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Intro. The Pan-STARRS Moving Object Processing System. Preliminary Design Review. PDR Purpose (from the charge):. Ensure that the preliminary design meets the requirements as specified in the PS-1 MOPS SRS Ensure that the development plan will enable schedules and budgets to be maintained
The Pan-STARRS Moving Object Processing System Preliminary Design Review MOPS Preliminary Design Review
PDR Purpose (from the charge): • Ensure that the preliminary design meets the requirements as specified in the PS-1 MOPS SRS • Ensure that the development plan will enable schedules and budgets to be maintained • Ensure that integration and testing procedures have been considered • Ensure that risk mitigation plans have been developed for identified potential risks MOPS Preliminary Design Review
Schedule MOPS Preliminary Design Review
MOPS Overview • Identify known objects • Discover new objects • Derive observable parameters • Catalogue objects MOPS Preliminary Design Review
MOPS Partners • Carnegie Mellon University, Robotics Institute AUTON Laboratory (Kubica) • Jet Propulsion Lab (JPL) (Chesley) • Minor Planet Center (MPC) (Spahr) • Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) (Heasley) • University of Helsinki (Kaasalainen) • University of Pisa (Milani) MOPS Preliminary Design Review
MOPS Timeline MOPS Preliminary Design Review
Requirements Overview • Top Level Requirements • Selected Derived Requirements(especially modifications from SRR) • External InterfaceRequirements • Other important reqs MOPS Preliminary Design Review
Above R=24 all the time for 12 days Top Level Requirements (from PSDC-250-002 – PS-4 System Concept Definition) 9.2.1 MOPS shall create and maintain a data collection of detections and object parameters (e.g., orbit elements, absolute magnitudes) for >90% of the PHOs that reach R=24 for 12 consecutive days during the course of PS operations. MOPS Preliminary Design Review
Top Level Requirements (from PSDC-250-002 – PS-4 System Concept Definition) 9.2.2 MOPS shall create and maintain a data collection (DC) of detections and object parameters (e.g., orbit elements, absolute magnitudes) for >80% (TBR) of the members that reach R=24 for 12 consecutive days within each class of solar system object (Main Belt, Trojan, Centaur, TNO, Comet, etc, except NEO and PHO) during the course of PS operations. MOPS Preliminary Design Review
Top Level Requirements (from PSDC-250-002 – PS-4 System Concept Definition) 9.2.3MOPS shall calculate the efficiency and false-positive rates for detection, attributing, linking, orbit identification, etc., for solar system objects as a function of (at minimum) semi-major axis, eccentricity, inclination, absolute magnitude, position with respect to opposition and galactic latitude. MOPS Preliminary Design Review
Top Level Requirements (from PSDC-250-002 – PS-4 System Concept Definition) 9.2.4 Data products created by MOPS shall be published to the PS Published Science Products Subsystem (PSPS). MOPS Preliminary Design Review
Top Level Requirements Highlights (from PSDC-250-002 – PS-4 System Concept Definition) • >90% of the PHOs that reach R=24 for 12 consecutive days • >80% of the members of each of the other populations (MB,CEN,TNO,etc.) that reach R=24 for 12 • calculate efficiency and false-positive rates • Data products published to the PSPS. MOPS Preliminary Design Review
Selected Derived Requirements • Supplementary requirements on MOPS and other Pan-STARRS sub-systems in order to meet primary requirements MOPS Preliminary Design Review
Terminology Review: Detections, Tracklets, Tracks & Orbits • Detection • A statistically significant collection of pixels after image convolution with a shape kernel • Tracklet • A set of 2 detections that may be observations of the same object • Track • A set of 2 tracklets that may be observations of the same object • Orbit • A six parameter representation of the heliocentric path of an object MOPS Preliminary Design Review
Terminology Review: Detections, Tracklets, Tracks & Orbits MOPS Preliminary Design Review
