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Third Quarterly Report on Department's Strategic Objectives Performance in 2012/13, Key Sector Developments, Financial Updates, and Accountability Initiatives.
THIRD QUARTERLY REPORT ON THE PERFORMANCE OF THE DEPARTMENT IN MEETING ITS STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES FOR 2012/13 Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Basic Education Parliament, Cape Town 5 March 2013
Presentation Outline PART A Presentation on Key Sector Developments, Performance Indicators and Targets PART B Financial Report for the Third Quarter
PART A Presentation on Key Sector Developments, Performance Indicators and Targets
Key developments in the sector The Third Quarterly Report (October – December 2012) on the performance of the DBE in meeting its strategic objectives for 2012/13 is presented in the context of the following key developments in the sector: National Senior Certificate Examinations : • The main achievement in this period was the success in the National Senior Certificate examinations. The national pass rate for the class of 2012 increased to 73.9% from 70.2% in 2011, representing an increase of 3.7 percentage points. • Performance in the examinations has improved and of the 81 districts in the system, only 3 performed below 50% (from 5 underperforming in 2011). The number of districts performing above 80% increased from 21 to 28. • The pipeline of matriculants improved in addition to the pass rate and in terms of Statistics South Africa’s Household Surveys, 47% of young people aged 22-25 years had completed Matric, an increase from around 40% in 2009.
Key developments in the sector Annual National Assessment • The second cycle of the Annual National Assessment (ANA) results were released during the third quarter. The Annual National Assessments (ANA) tests revealed an improvement in learner performance with regard to Literacy and Numeracy between 2011 and 2012. • In comparison to 2011, the average percentage mark in Numeracy/Mathematics improved in Grades 1; 2; 3; 4 and 5. Similarly the average percentage mark in languages improved in Grades 2; 3; 4; 5; 6 and 9. • The Annual National Assessment (ANA) is an essential initiative at the heart of the education sector plan, Whilst assessment by itself cannot improve learning, it provides important evidence to inform planning and development of appropriate interventions for improvement at all levels, from national through provinces and districts to individual schools.
Key developments in the sector • To improve learner access to Learning and Teaching Support Materials (LTSM), a national LTSM planning, monitoring and reporting framework has been established for monthly provincial and national reporting on different aspects of provisioning of LTSMs. The work of this structure has contributed to high levels of delivery of LTSM for the smooth commencement of the 2013 academic year in all provinces. • The education sector participation in the PICC will be through the Strategic Infrastructure Programme No. 13 (SIP 13). SIP 13 comprises of two programmes, namely the Provincial infrastructure programmes funded through the Education Infrastructure Grant (EIG) and Equitable Share (ES) and the Accelerated Schools Infrastructure Delivery Initiative (ASIDI). SIP13 will progressively combine these two programmes into a comprehensive integrated schools building programme with provincial and national levels of accountability more expressly defined.
Key developments in the sector Planning and accountability • In alignment with the National Development Plan, and the Action Plan to 2014: Towards the realization of Schooling 2025, various evaluations of impact of educational interventions have commenced, led by the DBE. • In addition to the sample-based School Monitoring Survey, an independent evaluation of the use of literacy and numeracy workbooks developed by the DBE has almost been completed. • An independent investigation into the implementation of the Post Provisioning Norms has been initiated, following the findings of the comprehensive Public Expenditure Review completed in 2012. • The first National Education and Evaluation Unit (NEEDU) report to the Minister of Basic Education will be received by the end of the financial year elaborating on mechanisms, processes and structures for improving accountability for quality provision in tangible areas across the sector.
Key developments in the sector Planning and accountability • Decentralised reporting of assessment and examination results (at school, district and provincial level) has been communicated as a priority in support of learner performance improvement and quality provision of basic education. • In addition, information from the ANA is being used to enable more integrity of the learner record management and information in the sector. School management systems and information for curriculum support (in addition to planning support) has been prioritised. • Quarterly reporting tools for district and provincial oversight of basic education have been developed to enable more integrity of reporting on progress, challenges and areas for further work. • The DBE has also developed a spatial information tool to enable social, economic, educational and demographic information on our sector to be accessible to all partners in education.
