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Explore the functional specifications, applications, and challenges of the Longitudinal Profile Monitor (LPM) designed for the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). Learn about the system's monitoring capabilities, design timeline, and technical details like sensitivity, dynamic range, and sampling period.
LHC- Longitudinal Profile Monitor. Non intercepting diagnostics based on synchrotron light from a bending magnet (started as “piggy back” on transverse profile system) • Longitudinal Beam profile (3564 bunches) • Abort Gap Population • Bunched/Debunched beam at injection • Empty RF Buckets (aka “ghost bunches”) • Longitudinal wings (high resolution) • Core Measurements: length, distribution, oscil.. Functional Specification: CERN/EDMS Doc. 328145 SCH: LEADE LPM+AG 15/12/03
Point 4: Echenevex RF accelerating cavities SCH: LEADE LPM+AG 15/12/03
MODE Ultra-high sensitivity High sensitivity Standard sensitivity Sensitivity (p/ps) 60 104 106 Sensitivity/Ult. Peak Density 3x10-7 5x10-5 5x10-3 Dynamic range (p/ps) 60 to 6x104 6x104 to 3x108 5x106 to 5x108 Sampling period 100 ns 50 ps 50 ps Integration time 100 ms 10 s 1 ms Accuracy 30 p/ps 4x103 p/ps 1% Transmission rate < 1 s 1 min 100 ms APPLICATIONS Abort gap monitor X Tails X Ghost bunches X De-bunched beam X Core parameters X Specification Requirements SCH: LEADE LPM+AG 15/12/03
Longitudinal Profile Monitor: situation Sept. 2003 LPM is a LARP contribution/“collaboration”, not in-house project LPM is studied by Berkeley lab, (need similar instrument in ALS) (n.b. same group responsible for LHC Luminosity measurement) Initial plan: 2002 R&D (APD/ Laser mixing) 2003 Choice of technology + Prototype design 2004 Production electronics and instruments 2005 Install in LHC (2006 reserved for transverse instruments) SCH: LEADE LPM+AG 15/12/03
Light production at injection energy too low: SC undulator added Undulator and D3 magnet at LHC Point 4 SCH: LEADE LPM+AG 15/12/03
Abort gap, 3s (Protons) For Ions: spacing 100ns, total 890 bunches, 1:40 RF cycles SCH: LEADE LPM+AG 15/12/03
LHC Beam profile 3564 bunches+ 32,076 empty buckets, RMS Bunch length 0.28ns: sample time 50 ps 89s/50ps = 1,780,000 data bins…. Integrate over 40ms… …50,000,000 data points/second SCH: LEADE LPM+AG 15/12/03
Fast Photon Detectors: Commercial Avalanche Photodiode modules PC card for Time-correlated Single Photon Counting: TimeHarp 200 3MHz count rate, <40ps resolution …but only 4096 time-bins… SCH: LEADE LPM+AG 15/12/03
Fast Photon Detectors: Avalanche Photodiodes C-SPAD: Cooled Single-Photon Avalanche Diode With active quenching circuit: laser range-finding of satellite in flight, T.Otsubo, CRL, Tokyo 100ps, 16 bins SCH: LEADE LPM+AG 15/12/03
Photon Counting: MCP PMT Hammamatsu R3809U Photon counting has its problems too, For high dynamic range, there must be no systematic false counts SCH: LEADE LPM+AG 15/12/03
MCP-PMT: Dynamic range Self-generated false counts after event: need to gate detector off for 1us after each event: count rate drops to 10’s of kHz. 102 900 ns SCH: LEADE LPM+AG 15/12/03
Proposed Laser Mixing System: filters Synch light, 633nm 8 bit Detector 350nm Mixing crystal 40 MHz Laser Ti:Sapphire 800nm Very narrow light spectrum is used, ~3nm (1% of available) Laser pulse timing phase-locked to Machine RF, with offset Laser used to sample with 10ps pulses at 40MHz Max. Data rate at laser frequency, could be 80MHz? SCH: LEADE LPM+AG 15/12/03
