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Hydrogen Alternate Energy Systems

Hydrogen Alternate Energy Systems. ACS Committee on Science. Hydrogen Alternate Energy Systems - General. What performance is required?. U. S. Department of Energy, et. al, Renewable Energy Technology Characterizations, pp. 6-1 through 6-6, Dec. 1997, US DOE and EPRI.

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Hydrogen Alternate Energy Systems

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  1. Hydrogen Alternate Energy Systems ACS Committee on Science

  2. Hydrogen Alternate Energy Systems - General

  3. What performance is required? • U. S. Department of Energy, et. al, Renewable Energy Technology Characterizations, pp. 6-1 through 6-6, Dec. 1997, US DOE and EPRI. • Barbir, F. Review of Hydrogen Conversion Technologies. 1999, Clean Energy Research Institute, University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL 33124. • Baxter, J., et al., Energy and Environmental Science, 2009, 2(6), 559-588; NREL/JA-5A0-46279.

  4. What affects performance? • National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Advanced Vehicles & Fuels Research: Vehicles Systems Analysis; http://www.nrel.gov/vehiclesandfuels/vsa/publications.html • Treffinger, P., et al., Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Vehicles - State of the Art and Challenges for Improved Materials. Materials Science Forum,2007,539-543(2), 1321-1326. • Pesaran A. A., et al., PEM Fuel Cell Freeze and Rapid Startup Investigation, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, NREL/MP-540-38760. • Markel, T., et al., Fuel Cell Vehicle Systems Analysis. National Renewable Energy Laboratory: www.nrel.gov/vehiclesandfuels/use/pubs_hevs.html

  5. Where can I learn about the chemistry? • US DOE: Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy - Fuel Cell Technologies Program, Hydrogen Technical Publications: http://www1.eere.energy.gov/hydrogenandfuelcells/hydrogen_publications.html

  6. Hydrogen Alternate Energy Systems - Generation

  7. What performance is required? Biomass • Spath, P. L., et al., Update of Hydrogen from Biomass - Determination of the Delivered Cost of Hydrogen, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, 2003, NREL/MP-510-33112. • Biomass as Feedstock for a Bioenergy and Bioproducts Industry: The Technical Feasibility of a Billion-ton Annual Supply, US DOE, USDA, 2005, http://www1.eere.energy.gov/biomass/pdfs/final_billionton_vision_report2.pdf • Logan, B. E., Extracting Hydrogen and Electricity from Renewable Resources, Environ. Sci. Technol., 2004,38, 160A-167A.

  8. Where can I learn about the chemistry? Nuclear • Hong, G. T., Spritzer, M. H. Nuclear Energy-assisted Plasma Technology for Producing Hydrogen, Proceedings of the 2002 U.S. DOE Hydrogen Program Review, NREL/CP-610-32405. Biomass • Holzman, D. C., Microbe Power, Environmental Health Perspectives, 2005, 113(11), A754-A757. • Parry et al., Bioenergy Conversion of Cow Manure, Water Environment Federation - Joint Residuals and Biosolids Management Conference, 2005, DOI:10.2175/193864707787976452. • Reed, T. B., Das, A., Handbook of Biomass Downdraft Gasifier Engine Systems, Ch. 2: History, Current Developments, and Future Directions, Solar Energy Research Institute, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, 1988, SERI/SP-271-3022, pp. 6-8. • Boyapati, K. R., et al. (General Electric Co.), Co-Producing Hydrogen and Power by Biomass Gasification, U. S. Pat. Appl. 2004/0265158 A1, 12/30/2004.

  9. Where can I learn about the chemistry? Ocean Energy • Ocean Energy Technology Overview: Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP), 2009, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, NREL/BR-7A2-44200, DOE/GO-102009-2823. Plasma • Kumar, S., Kumar, D. (BTU International, Inc.), Plasma-assisted Gas Production, U. S. Pat. 7,497,922 B2, 3/3/2009.

  10. Where can I learn about the chemistry? Water electrolysis • Barbir, F., PEM electrolysis for production of hydrogen from renewable energy sources, Solar Energy, 2005, 78(5), 661-669. • Zeng, K., Zhang, D., Recent progress in alkaline water electrolysis for hydrogen production and applications, Progress in energy and combustion science, 2010, 36(3), 307-326 .