Key developments in the sector • A National Leadership Dialogue to reflect on the progress and challenges in education in South Africa over the past years and what needs to be done going forward to effect improvement, was convened on 6 December 2012. The initiators of the Dialogue targeted key civil society and business leaders as participants. The Chairman of the Zenex Foundation and the Chief Executive Officer of Jet Education Services, convened the Dialogue with the support of the Minister of Basic Education. The aims of the Dialogue were to: • Create an avenue for open, honest engagement among key stakeholder such as the teacher unions, students organisations, civil society organisations, business and government; • Be apolitical and inclusive and provide an opportunity for even politically inclined organisations to explore joint societal actions.
PROGRAMMES OF THE DBE The ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN summarises the priorities of the DBE as aligned to theDelivery Agreement of OUTCOME 1: Improving the quality of Basic Educationand the Action Plan to 2014: Towards the Realisation of Schooling 2025. The activities of the DBE have been structured into five programmes as elaborated in the Annual Performance Plan: • PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION • PROGRAMME 2: CURRICULUM POLICY, SUPPORT AND MONITORING • PROGRAMME 3: TEACHERS, EDUCATION HUMAN RESOURCES AND INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT • PROGRAMME 4: PLANNING, INFORMATION AND ASSESSMENT • PROGRAMME 5: EDUCATIONAL ENRICHMENT SERVICES
PROGRAMME ONE: ADMINISTRATION The purpose of Programme One is to manage the Department and provide strategic and administrative support services.
PROGRAMME 1 : STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES • To ensure the provision of suitable human resource capacity to support a high performing organization. • To ensure that the basic education sector and the country benefit from targeted support to the education department. • To improve inter-governmental planning, communication, education policy and legislative development.
PROGRAMME 1 : HIGHLIGHTS & ACHIEVEMENTS HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT • The DBE had advertised 33 posts during the third quarter. • The posts advertised include one Chief Director post for Implementation, Monitoring and Support for the Planning and Delivery Oversight Unit, and three Director posts for Strategic Planning; Research Co-ordination, monitoring and evaluation; and Implementation and Support for the Planning and Delivery Oversight Unit. • Nineteen interviews were held during this period. • Overall, 26 appointments were made - these include appointments for interviews for posts held during the second quarter as well. • Three key posts of Director: Educator Labour Relations and Conditions of Service, Director: Examinations and Assessment and Director : Labour Relations were filled during the third quarter.
PROGRAMME 1 : HIGHLIGHTS & ACHIEVEMENTS INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS AND MULTILATERAL AFFAIRS • The DBE is in the process of developing a partnership with the government of Cuba, specifically to conduct an exchange programme of tutors in the field of Mathematics, Science and Technology. The Terms of Reference have been drafted and submitted to the Cuban Embassy in South Africa for consideration by the DBE’s counterpart in Cuba. • The Department of Basic Education (DBE) is proud to have launched the School Capacity and Innovation Programme (SCIP). This was made possible through a partnership with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Financial Services company JP Morgan and the ELMA Foundation. Launched on the 8 November, the SCIP will make an important contribution to the development of South African education, as well as a model for other countries on the African continent. The programme, which is aligned to the USAID Global Education Strategy that focuses on the improvement of global education, is designed to improve primary grade reading outcomes through teacher effectiveness and the strengthening of classroom and school management in all South African schools.
PROGRAMME 1 : HIGHLIGHTS & ACHIEVEMENTS INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS AND MULTILATERAL AFFAIRS • The DBE held a meeting with a delegation from Zimbabwe, who visited South Africa in October. Zimbabwe has expressed interest in concluding an agreement for the training of Mathematics and Science teachers for South Africa. The meeting agreed that Zimbabwe would develop a draft agreement for consideration by South Africa. • The DBE met with the new Chinese Education Attaché to South Africa, concerning education development between the two countries. It has been agreed that the Ministers of Education for China and South Africa could sign the agreement during the BRICS Summit in Durban in March 2013. • The DBE, as the lead Department, convened the second meeting of the South African National Commission for UNESCO (NATCOM) on 28 November 2012. The meeting was attended by the following line function Departments, International Relations and Cooperation, Higher Education and Training, Arts and Culture, Science and Technology, Communications.
