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Reverse osmosis is a process in which dissolved inorganic solids (for e.g. salt) are removed from the actual solution (water). The membrane which it contains allows only the pure water to pass through and abandon any impurities or harmful contaminants. It is considered best for areas having hard water.
USE RO WATER PURIFIERS, ENJOY HEALTH BLUEBIRD PURE WATER PURIFIERS Drinking water is something which no one could avoid. It is the basic thing for survival, which is the main source of energy transport for every cell in the body. Since water regulates all the body’s function, it is very important that we take hefty amount of water throughout a day and keep our body hydrated. Despite of its importance, unfortunately there are many people who don’t care about it, and keep sticking with the tap water. Though it is a fact that most of the Indians still use tap water to drink but it is also a fact that it contains variety of unhealthy things, which includes micro organisms, heavy metals, chlorine, and other impurities that can severely damage our health. To save themselves from diseases, people use to drink water using various sources, which include packed bottles, water filters, RO water purifiers and many more. Each of these ways has various levels of convenience and benefits intact to it, but out of all, it is RO purifiers which are considered as the safest bet. We all use to hear the word RO on a daily basis, and there’s a likelihood that most of you don’t know much about it, but are curious to know how it really works. Web: www.bluebirdwaterpurifiers.com Email: info@bluebirdwaterpurifiers.com Phone: 1800 113 911
RO basically stands for Reverse Osmosis which is used in the water filtration process. For years, it is been used to convert impure or brackish water into a drinking one. Now let’s talk about the actual process through which it works. Reverse osmosis is a process in which dissolved inorganic solids (for e.g. salt) are removed from the actual solution (water). The membrane which it contains allows only the pure water to pass through and abandon any impurities or harmful contaminants. It is considered best for areas having hard water. Following are some the advantages of RO water over the tap water: 1)Wholesome cleaning: Ro system makes sure that even the smallest particle from the drinking water is removed completely. Because of this, it improves the taste, odour and appearance of the water. Other methods like boiling destroy bacteria but it does not remove particles of inorganic pollutants like metals and chemicals. 2)Long lasting membranes: Membranes come along with RO water purifiers last really long in compare to the other water filtration system where you have to change the membrane after every 2-3 months. 3)Good for heart patients: Water filtered by RO removes all types of salts and 99% of bacteria and pyrogenic substances from the water. Therefore, it is really beneficial for those who are suffering from serious heart diseases. Also problems such as fatigue, weight loss, diarrhea or loss of appetite can be cured with RO water. 4)It energises you quickly: The water that you get from the RO hydrates your body at a faster rate in comparison to normal tap water. And as a result of that, you feel more energetic. With so many benefits intact no wonder, RO water purifiers are becoming more popular in Indian households. Web: www.bluebirdwaterpurifiers.com Email: info@bluebirdwaterpurifiers.com Phone: 1800 113 911