  11. Hydrogen Alternate Energy Systems - Storage

  12. What performance is required? • Schlapbach, L, Züttel, A., Hydrogen-storage materials for mobile applications, Nature, 2001, 414, 353-358. • Wang, J.Hydrogen Storage for Transportation Applications, Presentation at Energy and Nanotechnology: Strategy for the Future, 2003, http://www.rice.edu/energy/publications/presentations/Nano2003/Wang%202003.ppt.pdf • Amos, W. A., Costs of Storing and Transporting Hydrogen, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, 1998, NREL/TP-570-25106. • Carlson, E. J. et al., Cost Analysis of PEM Fuel Cell Systems for Transportation, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, 2005, NREL/SR-560-39104. • Satyapal, S. et al., The U.S. Department of Energy's National Hydrogen Storage Project: Progress towards meeting hydrogen-powered vehicle requirements, Catalysis Today2007, 120, 246-256

  13. What affects performance? • Li Zhou, Progress and Problems in Hydrogen Storage Methods, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2005, 5(4), 395-408. • Niedzwiecki, A., Hydrogen Storage, Hydrogen Vision Meeting, Quantum Technologies Worldwide, Inc., 2001. • Arnold, G., Advanced Hydrogen Storage Technologies, Global Alternative Propulsion Center, GM, 2002. • Billings, R. E., Hydrogen Stored as Metal Hydride: The Safest Fuel on Earth, Hydrogen Worldview, International Academy of Science, ISBN 096316340X

  14. Where can I learn about the chemistry? Mechanical Systems - Cassette • Redmond, S. D. (FuelSell Technologies, Inc.), Hydrogen Storage, Distribution, and Recovery System, U. S. Pat. 7,169,489 B2, 1/30/2007. • Redmond, S. D. (FuelSell Technologies, Inc.), Method and Apparatus for a Hydrogen Fuel Cassette Distribution and Recovery System, U. S. Pat. 7,399,325 B1, 7/15/2008. Mechanical Systems - Wind Turbine • Fingersh, L. J. (Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC), Wind Turbine Tower for Storing Hydrogen and Energy, U. S. Pat. 7,471,010 B1, 12/30/2008. • Chang, L. (The University of New Brunswick (CA)), Stand-Alone Wind Turbine System, Apparatus, and Method Suitable for Operating the Same, U. S. Pat. 7,476,987 B2, 1/13/2009. Novel Materials • Vasiliev, L. L., et al., New Sorbent Materials for the Hydrogen Storage and Transportation, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy,2007,32(18), 5015-5025.

  15. Where can I learn about the chemistry? Metal Hydrides • Piccardo, P. et al., Interconnect Materials for next-generation solid oxide fuel cells, J. Appl. Electrochem.,2009,39, 545–551. • Andersen, E. J., Renewable Energy Carrier System and Method, U. S. Pat. 7,144,567 B2, 12/5/2006. • Sakintuna, B. et al., Metal hydride materials for solid hydrogen storage, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy2007, 32, 1121-1140. Complex Metal Hydrides • Jensen, C. M., Redmond, S. D. (FuelSell Techologies, Inc.), Methods for Hydrogen Storage Using Doped Alanate Compositions, U. S. Pat. 7,011,768, 3/14/2006. • Pretterebner, J., Process for Supplying a Fuel Cell with Hydrogen by Means of Silanes or Polysilanes, U. S. Pat. Appl. 2009/0136800 A1, 5/28/2009.

  16. Where can I learn about the chemistry? Complex Metal Hydrides (cont’d) • Sandrock, G. et al., Accelerated thermal decomposition of AlH3 for hydrogen-fueled vehicles, J. Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing2005, A80, 687-690. • Vajo, J. J.; Olson, G. L. Hydrogen storage in destabilized chemical systems, Scripta Materialia2007, 56, 829-834. • Soloveichik, G. L. Metal borohydrides as hydrogen storage materials, Material Matters2007, 2, 11-14. Chemical Hydrides • Pez, G. P. et al., Hydrogen storage by reversible hydrogenation of pi-conjugated substrates, U. S. Pat. 7,101,530, 9/5/2006. • Peng, B.; Chen, J. Ammonia borane as an efficient and lightweight hydrogen storage medium, Energy Environ. Sci.2008, 1, 479-483.