Terminology Review: SOT, HC, LC, DC, • Single Occurrence Transient = SOT • A detection that is not at the same position as any other known stationary object in the past 30 (TBR) days • High Confidence Detection • A detection that has a high probability of being a real object (~>5) • Low Confidence Detection • A detection that has a high probability of being a real object (~>5) • Data Collection = DC • A generalized database MOPS Preliminary Design Review
Terminology Review: Opposition, Sweet-Spots Evening Sweet Spot Opposition Morning Sweet Spot MOPS Preliminary Design Review
Terminology Review: Observing Cycle • Observing Cycle = OC • Integer number incrementing 12:00pm HST on day of full moon • Synthetic Object • An artificial object with orbital and shape parameters • Derived Object • A synthetic or real object and its parameters derived from observations MOPS Preliminary Design Review
Selected Derived Requirements (from PSDC-530-001-03 – MOPS Software Requirements Specification) 15-body ephemerides The MOPS shall be capable of determining the astrometric location and apparent magnitude (to a precision equal to or exceeding the astrometric and photometric precision of the PS system) of 108 solar system objects for each day of the survey and provide error estimates on each value. MOPS Preliminary Design Review
Selected Derived Requirements (from PSDC-530-001-03 – MOPS Software Requirements Specification) efficiency The MOPS shall be >99% efficient at linking ≥ 2 detections within the low confidence (LC) SOT DC of a known moving object on the same night to the known orbit when the estimated error in the location is <15". MOPS Preliminary Design Review
Selected Derived Requirements (from PSDC-530-001-03 – MOPS Software Requirements Specification) linking efficiency The MOPS shall meet the following minimum efficiency requirements at identifying multiple detections of the same unknown object detected on at least 3 nights within a lunation for different classes of solar system objects: MOPS Preliminary Design Review
Selected Derived Requirements (from PSDC-530-001-03 – MOPS Software Requirements Specification) identification efficiency The MOPS shall be >98% efficient at linking intra-lunation short-arc orbits of at least 10 days to other intra-lunation short-arc orbits of at least 10 days for the same object observed in other lunations or apparitions. MOPS Preliminary Design Review
Selected Derived Requirements (from PSDC-530-001-03 – MOPS Software Requirements Specification) Confidence SOT False Detections The MOPS shall meet the stated efficiency and accuracy requirements ( when the false detection rate for LC SOTs is 2•105/deg2. High Confidence SOT False Detections The MOPS shall meet the stated efficiency and accuracy requirements ( when the false detection rate for HC SOTs is 2•102/deg2. MOPS Preliminary Design Review
External Interfaces MOPS Preliminary Design Review
Selected External Interface Reqs (from PSDC-530-001-03 – MOPS Software Requirements Specification) MOPS Preliminary Design Review
Selected External Interface Reqs (from PSDC-530-001-03 – MOPS Software Requirements Specification) MOPS Preliminary Design Review
Selected External Interface Reqs (from PSDC-530-001-03 – MOPS Software Requirements Specification) MOPS Preliminary Design Review
Selected External Interface Reqs (from PSDC-530-001-03 – MOPS Software Requirements Specification) MOPS Preliminary Design Review
Selected External Interface Reqs (from PSDC-530-001-03 – MOPS Software Requirements Specification) MOPS Preliminary Design Review
Selected External Interface Reqs (from PSDC-530-001-03 – MOPS Software Requirements Specification) MOPS Preliminary Design Review
Selected External Interface Reqs (from PSDC-530-001-03 – MOPS Software Requirements Specification) MOPS Preliminary Design Review
Selected External Interface Reqs (from PSDC-530-001-03 – MOPS Software Requirements Specification) MOPS Preliminary Design Review
Selected External Interface Reqs (from PSDC-530-001-03 – MOPS Software Requirements Specification) MOPS Preliminary Design Review
Other Important Requirements • Supplementary requirements on other Pan-STARRS sub-systems in order that MOPS may meet its primary requirements MOPS Preliminary Design Review
