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2. Who is it for? Reflect on progress, plan next steps
Help individuals plan, assess progress across a group
Managing & planning work, asses progress between services, report outcomes to funders
To ensure money well spent; to report on effectiveness
3. The right balance? Evaluation for accountability
Evaluation for programme management and development
Evaluation as an ethical obligation
Evaluation for learning.
Lewis (2001)
4. Why? Users / communities
‘By failing to investigate the perspectives of marginalised groups, evaluations can perpetuate social exclusion.’ (Green and South)
5. Why? Organisational learning Assess reach, need
Compare progress across projects/areas
Inform planning
Evidence for funding
6. Why? Funders and Policy National Performance Framework
Outcomes frameworks
7. Why? Funders and policy Where is the evidence base for the voluntary health sector?
9. University of Wisconsin model Situation / need
10. The three bears Put the words onto the grid
What is :
A need
An input
An output/activity
An outcome?
11. The Three Bears
Assumptions: Porridge a good food
Shared meals help communication
Ok to leave porridge to cool
External factors: Goldilocks!
12. How you define the problem defines the solution.
Your outcomes mirror the need.
14. Solutions and outcomes Purpose: Reducing levels of obesity and heart related problems
What activities and outcomes do the problem tree suggest to you? .
15. The evaluation fallacy The first step is to measure whatever can be easily measured. This is OK as far as it goes.
The second step is to disregard that which can’t easily be measured or to give it an arbitrary quantitative value. This is artificial and misleading.
The third step is to presume that what can’t be measured easily isn’t important. This is blindness.
The fourth step is to say that what can’t easily be measured really doesn’t exist. This is suicide.’
16. ‘If decisions were only to be based on available strong evidence of effective actions, the result would often be a very small number and range of actions’ Tannahill
17. Part two: What is evidence?
18. ‘What counts as evidence is inextricably bound by our ways of thinking about the social world’. Nutley, citing Mulgan (2003)
19. ‘Different stakeholders will hold different views stemming from their different aspirations for an intervention and, indeed, what type of evidence they find convincing.’ Green and South (2006)
21. Case Study Read the case study of Anne’s story and discuss what it tells you about the acceptability of evidence for different people.
22. Jigsaw or mosaic?
23. ‘There is no ‘one size fits all’ method for health improvement effectiveness evidence’ Tannahill
24. How do you like your evidence? Poached?
Hard boiled?
All in one basket?
25. Where do you get evidence for your decisions?
29. References Green and South (2006) Evaluation, OU Press
Handy (1994) The Empty Raincoat
Lewis (2001) Reflections on Evaluation in Practice, Evaluation 7(3) 387-94
Springett (2001) Appropriate approaches to the evaluation of health promotion, Critical Public Health 11(2) 139-51(144)
Prime Minister’s Strategy Unit (2006) Public Sector Reform
Sullivan et al (2001), Researcher and researched – community perspectives: towards bridging the gap, Health Education & Behaviour 28(2) :147)
Tannahill (2008) Beyond evidence- to ethics: a decison-making framework for health promotion, public health and health improvement Health Promotion International Vol 23 No. 4