PROGRAMME 1 : HIGHLIGHTS & ACHIEVEMENTS MEDIA LIAISON and NATIONAL & PROVINCIAL COMMUNICATION The Department communicated and informed the public and stakeholders on an ongoing basis on the policies, programmes and interventions of the DBE via regular media questions. • Seventy-eighty media queries and 6 interview requests were attended to. • The web presence of the DBE was strengthened on the following social media platforms: • There are 132 355 registered users on MXit, of which 65 553 are active. • Twitter – Currently the DBE twitter account has a community of 5259 followers. For the period 1 October – 7 December, we have posted 372 times and received more than 200 queries. The general themes for these interactions include ANA, NSC Exams, Textbooks, General Curriculum queries and general information.
PROGRAMME 1 : HIGHLIGHTS & ACHIEVEMENTS MEDIA LIAISON and NATIONAL & PROVINCIAL COMMUNICATION • Facebook – The DBE account on Facebook currently has a community of 3 520 followers. For the period 1 October - 7 December we have received and resolved 57 queries on this platform. During the same period we have made 22 posts to our page and replied to numerous responses/queries. The main themes picked up over this period were relating to NSC exams, textbooks, study guides, the database of unemployed teachers and general queries relating to education in South Africa. • On the DBE website, www.education.gov.za : A page and forum was created for District Directors to provide a platform for interaction. Login details were sent to same.
PROGRAMME 1 : HIGHLIGHTS & ACHIEVEMENTS RESEARCH AND EVALUATION • The General Household Survey (GHS) focus on schooling report has been finalised and edited based on the GHS 2011 data. • Service providers have been appointed for the evaluation of the NSNP and for the evaluation of Grade R. • The evaluation of the National Senior Certificate has been accepted as part of the National Evaluation Plan for 2013/14. • An evaluation of the quality and effectiveness of workbooks and textbooks has been commissioned. Data collection is currently taking place across the country.
PROGRAMME 1 : HIGHLIGHTS & ACHIEVEMENTS MANAGEMENT PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT TOOL (MPAT) • The quality of generic management practices in the DBE was assessed using the MPAT tool. • The purpose of the assessment is to determine the current level of performance of the Department and to pinpoint specific areas that are in need of improvement. • Key Performance Area (KPA) Managers completed self assessments and attached evidence for areas of assessment that fall within their responsibility. • The Internal Audit unit verified the existence of evidence by 15 November 2012. Senior Management deliberated on MPAT scores and comments on 23 November 2012. The Internal Audit unit found appropriate evidence to support all ratings selected by management. • The DBE final assessment was submitted to DPME on 23 November 2013. • DPME will moderate scores and provide a report in the fourth quarter, thereafter improvement plans will be formulated and implemented.
PROGRAMME TWO: CURRICULUM POLICY, SUPPORT AND MONITORING The purpose of Programme Two is to develop curriculum and assessment policies and monitor and support their implementation.
PROGRAMME 2 : SECTOR GOALS The Programme: Curriculum Policy, Support and Monitoring is the primary vehicle for ensuring quality delivery of the curriculum in the basic education sector. The indicators in this programme are fundamentally directed towards improving learner performance as captured in the Action Plan to 2014:Towards the realisation of schooling 2025. The Programme contributes to the following sector goals on learner performance: Action Plan Goals on Learner Performance • Goals 1 ; 2 & 3 : Increase the number of learners in Grade 3; 6 & 9 who, by the end of the year, have mastered the minimum language and numeracy/mathematics competencies for Grade 3. • Goal 4 : Increase the number of Grade 12 learners who become eligible for a Bachelors programme at a university. • Goals 5 & 6: Increase the number of Grade 12 learners who pass Mathematics & Physical Science. • Goals 7 & 8 : Improve the average performance of Grade 6 learners in Languages & Mathematics. • Goal 9 : Improve the average performance of Grade 8 learners in mathematics. • Goal 12 : Improve the grade promotion of learners through Grades 1 to 9.
