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Structural Reform in Higher Education: University of Mostar Integration Overview

Explore the current state of integration at the University of Mostar, including its semi-integrated structure, responsibilities, autonomy, funding sources, and information system. Learn about shared services, financial planning, and common university services provided. Discover the framework for student organizations and enrollment procedures at both faculty and university levels.

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Structural Reform in Higher Education: University of Mostar Integration Overview

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  1. STREW Tempus SM 511355 - 2010 Building Capacity for Structural Reform in Higher Education of Western Balkan Countries Prof.dr.sc. Vojo Višekruna Vice-rector Petrovac 25.05.2012.

  2. Curent state of integration at University of Mostar The University of Mostar is a semi-integrated University. That means that both the University and the faculties are legal bodies and integration is manifested in organizing the University as an association of faculties and an academy and other members, where all share common vision and mission of academic education, exchange of scientific staff and joint funding by the founders.

  3. Decentralization is manifested in the independent collecting and control over funds from student fees, research projects, donations, etc. at • the level of faculties and academy, consequences of which are different rates of salaries at the faculties and the University cannot influence on that. • Decentralization is also vivid in admission and election of teaching and administrative staff, in the activities related to curricula of studies in undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate teaching, adopting the Faculty statues and other acts about implementation of educational activitiesconducted by the Faculty Council, but these activities need the consent of the University Senate.

  4. Curent state of integration at University of Mostar-Responsibilities At the University of Mostar rector have overall responsibility for the work of the whole university, while deans are responsible for the work of the faculties. However, the division of powers and responsibilities between rector and deans is regulated by internal rules (statute) of the University of Mostar. Employment of academic and administrative staff is at the faculty level. Faculty council is responsible for employ of academic staff. The Dean of Faculty employ of adiministrative staff. Rectors’ office is responsible for employ of administrative staff at university level.

  5. Autonomy The University has a very high level of academic autonomy and it is the only University in BiH which does not have to ask for any kind of consent for curricula, appointment of teachers and associates, election and appointments of deans and vice-deans at the faculties, election and appointments of rector and vice-rectors at the University and for division of funds among faculties which are collected from the founders at the University level.

  6. All these duties are done by the Faculty Councils and University Senate without any outer influence and without asking for any kind of approvals or consents from the cantonal or any other authorities. • Therefore, all activities related to curricula of undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate studies, adopting the statutes of faculties and other acts about implementing educational activities, about appointment of professors and associates, are carried out by the Faculty Councils with theconsent of the University Senate.

  7. FUNDING Funds from cantonal budgets are paid to the University, distributed to the faculties according to accepted “key for distribution” among faculties, after all shared University costs are covered (shared services, heating, international relations, etc.). Decisions on shared costs and key for distribution of funds among faculties (percentage which belongs to each faculty) are adopted by consensus at the meetings of the University Senate.

  8. Other sources for funding are:Projects (national and international), • donations, tuition fees,providing services, renting premises, etc. • Plan of activities proposed by the faculties is adopted by the University Senate. Financial obligations planned and approved by the University Steering Board. Financial reports are submitted and adopted by the Steering Board, which is responsible for the overall management.

  9. Information system All faculty use common information system. Curently information system is in phase of final testing. Next academic year all faculty start with use of the University information system. Information system consist from following module: Student (Evidence, on-line exam, Staff Finance Curriculum Competences, register of study programme Statistics Reports Etc..

  10. University Services At the University level there follow common services: International relations office, Public relations office QA bord Bologna bord ECTS Commision Web site

  11. Enrolment of students For each academic year the Senate of the University of Mostar makes a Decision about the number of students for the first year of studyand about the fee amount. Faculty Councils of the members give their proposals for that but with consent of the founders. On the basis of this Decision the University of Mostar publishes the joint competition for the enrollment of students in the first year of study at the faculties.

  12. Framework for students Students are organized at the faculty level and at the University level in the Student Assotiation. Student Assotiationn (University level body), consists of 22 representatives of different faculties (2 representatives from each faculty), elected by the students at each faculty by secret ballot. This body appoints student representatives in university bodies. From the academic year 2002/2003 they are involved in the governing bodies of the University and faculties. Students are represented with two people or 13,3% in the University Senate, while their representation at some

  13. Faculties is different and it is around 10-20%, depending on the number of their representatives in the Faculty Councils. Furthermore, students are involved in the working bodies of the University and faculties such as Commission for quality assurance, Commission for implementation of Bologna Process, Commission for implementation of selfevaluation, etc. The University of Mostar is open for including students in all the activities conducted at the University and its members, because they are those for whom the higher education is designed.

  14. Next steps Law of Higher education in Herzegowina Neretva canton is adopted in April 2012. Now we have legal basis for integration of University of Mostar Start point for integration is strategy of University development 2011.-2016. adopted by Senate. The next five-year period - the period will be restructuring and strengthening of the University

  15. Integration of the University is a process that must take place in several phases. The process of integration should be based on consensus of all members of the University because it is the only guarantee for the success of this process and improve the quality of services provided by the University.By drafting the Statute of the University of Mostar under the new law on higher education will define the model of integration.To build the administrative capacity to manage integrated University.

  16. Conclusion Integration is not only abolition of the legal entity of faculties Accelerate development of joint infrastructure of the University, which includes : (IT center, Center for transfer technology, Center for promotion of research…) Adaptation of normative acts Integration is process- very important to understand of next steps.

  17. Thank you for your attention!!!

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