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XQuery. In this lecture. Summary of XQuery FLWOR expressions – For, Let, Where, Order by, Return FOR and LET expressions Collections and sorting. Sample Data for Queries.
In this lecture • Summary of XQuery • FLWOR expressions – For, Let, Where, Order by, Return • FOR and LET expressions • Collections and sorting
Sample Data for Queries <bib><book> <publisher> Addison-Wesley </publisher> <author> Serge Abiteboul </author> <author> <first-name> Rick </first-name> <last-name> Hull </last-name> </author> <author> Victor Vianu </author> <title> Foundations of Databases </title> <year> 1995 </year></book><bookprice=“55”> <publisher> Freeman </publisher> <author> Jeffrey D. Ullman </author> <title> Principles of Database and Knowledge Base Systems </title> <year> 1998 </year></book> </bib>
bib Data Model for XPath The root The root element book book publisher author . . . . Addison-Wesley Serge Abiteboul
FLWOR (“Flower”) Expressions • FLWOR expression supports iteration and binding of variables to intermediate results • useful for computing joins between two or more documents and for restructuring data FOR ... LET... WHERE...ORDER BY…RETURN... • The for and let clauses generate an ordered sequence of tuples of bound variables, called the tuple stream • The optional where clause serves to filter the tuple stream • The optional order by clause can be used to reorder the tuple stream • The return clause constructs the result of the FLWOR expression
FOR-WHERE-RETURN Find all book titles published after 1995: FOR$xINdocument("bib.xml")/bib/book WHERE$x/year/text() > 1995 RETURN$x/title Result: <title> abc </title> <title> def </title> <title> ghi </title>
Equivalently (perhaps more geekish) FOR-WHERE-RETURN FOR$xINdocument("bib.xml")/bib/book[year/text() > 1995] /title RETURN$x And even shorter: document("bib.xml")/bib/book[year/text() > 1995] /title
FOR-WHERE-RETURN • Find all book titles and the year when they were published: FOR$xINdocument("bib.xml")/ bib/bookRETURN <answer> <title>{ $x/title/text() } </title> <year>{ $x/year/text() } </year> </answer> Result: <answer> <title> abc </title> <year> 1995 </ year > </answer> <answer> <title> def </title> < year > 2002 </ year > </answer> <answer> <title> ghk </title> < year > 1980 </ year > </answer>
Nesting For each author of a book by Morgan Kaufmann, list all books she published: FOR$b IN document(“bib.xml”)/bib,$aIN$b/book[publisher /text()=“Morgan Kaufmann”]/author RETURN <result> { $a, FOR$tIN$b/book[author/text()=$a/text()]/title RETURN$t} </result> In the RETURN clause comma concatenates XML fragments
Result <result> <author>Jones</author> <title> abc </title> <title> def </title> </result> <result> <author> Smith </author> <title> ghi </title> </result>
Aggregates Find all books with more than 3 authors: FOR$x IN document("bib.xml")/bib/bookWHEREcount($x/author)>3 RETURN$x count = a function that counts avg = computes the averagesum = computes the sumdistinct-values = eliminates duplicates
Aggregates Same thing: FOR$x IN document("bib.xml")/bib/book[count(author)>3] RETURN$x
Aggregates Print all authors who published more than 3 books – be aware of duplicates ! FOR$b IN document("bib.xml")/bib, $aINdistinct-values($b/book/author/text())WHEREcount($b/book[author/text()=$a])>3 RETURN <author> { $a } </author>
Aggregates <big_publishers> FOR$pINdistinct(document("bib.xml")//publisher) LET$b := document("bib.xml")/book[publisher = $p] WHEREcount($b) > 100 RETURN$p </big_publishers> count = a (aggregate) function that returns the number of elms
Aggregates Find books whose price is larger than average: LET$a=avg(document("bib.xml")/bib/book/@price) FOR$b in document("bib.xml")/bib/book WHERE$b/@price > $a RETURN$b
Flattening • “Flatten” the authors, i.e. return a list of (author, title) pairs FOR$bINdocument("bib.xml")/bib/book,$xIN$b/title/text(),$yIN$b/author/text()RETURN <answer> <title> { $x } </title> <author> { $y } </author> </answer> Result:<answer> <title> abc </title> <author> efg </author></answer><answer> <title> abc </title> <author> hkj </author></answer>
Re-grouping • For each author, return all titles of her/his books Result:<answer> <author> efg </author> <title> abc </title> <title> klm </title> . . . . </answer> FOR$b IN document("bib.xml")/bib,$xIN$b/book/author/text()RETURN <answer> <author> { $x } </author> { FOR$yIN$b/book[author/text()=$x]/titleRETURN$y } </answer> What aboutduplicateauthors ?