  17. Where can I learn about the chemistry? Activated Carbon • Noh, J. S. et al., Hydrogen Storage Systems Using Activated Carbon, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,1987,12(10), 693-700. • Vix-Guterl, C. et al., Electrochemical Energy Storage in Ordered Porous Carbon Materials, Carbon, 2005,43(6), 1293-1302. • Hynek, et al., Hydrogen Storage by Carbon Sorption, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 1997,22(6), 601-610. • Chaterjee, A. K., Wolff, A. M. Activated Graphitic Carbon and Metal Hybrids Thereof, U. S. Pat. Appl. 2005/0196336 A1, 9/8/2005.

  18. Where can I learn about the chemistry? Nanomaterials • Los Alamos National Laboratory, Fact Sheet, Renewable Energy Innovations, 2008, LALP-08-030. Metals, Carbides and Oxides • Zhao, Y. et al., Self-catalyzed Hydrogenation and Dihydrogen Adsorption on Titanium Carbide Nanoparticles, Chem. Phys. Lett., 2006, 425, 273-277; NREL/JA-590-38239. • Shimizu, T., Jung, J. H., Metal Oxide Nanotube and Process for Production Thereof, U. S. Pat. 7,172,747 B2, 2/6/2007. • Hearley, A. K., Redmond, S. D., Solid-State Hydrogen Storage Systems, U. S. Pat. 7,279,222 B2, 10/9/2007. • Jhi, S.-H. et al., Hydrogen Storage by Physisorption - Beyond Carbon, Solid State Comm., 2004,129(12), 769-773. • Alexander, Jr., M.D. et al., Electrically Conductive Polymer Nanocomposite Materials, AFRL Materials and Manufacturing Directorate, Nonmetallic Materials Division; http://www.afrlhorizons.com/Briefs/Sept02/ML0206.html

  19. Where can I learn about the chemistry? Nanomaterials, cont’d. Carbon • Dillon, A. C., et al., Hydrogen Storage in Carbon Single-Wall Nanotubes, Proceedings of the 2002 US DOE Hydrogen Program Review, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, NREL/CP-610-32405. • Lueking, A., Tang, R. T., Hydrogen Storage in Carbon Nanotubes: Residual Metal Content and Pretreatment Temperature, AIChE Journal, 2003, 49(6), 1556-1568. • Volpe, M., Cleri, F., Role of surface chemistry in hydrogen adsorption in single-wall carbon nanotubes, Chem. Phys. Lett., 2003,371(3-4), 476-482. • Colibaba-Evulet, A. (General Electric Co.), Appliance Having a Container Including a Nanostructured Material for Hydrogen Storage, U. S. Pat. 7,416,583 B2, 8.26.2008. • Dillon, A. C. et al., Metal-Doped Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes and Production Thereof, U. S. Pat. 7,160,530 B2, 1/9/2007. • Bekkedahl et al., Advanced Materials for Hydrogen Storage: Carbon Nanotubes, Proceedings of the 1994 DOE/NREL Hydrogen Program Review, 1994, 149-163. • Heben et al., Carbon Nanotubes for Hydrogen Storage, Proceedings of the 1993 US DOE Hydrogen Program Review, 1993, Vol. II, 79-87. • Bockrath, et al., Hydrogen Storage on Carbon Nanotubes, Fuels and Process Chemistry Division, National Energy Technology Laboratory, http://www.netl.gov/technologies/hydrogen_clean_fuels/refshelf/papers/hydrogen/Hydrogen%20Storage%20on%20Carbon%20Nanotubes.pdf

  20. Hydrogen Separations Membranes

  21. What performance is required? • DOE/H2 Multi-Year Research, Development and Demostration Plan, available electronically at http://www1.eere.energy.gov/hydrogenandfuelcells • Carlson, E. J. et al., Cost Analysis of PEM Fuel Cell Systems for Transportation, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, 2005, NREL/SR-560-39104. • Wheeler, D., Sverdrup, G., Status of Manufacturing Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, 2007, NREL/TP-560-41655.

