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FORMING AND NURTURING LEADERSHIP FOR STEWARDSHIP. STEWARDSHIP. 1. A PROGRAM? 2. A PROCESS? 3. A JOURNEY. 4. OUR BAPTISMAL CALL. This presentation. The Stewardship Committee. Parish organization. Developing leadership. Stewardship in the Catholic school. Food for the Journey.
This presentation • The Stewardship Committee. • Parish organization. • Developing leadership. • Stewardship in the Catholic school. • Food for the Journey.
The Stewardship Committee • 1. What is it?
. 4 Organizational Models. • 1. Reports to the Finance Council. • 2. Reports to the Pastoral Council. • 3. Parallel to other major councils/committees. • 3. Serves as the committee under which all else occurs.
Who should serve on it? • 1. Those spiritually motivated. • 2. People who model stewardship. • 3. People of vision. • 4. People who are positive. • 5. Those already involved in ministry.
What exactly is their role? INDEX For The BY-LAWS of the PASTORAL STEWARDSHIP COUNCIL of ST. BERNADETTE CATHOLIC CHURCH SAINT LUCIE WEST, FL ARTICLE 1 NAME ARTICLE 2 MISSION OF THE COUNCIL ARTICLE 3 DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES ARTICLE 4 MEMBERSHIP ON THE COUNCIL ARTICLE 5 OFFICERS ARTICLE 6 RESPONSIBILITIES OF STEWARDSHIP COUNCIL MEMBERS ARTICLE 7 MEETINGS OF THE COUNCIL ARTICLE 8 RATIFICATION AND POWER TO AMEND OR CHANGE THE BY-LAWS APPROVED: October 18, 2001 AMENDED: June 15, 2010 ARTICLE TWO - MISSION OF THE COUNCIL The mission of the Pastoral Stewardship Council is to promote and foster Christian stewardship in our homes, in our parish, and in our community. To fulfill our mission we provide resources for worship, prayer, education, administration, outreach, and witness. The Stewardship Council, which will function as a Pastoral Council might, assesses and responds to stewardship needs within the parish. We respond to the identified needs by organizing ministries that meet these needs, coordinating the workings of said ministries, groups, and committees within the parish, and providing leadership to set the direction for future stewardship activities. Individually members of the Council participate by serving on other committees, Parish Ministries, and sub-committees. The Stewardship Council seeks to infuse the theology and practice of stewardship into the life of the parish and assist members of St. Bernadette to recognize that all that we have is pure gift from God. The Stewardship Council works to inform parishioners of the many opportunities to use their giftedness to build up the kingdomof God by sharing their time, talent, and treasure. The Stewardship Council further seeks to instill a sense of hospitality, spirituality, and accountability in parish members through recommitment, outreach, and prayer.
Church organization It was simple in the beginning…
Administrative Commission Pastoral Commission St. Bernadette Parish FamilyStewardship Chart2010-2011 Commission Liaisons ( 2 members of Stewardship Council who are also involved in ministry within this commission Rev. Victor Ulto Pastor Rev. Son Linh Hoang Parochial Vicar Commission Liaisons ( 2 members of Stewardship Council who are also involved in ministry within this commission Pastoral Stewardship Council (25 members) Staff liaison Staff liaison Finance Council Budget committee Planned Giving Maintenance New Buildings Parish Outreach God’s Green Earth Cleanliness/Godliness Social Committee Office Disciples Technology Bernadette’s Banquets Calendar coordination Trees and Treasures St. Bernadette Feast Annual Golf Tournament Good Shepherd Development Fund Raising Public Relations Parish Picnic Cana Companions Facilities K. Of C. C.C. W. Columbiettes Martha’s Hands Mommy and Me Bernadette’s Angels Divorced/separated Circle of Friends Welcoming Prison Ministry Respect Life St. Vincent dePaul Project Mother Teresa Serra Club Respect Life New Beginnings Giving Tree Habitat for Humanity Orientation Night at the Opera Thanksgiving Baskets Birthday Ministry Liturgical Commission Education Commission Commission Liaisons ( 2 members of Stewardship Council who are also involved in ministry within this commission Commission Liaisons ( 2 members of Stewardship Council who are also involved in ministry within this commission Staff liaison Staff liaison Eucharistic Ministers Lectors Altar Servers Youth Sacristans Altar Servers Adult Music Hospitality Ushers Art/Environment Altar Angels Adoration Prayer Groups Homebound min.1st Friday devotion Religious Education RCIA Adult Education Youth Ministry Literacy Project Baptism Preparation Convocation series Echoes of Faith Catholic Book Club Bible Study School of Faith Formation
Raritan Saint Patrick Pastor/Administrator Stewardship TRUSTEE Clair Farquhar (Farquhar Family) TRUSTEE Margaret Toomey (Toomey Family) Church maintenance Finance Social activities Missions Annual picnic and meeting Annual dinner Communications Budget Planning Diocesan annual appeal Wills, bequests, trusts Endowment Cemetery Vocations Liturgies Eucharistic Ministers Lectors/readers Ushers Altar servers Music Hospitality Education Prayer opportunities Holy Days Church decoration Baptisms Weddings Funerals 1st Communion Confirmation
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