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This outlines the mirror requirements, development strategy, and optical metrology laboratory at NSLS-II beamlines. It discusses coherence-preserving optics R&D, mirror fabrication trends, and the advancement of metrology tools. The focus is on improving mirror quality, exploring new fabrication technologies, and utilizing in-house optical metrology for iterative processes. The strategy includes developing metrology tools, leveraging state-of-the-art capabilities, and engaging with vendors to enhance technologies and attract developers. Various advanced metrology instruments are planned for the Optical Metrology Lab. The text also touches on mirror fabrication, multilayer deposition, and vendor collaborations to advance mirror technology at NSLS-II.
Mirror Metrology and Development Strategy Q. Shen, K. Kaznatcheev, A. Fluerasu Experimental Facilities Division NSLS-II Experimental Facilities Advisory Committee Meeting April 23-24, 2009
Outline • Mirror requirements at NSLS-II beamlines • NSLS-II strategy for mirror development and metrology • Optical metrology laboratory • Coherence preserving optics R&D • Summary
Mirrors Requirements at NSLS-II beamlines CHX IXS <150 nrad <100 nrad <0.17 mrad SRX CSX <0.2 mrad • General requirements: < 0.1 mrad ~ 1 nm / 1 cm
Trend in Mirror Fabrication Courtesy of A. Rommeveaux, R. Barret, ESRF • Steady improvement of the mirror quality, but not yet to 100nrad / 1nm level • New fabrication technologies emerged: APS (profile coating); Osaka/Spring-8 (plasma chemical vaporization machining (PCVM) elastic emission machining (EEM); WinLight/ESRF (polishing of deformed surfaces); SESO (Bimorph, piezo embedded) • New fabrication/polishing tools often require extensive use of in-house optical metrology to allow iterations in the process.
Mirror Development Strategy #1 500nm -1000nm • Develop NSLS-II metrology tools • Use our own metrology to characterize vendor product – crucial for verification & acceptance • Leverage our state-of-the-art metrology capability to energize and attract developers and vendors • At-wavelength metrology: at existing sources, emphasis on coherence preservation QED test sample (2008): flat Si Takacs & Siddons (BNL) before: 236nm (rms) Residual texture due to the tool marks-> need to reduce roughness (to 1/10) at low spatial frequencies after MRF: 10nm (rms) BUT x 20 improvement
Optical Metrology Laboratory • NSLS-II Optical Metrology Lab plans to house/develop cutting-edge metrology tools for advanced optics development: • Fizeau interferometer • Long Trace Profiler (LTP) • Micro-stitching interferometer • Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) • At wavelength metrology ALS: flat mirror (InSync) measurements
OM: First Set of Instruments Specification ZYGO VeriFire : Aperture Size 4 in. (102 mm) Zoom Range 1X-6X continuous zoom Pupil Focus Range -800 mm/ +1600 mm Repeatability of Three-Flat Test λ/300 (2σ)~2nm Repeatability of rms λ/10,000 (2σ)~0.06nm Spatial Sampling1K x 1K pixel camera Surface Height Resolution Better than λ/8,000 ~0.1nm Reference Optics: Dynaflex (high reflectivity) 4” flat l/20 accuracy 4% transmission l/50 accuracy matching cavity Backreflection corner cube Status: installed FollowUp: development of precise stage (meridional direction, 50nrad) for stitching measurement of curved surfaces Specification: Motorized Tip/Tilt/X/Y with ±4° 300/300mm Vibration Isolation Table Objectives 2.5X, 20X (5 to 0.2mm FoV) Lateral Res. 0.5 μm Vertical Scan Range (PZT) 150 μm Vertical Res. < 0.1 nm RMS Repeatability < 0.01 nm Status: NewView 6300 was upgraded with 300mm XY motorized stages to perform stitching interferometry
Next Generation LTP Development Takacs, P.Z., Qian, S., (BNL): LTP-I; 1987 LTP-II: CRADA with Continental Optics, R&D award 1993 Pentaprizm based LTP: 1995; In-situ mLTP: by 2005 about ~10 in all major SR centers Currently aproches 0.35urad performance Participants of Advanced Optical Systems and Metrology for High Power and Coherent Beam Lines Workshop during NSLS 2004 user meeting Goal: to reach 100 nrad accuracy for large radius SR mirrors (+/-10mrad) Qian, OptEngineering 2007 > In house + international expert advisory team for LTP development
Optics Testing at SR B-fiber ID6 undulator DCM Si-111 HR X-ray CCD-camera Test Optics Direct beam Multilayer • Coherence preservation by multilayers • O. Tchoubar, A. Snigirev, A. Fluerasu et al. Theoretical work on phase retrieval from in-line holograms. Aim: retrieve the surface profile, power spectral density function • Experimental work at ESRF ID6 (but also get R&D NSLS x16 beamline operational) • Mirror Fabrication/ Multilayer Deposition: R.Conley
Mirror Development Strategy #2 • Work/Collaborate with potential vendors • Survey vendors and their current state-of-the-art technologies, organize on-site presentations and discussions, ... (QED visit Feb.2009, InSync Apr.2009, Zeiss- May) • Spell out NSLSII requirements • Seek potential collaborations, leverage NSLSII state of the art metrology and x-ray testing capability to energize and attract developers and vendors: aimed at improving their technologies towards reaching our goals • Proceed with tests and development Goal: identify 2-3 reliable vendors by mid-FY11 for procurements of NSLS-II mirrors to spec and on schedule • Long-term vision • Aimed at developing novel polishing techniques (not only with vendors, but university..), advanced metrology tools and new approach to state of the art x-ray optics (R&D adaptive optics, mirror cryo-cooling, novel optics (diamond CRL)) • Establish a regional center for advanced mirror technology, involving BNL, upstate research universities, and regional optics manufacturers and vendors
Summary • NSLS-II plan for mirror metrology and mirror development is in place and being executed • Recruitment is on-going for an optical metrology expert to lead the effort • Optical metrology laboratory is being established as part of experimental facilities R&D program • Metrology instruments are being procured and some have already been installed and ready for use • Remaining key instrument is the next generation LTP that is planned to be developed in the coming year • Strategy on working with potential vendors is in place • Goal: to identify and qualify 2-3 reliable vendors by mid-FY11 so that NSLS-II mirror procurement can proceed at spec and on schedule