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AJAX. Asynchronous Javascript And XML. AJAX. What is AJAX? A synchronous J avaScript a nd X ML enables browser to execute a server-side script without refreshing the page. AJAX. BROSWER. anotherrequest. Sends request. Awaits response. Refreshes page. Sends response. SERVER.

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  1. AJAX Asynchronous Javascript And XML

  2. AJAX What is AJAX? • Asynchronous JavaScript and XML • enables browser to execute a server-side script without refreshing the page.

  3. AJAX BROSWER anotherrequest Sends request Awaits response Refreshes page Sends response SERVER Web-browsing without AJAX (synchronous)

  4. AJAX BROSWER Continues browsing, updates part of page when response arrives SERVER Web-browsing with AJAX (asynchronous)

  5. AJAX Application Auto completion for form fields(Google Suggest) Live Chat(XHTML live Chat) enables the programmer to execute a server-side script without refreshing the page.

  6. AJAX • Process HTTPRequest • Create response & send back to browser • Create an XMLHttpRequest object • Send HttpRequest • Process the returned data • Update page content How it works?

  7. AJAX if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {// code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest(); xmlhttp.onreadystatechange=stateChange; xmlhttp.open("GET",url,true); xmlhttp.send(null); } else {// code for IE6, IE5 xmlhttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); xmlhttp.onreadystatechange=stateChange; xmlhttp.open("GET",url,true); xmlhttp.send(); } } Code Example:

  8. AJAX Internet Explorer (IE 5/6): xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); or xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); Other browsers & IE7,8 (IE 5/6): xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); XMLHTTPRequest

  9. AJAX • Properties • onreadystatechange • readyState • responseText • responseXML • status • statusText • Methods • abort() • open() • send() XHTTPRequest object

  10. AJAX • 0. Uninitializedopen() has not been called yet. • Loadingsend() has not been called yet. • Loadedsend() has been called, and status are available. • Interactivedownloading • Completedoperation is complete. • Properties • readyState XHTTPRequest object

  11. AJAX Step 1 Create an instance Building the request Step 2 Assign onreadystatechange function define what to do with each readyState Step 3 Make the request execute open() & send() methods XHTTPRequest object

  12. AJAX Step 1 Create instance var xhr=null; try { xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); } catch(e) { try { xhr = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e2) { try { xhr = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e) { } } } Code Example:

  13. AJAX Step 1 Create instance var xhr=null; try { xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); } catch(e) { try { xhr = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e2) { try { xhr = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e) { } } } xhr.onreadystatechange = function() { document.ajax.dyn.value = "Wait server..."; if(xhr.readyState == 4) { if(xhr.status == 200) document.ajax.dyn.value=xhr.responseText; else document.ajax.dyn.value = "Error "; } }; Step 2 Assign onreadystatechange Code Example:

  14. AJAX Step 1 Create instance var xhr=null; try { xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); } catch(e) { try { xhr = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e2) { try { xhr = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e) { } } } xhr.onreadystatechange = function() { document.ajax.dyn.value = "Wait server..."; if(xhr.readyState == 4) { if(xhr.status == 200) document.ajax.dyn.value=xhr.responseText; else document.ajax.dyn.value = "Error "; } }; xhr.open("GET", "data.xml", true); xhr.send(null); Step 2 Assign onreadystatechange Step 3 Make request Code Example:

  15. AJAX Readings from online resources http://www.xul.fr/en-xml-ajax.html http://www.xul.fr/XMLHttpRequest-object.html

  16. AJAX Example Form without using AJAX: http://www2.hci.edu.sg/yongjs/currencyconverter/ With AJAX: http://www2.hci.edu.sg/yongjs/currencyconverter/index2.html

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