABEL How can the eea strengthen the Serbian Municipal Energy Management System? 4 When reaching a critical level of performance, beyond the required 1% savings per year, 1 Local Steering Structure a municipality can request an external audit – and be rewarded. 2 Baseline Assessment Energy Efficiency Programmes and Plans 3 Auditor Serbian Energy Management System Implementation 4 5 Monitoring (EMIS/ ISEM) 6 Energy Efficiency Reporting

  17. EEA in Serbia Where do we stand?

  18. PROCESS- METHODOLOGY - LABEL Where do we stand – what’s next? Serbian EEA – Pilot Cycle 1 2 4 3 Political Commitment Energy Team Planning, Project Design Initial Assessment 5 7 Implementation External Audit 6 External Audit Internal Monitoring Official Launch Monitoring Implementaition Initial Assessments Planning and Project Design Commitment Municipal Energy Teams • 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 • 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12. 1. 2. 3. 4 • 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 • 2018 2019 2020

  19. Preliminary results from Initial Energy Reviews 1 Urban and spatial planning Municipal Buildings and Infrastructure 2 Clean Energy, waste and waste water 3 4 Urban Mobility Internal Organisation and Governance 5 Cooperation and Communication 6

  20. Priority Projects emerging from Planning Workshops Projects to be potentially supported by the MEEMP Team 1 • Integrating energy and environmental considerations in Spatial and Urban Plans • Strengthening the use of the EMIS/ ISEM system, analysis and reporting • Retrofitting of public schools 2 3 • Spatial Heat Programme (mapping of RES and demand) • Preparation of RE projects (e.g. biomass-fuelled district heating) 4 • Sustainable Mobility Planning support/ training • Establishment of eco-behaviour guidelines • Eco-friendly public procurement 5 6 • Development of municipal communication strategies • Awareness raising campaigns and energy counselling services

  21. Priority Projects emerging from Planning Workshops By implementing projects in all six areas… …municipalities will also improve their EEA score. ?

  22. Next steps • Review of Project Documents which can potentially be supported by the MEEMP Team (deadline: 31 May 2019) • Strong municipal commitments (establishment of project teams, designate project leader, integrate priority action in Energy Efficiency Programmes and Plans, provide information and data) • Establish strategic partnerships (SCTM, GIZ, UNDP etc.) • Support implementation • Monitor results

  23. Thank you for your attention.

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