Re-grouping • Same, but eliminate duplicate authors: FOR$b IN document("bib.xml")/bibLET$a := distinct-values($b/book/author/text())FOR$xIN$aRETURN <answer> <author> {$x} </author> { FOR$yIN$b/book[author/text()=$x]/titleRETURN$y } </answer>
Re-grouping • Same thing: FOR$b IN document("bib.xml")/bib,$xINdistinct-values($b/book/author/text())RETURN <answer> <author> {$x} </author> { FOR$yIN$b/book[author/text()=$x]/titleRETURN$y } </answer>
Another Example Find book titles by the coauthors of “Database Theory”: FOR$b IN document("bib.xml")/bib,$xIN$b/book[title/text() = “Database Theory”],$yIN$b/book[author/text() = $x/author/text()]RETURN <answer> { $y/title/text() } </answer> Result: <answer> abc </ answer > < answer > def </ answer > < answer > abc </ answer > < answer > ghk </ answer >
Distinct-values Same as before, but eliminate duplicates: FOR$b IN document("bib.xml")/bib,$xIN$b/book[title/text() = “Database Theory”]/author/text(),$yINdistinct-values($b/book[author/text() = $x] /title/text()) RETURN <answer> { $y } </answer> Result: <answer> abc </ answer > < answer > def </ answer > < answer > ghk </ answer > distinct-values = a function that eliminates duplicates
FOR$x in document(“db.xml”)/db/Product/rowORDER BY$x/price/text()RETURN <answer> { $x/name, $x/price } </answer> SELECT x.name, x.priceFROM Product xORDER BY x.price SQL XQuery SQL and XQuery Side-by-side Find all product names, prices,sort by price Product(pid, name, maker, price)
Xquery’s Answer <answer> <name> abc </name> <price> 7 </price></answer> <answer> <name> def </name> <price> 23 </price></answer> . . . . Notice: this is NOT awell-formed document !(WHY ???)
Producing a Well-Formed Answer <myQuery> { FOR$x in document(“db.xml”)/db/Product/rowORDER BY$x/price/text()RETURN <answer> { $x/name, $x/price } </answer> }</myQuery>
Xquery’s Answer <myQuery> <answer> <name> abc </name> <price> 7 </price> </answer> <answer> <name> def </name> <price> 23 </price> </answer> . . . .</myQuery> Now it is well-formed !
FOR$r in document(“db.xml”)/db,$x in $r/Product/row,$y in $r/Company/rowWHERE$x/maker/text()=$y/cid/text() and $y/city/text() = “Seattle”RETURN { $x/name } SELECT x.nameFROM Product x, Company yWHERE x.maker=y.cid and y.city=“Seattle” SQL XQuery SQL and XQuery Side-by-side Product(pid, name, maker, price)Company(cid, name, city, revenues) Find all products made in Seattle FOR$y in /db/Company/row[city/text()=“Seattle”],$x in /db/Product/row[maker/text()=$y/cid/text()]RETURN { $x/name }
<product> <row> <pid> 123 </pid> <name> abc </name> <maker> efg </maker> </row> <row> …. </row> … </product><product> . . . </product>. . . .
