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Steps in Algorithm Design: Stable Matching Problem and Dijkstra's Algorithm

This review covers the main steps in algorithm design and analyzes the Stable Matching problem using the Gale-Shapley algorithm. It also explains Dijkstra's algorithm for finding the shortest path in a graph.

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Steps in Algorithm Design: Stable Matching Problem and Dijkstra's Algorithm

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  1. CSE 331: Review August 1, 2013

  2. Main Steps in Algorithm Design Problem Statement Real world problem Problem Definition Precise mathematical def Algorithm “Implementation” Data Structures Analysis Correctness/Run time

  3. Stable Matching Problem Gale-Shaply Algorithm

  4. Stable Marriage problem Input:M and W with preferences Output: Stable Matching Set of men M and women W Preferences (ranking of potential spouses) Matching (no polygamy in M X W) Perfect Matching (everyone gets married) m w Instablity m’ w’ Stable matching = perfect matching+ no instablity

  5. Gale-Shapley Algorithm At most n2 iterations Intially all men and women are free While there exists a free woman who can propose Let w be such a woman and m be the best man she has not proposed to w proposes to m O(1) timeimplementation If m is free (m,w) get engaged Else (m,w’) are engaged If m prefers w’ to w w remains free Else (m,w) get engaged and w’ is free Output the engaged pairs as the final output

  6. GS algorithm: Firefly Edition Inara Mal Zoe Wash 4 5 6 1 2 3 Kaylee Simon 4 5 6 1 2 3

  7. GS algo outputs a stable matching Lemma 1: GS outputs a perfect matching S Lemma 2: S has no instability

  8. Proof technique de jour Proof by contradiction Assume the negation of what you want to prove After some reasoning Source: 4simpsons.wordpress.com

  9. Two obervations Obs 1: Once m is engaged he keeps getting engaged to “better” women Obs 2: If w proposes to m’ first and then to m (or never proposes to m) then she prefers m’ to m

  10. Proof of Lemma 2 By contradiction w’ last proposed to m’ Assume there is an instability (m,w’) m w m prefers w’ to w w’ prefers m to m’ m’ w’

  11. Contradiction by Case Analysis Depending on whether w’ had proposed to m or not Case 1: w’ never proposed to m By Obs 2 w’ prefers m’ to m Assumed w’ prefers m to m’ Source: 4simpsons.wordpress.com

  12. Case 2:w’ had proposed to m Case 2.1: m had accepted w’ proposal m is finally engaged to w Thus, m prefers w to w’ By Obs 1 Case 2.2: m had rejected w’ proposal m was engaged to w’’(prefers w’’to w’) By Obs 1 m is finally engaged to w (prefers w to w’’) By Obs 1 m prefers w to w’ 4simpsons.wordpress.com 4simpsons.wordpress.com

  13. Overall structure of case analysis Did w’ propose to m? Did m accept w’ proposal? 4simpsons.wordpress.com 4simpsons.wordpress.com 4simpsons.wordpress.com

  14. Graph Searching BFS/DFS

  15. O(m+n) BFS Implementation Input graph as Adjacency list BFS(s) Array CC[s] = T and CC[w] = F for every w≠ s Set i = 0 Set L0= {s} While Li is not empty Linked List Li+1 = Ø For every u in Li For every edge (u,w) Version in KT also computes a BFS tree If CC[w] = F then CC[w] = T Add w to Li+1 i++

  16. An illustration 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 6 1 7 2 3 8 4 5 6

  17. O(m+n) DFSimplementation BFS(s) CC[s] = T and CC[w] = F for every w≠ s O(n) Intitialize Q= {s} O(1) While Q is not empty Repeated at most once for each vertex u Σu O(nu) = O(Σu nu) = O(m) Delete the front element u in Q For every edge (u,w) Repeated nu times O(1) If CC[w] = F then O(nu) CC[w] = T O(1) Add w to the back of Q

  18. A DFS run using an explicit stack 7 8 1 7 6 7 3 2 3 5 8 4 4 5 5 3 6 2 3 1

  19. Topological Ordering

  20. Run of TopOrd algorithm

  21. Greedy Algorithms

  22. Interval Scheduling: Maximum Number of Intervals Schedule by Finish Time

  23. End of Semester blues Can only do one thing at any day: what is the maximum number of tasks that you can do? Write up a term paper Party! Exam study 331 HW Project Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

  24. Schedule by Finish Time O(n log n) time sort intervals such that f(i) ≤ f(i+1) O(n) time build array s[1..n]s.t. s[i] = start time for i Set A to be the empty set While R is not empty Do the removal on the fly Choose i in R with the earliest finish time Add i to A Remove all requests that conflict with i from R Return A*=A

  25. The final algorithm Order tasks by their END time Write up a term paper Party! Exam study 331 HW Project Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