SECTOR PERFORMANCE : QUALITY IMPROVEMENTS Comparing the achievements of 2012 to that of 2011 in the NSC results, the following is a confirmation of the improvement in quality, equity and quantity: • 15 280 more bachelor passes • Nine of the gateway subjects improved at 30% achievement level. • Eight of the gateway subjects improved at the 40% achievement level. • 17 937 more candidates passed Mathematics (at 30%) • 13 175 more candidates passed Mathematics (at 40%) • 13 477 more candidates passed Physical Science (at 30%) • 8 967 more candidates passed Physical Science (at 40%) • Increase in the distinction rate across key subjects. • Of the 81 districts, only three performed below 50% (5 in 2011) • Number of districts performing above 80% increased from 21 to 28. • Gini coefficient decreased from 0.192 to 0.169.
SECTOR PERFORMANCE : 2012 PERFORMANCE BY ACHIEVEMENT LEVEL (BACHELORS) ON TRACK FOR 32% 136 047 Bachelor level passes in 2012 equated to 26.6 % of Grade 12 candidates in 2012. 15 280 more bachelor passes were achieved in 2012 than in 2011.The sector is therefore on track to achieving its target for 32% of Grade 12 graduates able to be admitted for Bachelors degree studies. The trend has been that this indicator moved from 19.9% in 2008 to 24.3% in 2011 and 26.6% in 2012 . The age admission policy effects just over a decade before 2012 result in a percentage being used .
SECTOR PERFORMANCE : PROVINCIAL OUTCOMES • Western Cape, Free State , and Gauteng performing at the top end in both ANA and NSC. • Eastern Cape performed better in ANA than in NSC while Northern Cape performed better in NSC than in ANA. • Implications for balance of resourcing, development and support of schools and for the intermediate and senior phases in the system.
PROGRAMME 2 : STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES • To increase the availability of e-Education of learning and teaching resources amongst teachers. • To bring about stability and coherence with respect to the national school curriculum • To pay special attention to improvements in mathematics, physical science and technical subjects. • To promote adequate access to quality learning materials by means of better national specifications on what every learner requires and a more proactive approach towards the cost-effective development, reproduction and distribution of materials such as workbooks and textbooks • To establish national norms for school libraries • To create a sound basis for quality pre-Grade 1 education through the promotion of quality learning and teaching materials at this level • To finalise and promote national screening guidelines that provide for an equitable system of access to special needs support amongst learners
PROGRAMME 2: HIGHLIGHTS & ACHIEVEMENTS CURRICULUM AND ASSESSMENT POLICY STATEMENTS (CAPS): • The implementation of CAPS is on track with the implementation in the Intermediate Phase (Grades 4-6) and Grade 11 commencing in the 2013 academic year. All CAPs documents have been delivered and teachers in all provinces have been orientated. • The CAPS Senior Phase (Implementation in 2014) printing has been completed and distribution is 60% complete with the exclusion of the Mathematics. The translation of Senior Phase CAPS into Afrikaans is still in progress. • The planning for reprinting of CAPS documents is underway, but will only be implemented in 2013. The task team for Braille has been established to assist with Braille Solutions for Blind learners and teachers.
PROGRAMME 2: HIGHLIGHTS & ACHIEVEMENTS CURRICULUM AND ASSESSMENT POLICY STATEMENTS (CAPS): • Subject specialists participated in an audit of reading programmes currently implemented in provinces to support the Literacy and Numeracy strategy. The audit will be used to strengthen what provinces are doing to improve reading performance. • An intervention programme focused on the teaching of problem areas in Mathematics in Grade 4 has been developed and will be used to train teachers and develop support materials. Materials will be made available to all schools in underperforming districts. • The study guide for Literature has been completed. Folklore, which will be written for the first time, is also addressed in this study guide. The study guide is currently being translated and versioned into the other official languages for use during CAPS orientation and subsequent printing and posting on the DBE website as a resource for teachers.