  22. What affects performance? • Report from the Basic Energy Sciences Advisory Committee (Feb 2003); available electronically at http://www.sc.doe.gov/bes/besac/Basic_Research_Needs_to_Assure_A_Secure_Energy_Future_FEB2003.pdf • Report from the Basic Energy Sciences Workshop on Hydrogen Production, Storage, and Use (Feb 2004); available electronically at http://www.sc.doe.gov/bes/hydrogen.pdf • U. S. Department of Energy, Small Business Innovation Research Program and Small Business Technology Transfer Program FY 2005 Soliciations, Technical Topic Descriptions, 15. Materials Research, Office of Fossil Energy, 2005. www.science.doe.gov/sbir/solicitations/fy%202005/15_FE3.htm

  23. Where can I learn about the chemistry? • Metal and Alloy Membranes • Ockwig, N. W.; Nenoff, T. M. Chem. Rev.,2007, 107, 4078-4110. • Silica and Zeolite Membranes • Verweij, H.;Lin, Y. S., Dong, J. H. MRS Bull.2006, 31, 756. • Lin, Y. S., Kumakiri, I.; Nair, B. N.; Alsyouri, H. Sep. Purif. Methods2002,31, 229. • Nenoff, T. M., Spontak, R. J., Aberg, C. M. MRS Bull.2006,31, 735.

  24. Where can I learn about the chemistry? • Carbon and Carbon-Nanotube Membranes • FutureGen Colation Formed. Power Eng.2005,109, 16. • Holt, J. K., et al., Science 2006, 312, 1034. • Polymer Membranes • Freeman, B. D. Macromolecules 1999, 32, 375. • Kazama, S., et al. 7th International Conference on Greenhoue Gas Control Technologies, Vancouver, Canada, 2004. • Colinart, T., Büchi, F. N. Sub-Millimeter Current Density Distribution in PEFC at Sub-zero Temperatures, www.electrochem.org/meetings/scheduler/abstracts/216/1015.pdf • Santurri, P. R., et al., ChemSultants International Inc., Final DOE Technical Report, 2008, DOE/GO/86043-Final.

  25. Where can I learn about the chemistry? • Ionic Liquid Membranes • Luebke, D. R., et al., Development of Practical Supported Ionic Liquid Membranes: A Systematic Approach. DOE.NETL-IR-2008-036. • Scovazzo, P., et al., J. Membrane Sci, 2004, 238(1-2), 57-63. • Salminen, J., et al., Ionic Liquids for Rechargeable Lithium Batteries, LBNL 58901.

  26. Hydrogen Alternate Energy Systems - Fuel Cells

  27. What performance is required? • Smithsonian Institution, A Basic Overview of Fuel Cell Technology, 2008; http://americanhistory.si.edu/fuelcells/basics.htm • Fuel Cells for Backup Power in Telecommunications Facilities, Fact Sheet, 2009, National Renewable Energy Laboratory Report No. NREL/FS-560-44520. • Davis, C. et al. Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicle Study, American Physical Society, 2003, www.aps.org/policy/reports/occasional/upload/fuelcell.pdf. • Jensen, J., The Need for Batter and Fuel Cell R&D, Energy Conservation by Energy Storage: Advanced Batteries and Fuel Cells - Proceedings of the Third Contractors Meeting, Comm. European Communities, Luxembourg, 1983, 166-172.

  28. What affects performance? • Pesaran, A. A. et al., PEM Fuel Cell Freeze and Startup Investigation, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, 2005, NREL/MP-54-38760. • Billings, R. E., The Hydrogen Fuel Cell - Efficiency is the Key, Hydrogen Worldview, International Academy of Science, 1991, p. 1-10; ISBN 096316340X. • Bernay, C., et al., Prospects for Different Fuel Cell Technologies for Vehicle Applications, J. Power Sources,2002,108, 139-152.

  29. Where can I learn about the chemistry? General • US DOE: Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy - Fuel Cell Technologies Program, Hydrogen Technical Publications: http://www1.eere.energy.gov/hydrogenandfuelcells/hydrogen_publications.html Systems • Calhoun, J. C. (Microsoft Corporation), Apparatus and Method for Heating Fuel Cells, U. S. Pat. 7,192,666 B2, 3/20/2007. • Pearson, M. T. (Ballard Power Systems, Inc.), Method and Apparatus for Fuel Cell Systems, U. S. Pat. 7,419,734 B2, 9/2/2008. • Kottenstette, R., Cotrell, J., Hydrogen Storage in Wind Turbine Towers: Design Considerations, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, 2003, NREL/CP-500-34759. • Agbossou, K., et al., (Ogilvy Renault) Control System for a Renewable Energy System, U. S. Pat. Appl. 2003/0227276 A1, 12/11/2003.

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