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Learn about the definitions, characteristics, diagnostic criteria, and classification of Acrisols, Alisols, Lixisols, and Nitisols. Explore their distribution, associated soils, and genesis factors. This comprehensive lecture delves into the intricacies of these important soil types.

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  1. ACRISOLS, ALISOLS, LIXISOLS and NITISOLS Otto Spaargaren ISRIC – World Soil Information Wageningen The Netherlands

  2. Content of lecture • Acrisols and Lixisols • Alisols • Nitisols

  3. Definition of Acrisols and Lixisols (1) Common characteristics: Acrisols and Lixisols have an argichorizon that, in some part, has a CEC < 24 cmol(+) kg-1 clay. The argic horizon starts within 100cm from the soil surface, or within 200cm from the soil surface if the argic horizon is overlain by loamy sand or coarser textures throughout.

  4. Definition of Acrisols and Lixisols (2) Differentiating characteristic: Acrisols have a base saturation < 50 percent in the major part between 25 and 100cm depth Lixisols have a base saturation  50 percent in the major part between 25 and 100cm depth

  5. Argic horizon (1) Results from illuvial accumulation of clay, predominant formation of clay in the subsoil or destruction of clay in the surface horizon, selective surface erosion, biological activity, or a combination of two or more of these processes

  6. Argic horizon (2) Diagnostic characteristics (1): • Texture sandy loam or finer and at least 8 percent clay • More total clay than overlying horizon: • If overlying horizon has < 15 % clay, argic horizon must have 3 % (absolute) more clay; • If overlying horizon has > 40 % clay, argic horizon must have 8 % (absolute) more clay; • If overlying horizon has 15 - 40 % clay, argic horizon must have 1.2x (relative) more clay

  7. Argic horizon (3) Diagnostic characteristics (2): • Increase in clay content within 30cm if illuvial, or within 15cm in other cases • Less than 50 percent rock structure • Thickness 1/10th of all overlying horizons, but at least 7.5cm

  8. Genesis of Acrisols and Lixisols Main soil-forming factor is: Climate Main soil-forming processes are: • Formation of a clay-rich subsoil horizon • Alteration to the extent that low-activity clay (LAC) predominate • Acrisols: strong leaching of bases • Lixisols: slight to moderate leaching of bases

  9. Classification of Acrisols (1) • Intergrade qualifiers: andic, arenic, gleyic, leptic, plinthic, umbric, and vitric • Secondary characteristics qualifiers, related to defined diagnostic horizons, properties or materials: abruptic, albic, ferric, geric, humic, hyperochric, lamellic, profondic, and stagnic

  10. Classification of Acrisols (2) • Secondary characteristics qualifiers, not related to defined diagnostic horizons, properties or materials: alumic, chromic, hyperdystric, rhodic, skeletic, and vetic • Haplic qualifier, where non of the above applies: haplic

  11. Classification of Lixisols (1) • Intergrade qualifiers: andic, arenic, calcic, gleyic, leptic, plinthic, and vitric • Secondary characteristics qualifiers, related to defined diagnostic horizons, properties or materials: abruptic, albic, ferric, geric, humic, hyperochric, lamellic, profondic, and stagnic

  12. Classification of Lixisols (2) • Secondary characteristics qualifiers, not related to defined diagnostic horizons, properties or materials: chromic, rhodic, and vetic • Haplic qualifier, where non of the above applies: haplic

  13. Alumi-Profondic Acrisol (Chromic), China Example of an Acrisol

  14. Chromic Lixisol, Ghana Example of a Lixisol

  15. Distribution of Acrisols (1)

  16. Distribution of Acrisols (2) Acrisols cover some billion ha or 8 % of the Earth’s land surface. They occur mainly in moist (sub)tropical and warm temperate regions, and as paleosols in other climatic zones.

  17. Distribution of Lixisols (1)

  18. Distribution of Lixisols (2) Lixisols cover some 440M ha or 3.5 % of the Earth’s land surface. They occur mainly in dry (sub)tropical and warm temperate regions, usually bordering desert regions, and as paleosols other climatic zones. Many Lixisols receive regularly air-borne dust from deserts, thus maintaining their high base status.

  19. Associated soils Acrisols occur associated with Ferralsols, Nitisols and Plinthosols on more level surfaces, and with Regosols and Cambisols on steeper land. Lixisols occur associated with Luvisols, Nitisols, Vertisols and Planosols on more level surfaces, and with Calcisols and Cambisols towards the drier regions.

  20. Alisols Alisols are strongly to extremely acid soils with high-activity clays (HAC) accumulated in the subsoil. Characteristically, they have a high amount of exchangeable aluminium, released from unstable secondary clay minerals such as smectites and vermiculites.

