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PANAMA-BUENA VISTA UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT. Plan for Continuous Improvement. Plan for Continuous IMPROVEMENT. This detailed plan establishes the points that serve as the foundation for teaching and learning, and other support systems within the Panama-Buena Vista Union School District.
Plan for Continuous IMPROVEMENT • This detailed plan establishes the points that serve as the foundation for teaching and learning, and other support systems within the Panama-Buena Vista Union School District. • VISION - Setting a clear vision for the future, providing a sense of direction of where we want to go and what we want to become as a school district. • MISSION - Another key point is the establishment of a mission that serves to define the overall purpose of the District, outlining specific language of why we exist. • VALUES AND BELIEFS- A third critical point is the commitment to a set of values and beliefs that all members of the school district (parents, students, teachers, and staff) will follow in order to commit to a learning environment that support the positive academic and behavioral growth of all students. • STRATEGIC PRIORITIES- Last but not least is the establishment of a set of strategic priorities that will keep the district focused and efficient, serving as the formula that will lead the District to actualize the vision of becoming our vision “Excellence in Education.”
VISION • The Panama-Buena Vista Union School District, in partnership with parents and community, commits to a rigorous, balanced academic program for all students resulting in responsible, high achieving 21st Century citizens. Our vision in Panama-Buena Vista Union School District is to be the model of “Excellence in Education.” MISSION
We believe and value • • All children deserve a quality education in a safe environment. • • We teach all children believing all children can learn. • • Education is a partnership between the school, family and our community. • • Everyone works together as a team to attain maximum achievement. • • We build relationships on trust and respect. • • We value our community diversity.
Priorities for the next 3 years… • 1. Academic Excellence- Ensuring high quality and innovative teaching and learning opportunities that increases student success while preparing all students to be college and career ready. • 2. Resource Alignment- Supporting an inclusive process with the Panama-Buena Vista USD community to prioritize, allocate, and monitor district resources to insure stakeholders’ needs are responsibly met. • 3. Organizational Enhancement- Implementing processes that create a healthy, effective, efficient and enjoyable organization positioned to exceed the expectations of those who work here and those we serve. • 4. Community Engagement- Engaging and collaborating with groups inside and out of the District community for the mutually beneficial exchange of knowledge and resources in a context of partnership and reciprocity.
District Goal Setting and LCAP • Our District priorities are closely aligned to the California State Board of Education priorities for the development of the LCAP and were developed through a variety of Panama-Buena Vista Union School District community meetings and online surveys.
LCAPRevIew • Pam’s slides REVIEW!!
What is the LCAP? • The Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) is a critical part of the new Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF). • Under the LCFF the school district must engage parents, educators, employees, and the community to prepare the LCAP which describes how we intend to meet annual goals for all pupils.
What is the LCAP? • The LCAP should describe the school district’s overall vision for students, annual goals, and specific actions that will be taken to achieve the vision and goals. • The LCAP must focus on eight areas identified as state priorities. • The LCAP will demonstrate how the district’s budget will help achieve the goals and assess each year how well the strategies in the plan were able to improve outcomes.
Basic Services • Implementation of Common Core State Standards • Parental Involvement Eight Areas of Priority • Student Achievement • Student Engagement • School Climate • Course Access • Other Student Outcomes
Needs Assessment Themes • Student Achievement • Student Support • Implementation of Common Core State Standards • Integration of Technology • Student Engagement • Balanced Educational Program
Our Next Steps • Needs • Goals • Strategies • LCAP WE ARE HERE!
LCAP NEEDS IDENTIFIED • “Top Tier” •EL students’ proficiency in English needs to increase. • •EL student reclassification rates need to increase. • •Student performance in early literacy in grades K-1 needs to improve. • •Student reading and math achievement in grades 2-8 needs to improve. • “Mid Tier”•Students in grades TK-8 need to become more physically fit. • •Student suspension rates need to be improved district wide • “Base Tier”•Studentand teacher access to and use of technology needs to increase. • •Teacher information and training for in CCSS needs to be provided. • •Student access to appropriate CCSS instruction, instructional materials, and assessments needs to be provided. • •Parent Involvementneeds to increase • •Class size reduction should be strategic and focused on the needs of students most at risk. Listening Posts Parent Surveys Parent Council Student Surveys DLAC ELAC Staff Meetings Teacher Surveys
Your input is requested!! • Please take a document • You will receive a link today that will ask you for your feedback to the needs and action steps that are presented.
Moving toward meaningful engagement! • Confirm the direction we are headed for this year! Survey sent to you will ask you what % are we headed in the right direction. • Give additional input on the selected needs. • Be proficient about the LCAP process in the District • Give ideas on the LCAP process for next year.