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Explore the plight of street children and prisoners' health, including causes, health issues, and strategies. Learn about solutions to alleviate these vulnerable populations' problems.
Introduction • Homeless persons at risk for disability, injury, or premature death. They suffer from lack of food, clothing, medical services, and social support. • Children “On” the street • These are children who depends on the street for their subsistence, but usually return home at night
Children “off” the street • These are children who work and sleep on the street, where by street is their principal home. • Prevalence • World wide, an estimated number of street children is 60-80 million.
Reason (contributing factor) for being street Economic reason – (i.e. searching for better life) Physical violence by their parents Loose family ties School failure Bribed by an adult Orphaned by an adult Drought, war, ethnic conflict Mental illness
Problems of street children • Since street children are homeless, living in overcrowding shelters, unsuitable sleeping, unsanitary living condition and they have poor hygienic, and poor nutritional status. They are exposed to different disease causing organisms, they exposed for trauma, even for substance abuse and crime. • they are highly exposed to many health and health related problem, the mains health problems include: • ƒ Acute or chronic alcoholism • ƒ Respiratory tract infection • ƒ Drug abuse • ƒ Trauma (assault, accident, burns) • ƒ STIs • ƒ Diarrhea disease • ƒ Leg and ear problems • ƒ Mental illness
Sexual violence like coerced sex through threats, intimidations, or physical forces, rape, attempted rape, unwelcome kiss… are also other problems of female street children the consequences of problems include • ƒ physical injury –loss of vision, hearing, disfiguring • ƒ unwanted pregnancy • ƒ unsafe abortion • ƒ STIs/ HIV • ƒ Psychological problem – fear and anxiety • ƒ Sexual dysfunctions • ƒ Low self – esteem • ƒ Post traumatic stress disorders (PTSD) • ƒ Depression
Some of the strategies to alleviate their problem include • Making health care facilities available • Street based health education which focus on FP, personal hygiene, STIs/ HIV etc • Looking for possibilities to reunite with their families
UNIT NINEPRISON HEALTH SERVICES (PHS) • Introduction • Prison is a place where individuals are kept in custody for a certain period of time for any wrong deeds they commit knowingly on unknowingly having political, social and economic nature.
Main Purpose of Prison Health Service (PHS) To solve the immediate health problems of the prisoner both physical and mental. • Prisoners do have a right to get health service ,To prevent transmission of diseases • To teach prisoners the basics of health and change their behavior so that when they are released from the prison to join the community once again, they can transmit whatever health messages, they get in the prison. Thus act as a community health educator. • To prevent the spread of infections and especially chronic ones like TB, Leprosy from the prisoner to the community • To train the prisoners as first aiders.
Common Health Problems in the Prison • Psychological health problem •Problem of food poisoning (dysentery) • Febrile illness like relapsing fever, typhoid, typhus • Intestinal parasites • Chronic diseased like TB • Skin infections • Malnutrition • Gastroenteritis • Urinary tract infection • Arthralgia, rheumatism • Homosexuality • Sexually transmissible diseases (STD’s
Major stressors specific to the condition are: • Loss such as loss of job, freedom, family contacts, dignity, food choices • privacy and sexual activities. Threats such as the threats of homosexual, physical discomfort, sleeping, eating and other personal functions. Drugs or alcoholic withdrawal, feelings of infidelity (lack of religion, belief) • Sources of Diseases • Prisoners who join the prison with diseases • The prison itself
Factors responsible for the origin and spread of diseases in prisons • • Poor housing • • Inadequate ventilation • • Overcrowding • • Malnutrition • • Poor personal hygiene • • Poor environmental hygiene • • Idleness • • Poor waste disposal • • Prolonged stay in prison • • Lack of knowledge
Effective PHS goes with change in politics; economics and society while making a survey use a well-structured check list which includes the following points. • • Identification of the prison (name, location) • • Construction of the building and their bed rooms • • Waste disposal system • • Latrine • • Water supply • • Health facilities
Responsibilities of the PHN during PHS • 1. Work with prison administrators and the prisoners • 2. Organize prisoners and form health committee in the prison • 3. Identify health and health related problems of the prisoners using a developed checklist. • 4. Make a plan and encourage them to solve the identified problem • 5. Identify the resources of the prison. • 6. Work with other health professionals system • 8. Make a follow up