SQL and XQuery Side-by-side For each company with revenues < 1M count the products over $100 SELECT y.name, count(*)FROM Product x, Company yWHERE x.price > 100 and x.maker=y.cid and y.revenue < 1000000GROUP BY y.cid, y.name FOR$r in document(“db.xml”)/db,$y in $r/Company/row[revenue/text()<1000000]RETURN <proudCompany> <companyName> { $y/name/text() } </companyName> <numberOfExpensiveProducts> { count($r/Product/row[maker/text()=$y/cid/text()][price/text()>100]) } </numberOfExpensiveProducts> </proudCompany>
SQL and XQuery Side-by-side Find companies with at least 30 products, and their average price SELECT y.name, avg(x.price)FROM Product x, Company yWHERE x.maker=y.cidGROUP BY y.cid, y.nameHAVING count(*) > 30 An element FOR$r in document(“db.xml”)/db,$y in $r/Company/rowLET$p := $r/Product/row[maker/text()=$y/cid/text()]WHEREcount($p) > 30RETURN <theCompany> <companyName> { $y/name/text() } </companyName> <avgPrice> avg($p/price/text()) </avgPrice> </theCompany> A collection
Sorting in XQuery <publisher_list> FOR$bIN document("bib.xml")//book[publisher = ‘M.K’] ORDERBY$b/price/text() RETURN <book> { $b/title , $b/price } </book> </publisher_list>
If-Then-Else FOR$h IN //holding RETURN <holding> $h/title, IF$h/@type = "Journal" THEN$h/editor ELSE$h/author </holding> SORTBY (title)
Existential Quantifiers FOR$b IN //book WHERESOME$p IN $b//paraSATISFIES contains($p, "sailing") AND contains($p, "windsurfing") RETURN$b/title
Universal Quantifiers FOR$b IN //book WHEREEVERY$p IN $b//paraSATISFIES contains($p, "sailing") RETURN$b/title
Duplicate Elimination • distinct-values(list-of-text-values) <row> <a>3</a> <b>100</b> </row> <row> <a>8</a> <b>500</b> </row> <row> <a>3</a> <b>100</b> </row> <row> <a>3</a> <b>200</b> </row> <row> <a>8</a> <b>500</b> </row> <row> <a>3</a> <b>100</b> </row> <row> <a>8</a> <b>500</b> </row> <row> <a>3</a> <b>200</b> </row>
FOR v.s. LET • FOR$x in expr -- binds $x to each element in the list expr • LET$x = expr -- binds $x to the entire list expr • Useful for common subexpressions and for aggregations
FOR v.s. LET Summary: • FOR-LET-WHERE-RETURN = FLWR FOR/LET Clauses List of tuples WHERE Clause List of tuples RETURN Clause Instance of Xquery data model
FOR v.s. LET FOR • Binds node variables iteration LET • Binds collection variables one value
FOR v.s. LET Returns: <result> <book>...</book></result> <result> <book>...</book></result> <result> <book>...</book></result> ... FOR$xINdocument("bib.xml")/bib/book RETURN <result> $x </result> LET$x:=document("bib.xml")/bib/book RETURN <result> $x </result> Returns: <result> <book>...</book> <book>...</book> <book>...</book> ... </result>
Collections in XQuery • Ordered and unordered collections • /bib/book/author = an ordered collection • Distinct(/bib/book/author) = an unordered collection • LET$a = /bib/book $a is a collection • $b/author a collection (several authors...) Returns: <result> <author>...</author> <author>...</author> <author>...</author> ... </result> RETURN <result> $b/author </result>
Collections in XQuery What about collections in expressions ? • $b/@price list of n prices • $b/@price * 0.7 list of n numbers • $b/@price * $b/@quantity list of n x m numbers ?? • $b/@price * ($b/@quant1 + $b/@quant2) $b/@price * $b/@quant1 + $b/@price * $b/@quant2 !!
Sorting in XQuery <publisher_list> FOR$pINdistinct(document("bib.xml")//publisher) RETURN <publisher> <name> $p/text() </name> , FOR$bIN document("bib.xml")//book[publisher = $p] RETURN <book> $b/title , $b/@price </book> SORTBY(priceDESCENDING) </publisher> SORTBY(name) </publisher_list>