  21. Definition of Alisols (1) Alisols have • An argic horizon with a CECclay  24 cmol(+) kg-1, either starting within 100cm from the soil surface, or within 200cm from the soil surface if the argic horizon is overlain by loamy sand or coarser textures throughout • Alicproperties in most of the layer between 25 and 100cm depth

  22. Definition of Alisols (2) Alisols have • No diagnostic horizons other than an ochric, umbric, albic, andic, ferric, nitic, plinthic or vertic horizon

  23. Alic properties • CECclay 24 cmol(+) kg-1 • Either TRBclay/TRBsoil 0.8, or silt/clay  0.60 • pH (KCl)  4.0 • KCl-extractable Al  12 cmol(+) kg-1 clay, and KCl-extractable Al/CECclay 0.35 •  60 percent aluminium saturation (exch. Al/ECEC x 100)

  24. Genesis of Alisols (1) Main soil-forming factor is: Climate Main soil-forming processes are: • Transformation and/or hydrolysis of primary weatherable minerals and production of smectite and vermiculite

  25. Genesis of Alisols (2) • Redistribution of clay and formation of an argic horizon • Weathering of secondary high-activity clay, liberating large amounts of aluminium and – on basic parent materials – iron and magnesium

  26. Classification of Alisols (1) • Intergrade qualifiers: andic, arenic, gleyic, nitic, plinthic, umbric, and vertic • Secondary characteristics qualifiers, related to defined diagnostic horizons, properties or materials: abruptic, albic, ferric, humic, lamellic, profondic, and stagnic

  27. Classification of Alisols (2) • Secondary characteristics qualifiers, not related to defined diagnostic horizons, properties or materials: chromic, hyperdystric, rhodic, and skeletic • Haplic qualifier, where non of the above applies: haplic

  28. Hyperdystri-Profondic Alisol, Malaysia Example of an Alisol

  29. Distribution of Alisols (1)

  30. Distribution of Alisols (2) Alisols cover an estimated area of 100M ha or some 0.8 percent of the Earth’s land surface, mainly in Latin America, the West Indies, West Africa, the highlands of eastern Africa, Madagascar, southeast Asia and northern Australia.

  31. Associated soils In the humid tropics, Alisols are associated with Acrisols, Nitisols and Cambisols, possibly with Ferralsols In the seasonally dry (sub)tropics, Alisols are associated with Vertisols, Cambisols and Gleysols In Mediterranean areas, Alisols do occur on old river terraces, but are considered relict soils from wetter past climates

  32. Nitisols Nitisols comprise deep, well-drained, red, clayey soils with diffuse horizon boundaries and characteristic moderate to strong, nut-shaped angular blocky structures. They are mainly associated with basic rocks and limestones.

  33. Definition of Nitisols Nitisols have: • A nitic horizon starting within 100cm from the soil surface • Gradual to diffuse horizon boundaries • No ferric, plinthic or vertic horizon within 100cm from the soil surface

  34. The nitic horizon (1) • Diffuse or gradual horizon transition above and below • Have: • > 30 percent clay • Water-dispersible clay / total clay < 0.10 • Silt / clay < 0.40 • Have moderate to strong, nutty or polyhedral structure with many shiny ped faces

  35. The nitic horizon (2) • No gleyic or stagnic properties • Have: • 4.0 percent citrate-dithionite extractable iron (“free iron”), and • > 0.20 percent acid oxalate (pH 3) extractable iron (“active iron”), and • Free iron / active iron  0.05 • Thickness of 30cm or more

  36. Genesis of Nitisols (1) Main soil-forming factors are: Climate and Parent material Main soil-forming processes are: • “Ferralitization” – intense hydrolysis of primary weatherable minerals and relative accumulation of kaolinite, (meta)halloysite, and sesquioxides

  37. Genesis of Nitisols (2) • “Nitidization” - formation of strongly angular, shiny peds, probably resulting from micro-swelling and –shrinking, and influenced by the relative high amount of “active iron” • “Homogenisation” – biological pedoturbation by termites, ants, worms and other soil fauna, resulting in the crumb and/or subangular blocky structures and gradual or diffuse horizon boundaries

  38. Classification of Nitisols • Intergrade qualifiers: alic, andic, ferralic, mollic, and umbric • Secondary characteristics qualifiers, related to defined diagnostic horizons, properties or materials: humic • Secondary characteristics qualifiers, not related to defined diagnostic horizons, properties or materials: alumic, dystric, eutric, rhodic, and vetic

  39. Eutri-Ferralic Nitisol, Brazil Example of a Nitisol

  40. Distribution of Nitisols (1)

  41. Distribution of Nitisols (2) Nitisols cover some 200M ha worldwide, or 1.6 percent of the Earth’s land surface. They are found mainly in tropical Africa (Ethiopia, Kenya, Congo, Cameroon), in tropical Asia, South and Central America, and Australia.

  42. Associated soils Nitisols occur over basic and ultra-basic rocks in association with Ferralsols (plateau position) and Vertisols (lowland position). In volcanic regions, Nitisols occur in association with Andosols on the higher slopes. In limestone areas, Nitisols occur in association with Luvisols and Cambisols.

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