PROGRAMME 2: HIGHLIGHTS & ACHIEVEMENTS National Strategy for Learner Attainment (NSLA) Lekgotla: A total of 134 officials from across the provinces attended the NSLA Lekgotla held on 15-16 October 2012. The theme of the NSLA Lekgotla was: “Consolidating efforts on the provision of quality basic education in line with Action Plan to 2014: Towards schooling 2025.” The objectives of the lekgotla were : • Assessing implementation since the last NSLA lekgotla; • Establishing trends on the performance of the Basic Education sector; • Sharing best practice; • Consolidating lessons learnt; and • Positioning the Basic Education sector for the 2013 school calendar year.
PROGRAMME 2: HIGHLIGHTS & ACHIEVEMENTS EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT • A service provider was contracted by the Department of Performance Monitoring and Evaluation (DPME) in collaboration with the DBE to conduct an impact evaluation of Grade R. This study will investigate the impact of Grade R on key dimensions of education effectiveness and efficiency and will contribute towards improving learner outcomes. • Towards improving the quality of provision within the Grade R class, a basic list of resources was developed. The list was compiled with input from the provincial education departments and the utilisation of the provincial lists.
PROGRAMME 2: HIGHLIGHTS & ACHIEVEMENTS INCLUSIVE EDUCATION • A two-day workshop in Braille was conducted on 4-5 December 2012 with teachers teaching at the 22 schools for the blind. • Adaptation of workbooks for Braille for Grades 7-9 was completed and teacher guidelines for, the Sign Language as well as Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) were developed. The DBE explored different Braille solution possibilities including meeting with Braille production service providers to expedite the provision of appropriate material to learners in Schools for the Blind. • The review process of SIAS was completed and has to be consulted further leading to finalization and gazetting. • Service providers were engaged to develop training manuals for teachers on Guidelines for Full Service Schools; Guidelines for Special Schools and Guidelines on Curriculum Differentiation.
PROGRAMME 2: HIGHLIGHTS & ACHIEVEMENTS INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY (ICT) TRAINING: • ICT Professional Development : 69 District and provincial officials in KwaZulu Natal (29) Eastern Cape (15) and Mpumalanga (20) were trained on the effective management of teacher training centres and the integration of ICT into teaching and learning. • 146 Foundation Phase DVDs were provided to KwaZulu Natal (35), Eastern Cape (55) and Limpopo (56) for distribution to multi-grade schools. • Telkom connected 347 schools to the Education network. • THUTONG : Portal user statistics
PROGRAMME 2: HIGHLIGHTS & ACHIEVEMENTS LEARNING AND TEACHING SUPPORT MATERIALS : • Monitoring of LTSM Procurement and Delivery (Grades 4-6 and Grade 11) : The LTSM forum meets once a quarter. Representatives from the publishers associations and the CFOs; SCM; Curriculum and LTSM coordinators attend the meetings. In the third quarter, two meetings were held as the delivery of LTSM to schools was reviewed. To support the procurement and delivery of LTSM in provinces two onsite monitoring visits to provinces were undertaken. Between October and December the DBE requested weekly progress reports on the delivery of LTSM to schools.
PROGRAMME 2: HIGHLIGHTS & ACHIEVEMENTS LEARNING AND TEACHING SUPPORT MATERIALS : • All provinces reported over 96% delivery of textbooks and stationery to schools. The Publishers’ Association of South Africa (PASA) and the African Publishers Association (APA) both report 100% delivery of provincial orders by their members to the provinces. The latest (28 January 2013) status on textbooks and stationery delivery is reflected below:
PROGRAMME 2: HIGHLIGHTS & ACHIEVEMENTS LEARNING AND TEACHING SUPPORT MATERIALS : • Delivery of Grade 1-9, Volume 1 workbooks commenced at the beginning of October and was completed on 15 November 2013. DBE compiled a report of schools that experienced shortages due to changes in learner numbers as well as new schools that were not on the data sets provided by provinces. The latest delivery status of workbooks is :