Other Important Requirements (from PSDC-530-001-03 – MOPS Software Requirements Specification) Efficiency parameterization The MOPS requires a measure of the detection efficiency ( in each image for identifying SOTs (asteroids and comets) as a function of their magnitude and rate of motion. MOPS Preliminary Design Review
Other Important Requirements (from PSDC-530-001-03 – MOPS Software Requirements Specification) Nearly stationary moving objects The search algorithm for single occurrence detections of moving objects with a stellar stationary PSF (e.g. ASTEROIDS) in PS-1 images shall have a detection efficiency ( of >99% efficient for R24 magnitude detections moving at <1o/day. Rapidly moving objects The search algorithm for single occurrence detections of moving objects with a stellar stationary PSF (e.g. ASTEROIDS) in PS-1 images shall have a detection efficiency ( of >98% for R24 magnitude detections moving at 1o/day and <5o/day. MOPS Preliminary Design Review
Other Important Requirements (from PSDC-530-001-03 – MOPS Software Requirements Specification) Nearly stationary moving objects The search algorithm for single occurrence detections of moving objects with a non-stellar stationary PSF (e.g. COMETS) in PS-1 images shall have a detection efficiency ( of >98% for R24 magnitude detections moving at <1o/day. Rapidly moving objects The search algorithm for single occurrence detections of moving objects with a non-stellar stationary PSF (e.g. COMETS) in PS-1 images shall have a detection efficiency ( of >95% efficient for R24 magnitude detections moving at 1o/day and <5o/day. MOPS Preliminary Design Review
Other Important Requirements (from PSDC-530-001-03 – MOPS Software Requirements Specification) Astrometric accuracy Astrometry of moving objects reported to the MOPS shall be no worse than 150% of the accuracy for stationary objects of the same integrated flux. Photometric accuracy Solar system object photometry reported to the MOPS shall be no worse than 150% of the accuracy for stationary objects of the same integrated flux. MOPS Preliminary Design Review
Unlisted Important Requirement N.N.N Scanning Mode All PS survey fields shall be acquired as two pairs of images separated by a TTI±50%. MOPS Preliminary Design Review
Top-Level MOPS Architecture • Designed to meet MOPS requirements • Designed to determine if MOPS meets requirements MOPS Preliminary Design Review
SAIC SAIC SAIC SAIC SAIC SAIC Top-Level MOPS Architecture IPP OTIS Camera Scope MPC JPL AstDys PSPS MOPS Preliminary Design Review
CMU MOPS CMU CMU JPL MOPS JPL CMU JPL MOPS MOPS Top-Level MOPS Architecture MOPS Preliminary Design Review
MOPS Top-Level MOPS Architecture Integration Testing Operations MOPS Preliminary Design Review
Algorithms - Overview • Necessary and sufficient algorithms so that MOPS may meet its primary requirements MOPS Preliminary Design Review
Algorithms - Overview • PSDC-500-003 ‘The TAO of MOPS’ • Solar System Survey Simulator (SSSS) • PSDC-500-004 ‘The MOPS Solar System Model’ • Solar System Model (SSM) • PSDC-530-002 ‘Algorithm Design Description’ • MOPS Algorithms (ADD) MOPS Preliminary Design Review
Algorithms – SS Survey Simulator • NOT necessary to MOPS function • critical for MOPS testing and preliminary design • critical for preliminary determination of Pan-STARRS solar system surveying strategy to meet primary requirements MOPS Preliminary Design Review
Algorithms – SS Survey Simulator • Realistic simulated surveying of opposition and sweet-spot fields • Define opposition-centric ecliptic field locations and let scheduler schedule images on each night • ‘simple’ weather model • Random 25% of entire nights are not usable MOPS Preliminary Design Review
Algorithms – SS Survey Simulator • TAO (Tools for Automated Observing) http://pan-starrs.ifa.hawaii.edu/project/MOPS/tao.html • Efficiently schedules observations of fields subject to constraints on: • Number of images of each field (2) • Minimum survey altitude (20o) • Moon avoidance angle (45o) • Exposure time (30s) • Maximum Sun altitude (-15o) • Dome slew rate (5o/s) • telescope slew rate (5o/s) • Telescope settle time (0s) • Readout time (5s) MOPS Preliminary Design Review
Algorithms – SS Survey Simulator MOPS Preliminary Design Review