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COSYSMO Overview

COSYSMO Overview. SOFTWARE. PRODUCTIVITY. CONSORTIUM. INCOSE IW’2002 Measurement Working Group February 3-7, 2002. Briefing Outline. Introduction to COSYSMO Project COSYSMO reference system Effort Size Drivers Cost Drivers Plans and Milestones Delphi (Round I) Conclusion.

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COSYSMO Overview

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  1. COSYSMO Overview SOFTWARE PRODUCTIVITY CONSORTIUM INCOSE IW’2002 Measurement Working Group February 3-7, 2002

  2. Briefing Outline • Introduction to COSYSMO Project • COSYSMO reference system • Effort • Size Drivers • Cost Drivers • Plans and Milestones • Delphi (Round I) • Conclusion

  3. COSYSMO Overview • COSYSMO (Constructive SYStem engineering cost MOdel) • Member of USC COCOMO II suite of cost estimation models • COSYSMO is being developed to estimate the system engineering effort and duration for software-intensive systems • Uses SE tasks from EIA 632 • Current stage of COSYSMO involves only inception phase of the MBASE systems development life cycle • Future versions will address latter life cycle phases

  4. Participants • Chris Abts, USC • Elliot Axelband, USC • Roger Bate, CMU • Kim Bell, Aerospace • Joe Betser, Aerospace • Barry Boehm, USC • Linda Brooks, TRW • Winsor Brown, USC • Sunita Chulani, USC • Nancy Eickelmann, Motorola • Lisa Finneran, SPC • Dan Galorath, Galorath • Don Greenlee, SAIC • Gary Hafen, LMCO • Gloria Isler, LMCO • Cheryl Jones, US Army • Tony Jordano, SAIC • W. Kelberlau, Raytheon • Ray Kile, CSM • Dan Ligget, Softstar • Karen Lum, JPL • Chris Miller, SPC • Karen Owens, Aerospace • Don Reifer, USC • Garry Roedler, LMCO • Walker Royce, Rationale • Evin Stump, Galorath • Gary Thomas, Raytheon • Ariel Tonnu, US Air Force • Ricardo Valerdi, USC • Marilee Wheaton, TRW • Ye Yang, USC

  5. Reference System • The COSYSMO project framed the model using a reference system (Satellite Ground System) • Identified systems engineering activties • Defined the components of the labor estimate • Reference System facilitated the identification of systems engineering tasks/jobs in terms of: • General Systems Engineering Tasks • Software • Hardware • Communications Architecture: Interfaces view • Initial scope of COSYSMO model is based on the scope of the example system • http://sunset.usc.edu/SSCS/toc.html

  6. Effort • The COSYSMO model is being developed to be compatible with COCOMO II • Its underlying effort estimating equation will be of the following form: Where: a = constant Size = estimate of the size of the systems engineering effort SD = size drivers EM = Effort Multipliers

  7. Scope Drivers • Scope Driver activities are from EIA 632 • Supplier Performance • Technical Management • Requirements Definition • Solution Definition • Systems Analysis • Requirements Validation • Design Solution Verification • End Products Validation/Purchased Products

  8. Size Drivers • Number of System Requirements • Number of Major Interfaces • Number of Technical Performance Measures • Number of Operational Scenarios • Number of Modes of Operations • Number of Different Platforms • Number of Unique Algorithms

  9. Requirements Understanding Architecture Understanding Level of Service requirements, Criticality, difficulty Legacy transition complexity COTS assessment complexity Platform difficulty Required process reengineering Number and diversity of stakeholder communities Stakeholder team cohesion Personnel capability Personnel experience / continuity Process Maturity Multi-site Coordination Formality of deliverables Tool Support Cost Drivers

  10. Plan of Action and Milestones TaskDue DateStatus Develop reference system 11/01/01 Complete Define cost drivers 11/16/01 Complete Define size drivers 11/16/01 Complete Define effort scope 11/16/01 Complete Finalize survey instrument 11/30/01 Complete Updates done/Delphi defined 01/14/02 Complete Send Delphi out 01/15/02 In Progress Complete Delphi round 02/15/02 Update done based on results 03/05/02 Present results at annual review 03/12/02

  11. Delphi Round I • Delphi Objectives: • Determine range for the size of each driver and relative effort per difficulty class • Determine range of effort multiplier values • This Delphi effort will initially calibrate the model based on expert opinions • Data from completed systems will then be used to determine statistical accuracy • Delphi Round I ends February 15th, 2002 • Results of Delphi to be presented at the Annual Research Review for the Center for Software Engineering on Monday March 11th, 2002 • http://sunset.usc.edu/events/2002/arr/index.htm

  12. COSYSMO Conclusion • COSYSMO effort is moving forward and has significant momentum • COSYSMO team needs systems engineering experts to make the Delphi data collection survey successful • INCOSE MWG can help by: • Completing Delphi survey and returning them by February 15th, 2002 • Circulating this questionnaire to other known ‘experts’ (Focus on quality input, not volume of responses)

  13. For More Information • COSYSMO INCOSE MWG Points of Contact: • Chris Miller • Miller@software.org • 703 742-7284 • Garry Roedler • Garry.j.roedler@lmco.com • 610 531-7845 • COSYSMO USC-CSE Points of Contact: • Barry Boehm boehm@sunset.use.edu • Ricardo Valerdi valerdi@usc.edu • Don Reifer dreifer@earthlink.net • COSYSMO website • http://valerdi.com/cosysmo/

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