  26. Proof of correctness uses“greedy stays ahead”

  27. Interval Scheduling: Maximum Intervals Schedule by Finish Time

  28. Scheduling to minimize lateness All the tasks have to be scheduled GOAL: minimize maximum lateness Write up a term paper Exam study Party! 331 HW Project Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

  29. The Greedy Algorithm (Assume jobs sorted by deadline: d1≤ d2≤ ….. ≤ dn) f=s For every i in 1..n do Schedule job i from s(i)=f to f(i)=f+ti f=f+ti

  30. Proof of Correctness uses“Exchange argument”

  31. Proved the following Any two schedules with 0 idle time and 0 inversions have the same max lateness Greedy schedule has 0 idle time and 0 inversions There is an optimal schedule with 0 idle time and 0 inversions

  32. Shortest Path in a Graph: non-negative edge weights Dijkstra’s Algorithm

  33. Shortest Path problem s s s 100 Input: Directed graph G=(V,E) Edge lengths, le for e in E “start” vertex s in V w w 5 5 5 15 15 u u u Output: All shortest paths from s to all nodes in V

  34. Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm 1 d’(w) = min e=(u,w) in E, u in Rd(u)+le 3 3 y 4 u 1 1 1 d(s) = 0 d(u) = 1 4 s x 4 2 d(w) = 2 d(x) = 2 2 2 d(y) = 3 d(z) = 4 2 w z 5 4 3 2 s Input: Directed G=(V,E), le ≥ 0, s in V w u R = {s}, d(s) =0 Shortest paths x While there is a x not in R with (u,x) in E, u in R Pick w that minimizes d’(w) Add w to R z y d(w) = d’(w)

  35. Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm (formal) Input: Directed G=(V,E), le ≥ 0, s in V S = {s}, d(s) =0 While there is a v not in S with (u,v) in E, u in S At most n iterations Pick w that minimizes d’(w) Add w to S d(w) = d’(w) O(m) time O(mn) time bound is trivial O(m log n) time implementation is possible

  36. Proved that d’(v) is best when v is added

  37. Minimum Spanning Tree Kruskal/Prim

  38. Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) Input: A connected graph G=(V,E), ce> 0 for every e in E Output: A tree containing all V that minimizes the sum of edge weights

  39. Kruskal’s Algorithm Input: G=(V,E), ce> 0 for every e in E T = Ø Sort edges in increasing order of their cost Joseph B. Kruskal Consider edges in sorted order If an edge can be added to T without adding a cycle then add it to T

  40. Prim’s algorithm 0.5 2 Similar to Dijkstra’s algorithm 3 1 50 51 0.5 2 Robert Prim Input: G=(V,E), ce> 0 for every e in E 1 50 S = {s}, T = Ø While S is not the same as V Among edges e= (u,w) with u in S and w not in S, pick one with minimum cost Add w to S, e to T

  41. Cut Property Lemma for MSTs Condition: S and V\S are non-empty V \ S S Cheapest crossing edge is in all MSTs Assumption: All edge costs are distinct

  42. Divide & Conquer

  43. Sorting Merge-Sort

  44. Sorting Given n numbers order them from smallest to largest Works for any set of elements on which there is a total order

  45. Mergesort algorithm Input: a1, a2, …, an Output: Numbers in sorted order MergeSort( a, n ) If n = 2 return the order min(a1,a2); max(a1,a2) aL = a1,…, an/2 aR = an/2+1,…, an return MERGE ( MergeSort(aL, n/2), MergeSort(aR, n/2) )

  46. An example run 1 51 51 1 19 100 100 19 2 2 8 8 4 3 3 4 1 8 1 2 19 19 3 2 4 51 51 3 100 4 8 100 MergeSort( a, n ) If n = 2 return the order min(a1,a2); max(a1,a2) aL = a1,…, an/2 aR = an/2+1,…, an return MERGE ( MergeSort(aL, n/2), MergeSort(aR, n/2) )

  47. Correctness Input: a1, a2, …, an Output: Numbers in sorted order By induction on n MergeSort( a, n ) If n = 1 return the order a1 If n = 2 return the order min(a1,a2); max(a1,a2) aL = a1,…, an/2 aR = an/2+1,…, an return MERGE ( MergeSort(aL, n/2), MergeSort(aR, n/2) ) Inductive step follows from correctness of MERGE

  48. Counting Inversions Merge-Count

  49. Mergesort-Count algorithm Input: a1, a2, …, an Output: Numbers in sorted order+ #inversion T(2) = c MergeSortCount( a, n ) T(n) = 2T(n/2) + cn If n = 1 return( 0 , a1) O(n log n) time If n = 2 return( a1 > a2, min(a1,a2); max(a1,a2)) aL = a1,…, an/2 aR = an/2+1,…, an O(n) (cL, aL) = MergeSortCount(aL, n/2) (cR, aR) = MergeSortCount(aR, n/2) Counts #crossing-inversions+ MERGE (c, a) = MERGE-COUNT(aL,aR) return (c+cL+cR,a)

  50. Closest Pair of Points Closest Pair of Points Algorithm

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