Laser Mixing: LPM High Sensitivity Mode 25ns laser sample interval, 500 sample points/scan 400MHz Bucket 2.5ns Increment delay by 50 ps / machine rev If PMT is 1% accurate, still need to integrate over 1000 samples to get spec accuracy: 55s + settling time ( Spec. 10-4 in 10s ) SCH: LEADE LPM+AG 15/12/03
Compress Scale... SET3 SCH: LEADE LPM+AG 15/12/03
LM Concerns: • Low wavelength conversion efficiency • - single photon counting • - needs longer integration time • Requires exclusive operating modes • -std/high resolution modes • High res. integration time too long: • - 10 sec: increase to 1min SCH: LEADE LPM+AG 15/12/03
LM system is unlikely to meet specs for integration time, and is not suitable for abort gap protection (too complex) • If LM system is used, 3 separate instruments will be needed. • Avalanche Photon counting has its problems too: as the count rate reduces, the number of detectors becomes large. • No work is being done on the APD method. SCH: LEADE LPM+AG 15/12/03
Photon Production and the Abort Gap Monitor Calculated photon production (450-900nm) : 0.0014 photons/proton at the extraction mirror (…& ions?) At injection energy, abort level is now x700: 60p/ps x 700 = 5.88^6 photons/100ns/turn = 6 10^9 photons / 100ms integration The 7TeV abort level remains at 60p/ps: 840 000 000 photons/integrated over 100ms =0.3nJ signal (n.b.this is corrected from the value given in talk, the D3 bending magnet is more efficient at 7TeV) From this must be taken transmission losses, detector efficiency(10%), bandwidth(1%), background noise… SCH: LEADE LPM+AG 15/12/03
Abort Gap monitor is important machine operating instrument; needs simple robust solution. A separate instrument is considered. 2003: LARP priority for LPM reduced, no funding given (no work done) LBNL team concentrates on Luminosity. 2004: LDM priority raised: ¾ FTE available for LPM+AG (no material) Priorities now set: 1/ Abort Gap monitor 2/ Luminosity 3/ LPM (R&D tool?) To increase the reliability/availability and performance of the AG and LPM, separate, warm undulators are considered, cost and initial design for March ‘04 SCH: LEADE LPM+AG 15/12/03
AG Tests at the ALS (LHC parameters) 328 RF buckets 276+1 filled (280-620 ps) Bunch width ~50 ps (2808/35640) (2.5 ns) Bunch spacing 2 ns “Camshaft” pulse ~120 ns gap SCH: LEADE LPM+AG 15/12/03 (3.3 µs)
Hamamatsu R5916U-50 Photomultiplier Tube Gate min. raise time: 1 ns <2.5 ns RF bucket spacing Gate voltage: 10 V Low voltage switching required Gain at –3.4 kV: 106 High gain < 10 dark counts/sec Low noise Max duty cycle: 1% 100 ns -> 100 kHz max sampling rate -> 3 ms to measure entire abort gap (w/o integration) SCH: LEADE LPM+AG 15/12/03
(Pockels cell) MCP-PMT experimental setup (present) SROC Hamamatsu Streak Trigger Unit Stanford DG535 Delay 1.5 MHz ~100 kHz HP8114A Pulser 10 V Gate Visible Light MCP PMT Tektronix TDS754D Hamamatsu C3360 HV -3 kV SCH: LEADE LPM+AG 15/12/03
Empty buckets (gap) Regular bunches Parasitic bunch Camshaft SCH: LEADE LPM+AG 15/12/03
Parasitic bunch Gate signal on Gate signal delayed 28 ns Gate signal on Parasitic bunches SCH: LEADE LPM+AG 15/12/03
The Situation 12/03: Tests to establish Sensitivity and Dynamic range of MCP-PMT …answers for Chamonix? Studies to establish reliable AG design: accessibility, few interventions AG data needed for warm undulator design. More effort should be available in 2005/6 for LPM system: technology choice still open but time very short. SCH: LEADE LPM+AG 15/12/03