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Explore the importance of career development services and the historical impact of career guidance. Learn about career interventions, education, and guidance for a successful future in the evolving job market.
Introductionto Career and Vocational Counseling Chapter 1 Dr. Bill Bauer Marietta College Educ 682
Why have Career Development Services? • Gallup poll 1999 (National Career Development Association). • 1 in 10 adults need career assistance • 17 million people need help finding jobs • 81% of people minimally satisfied with job • Only 4 of of 10 have jobs because of a conscious plan. • Where are the others?
More facts from NCDA • The higher the education level the more conscious the plan. • Now digital divide plays a role. • More people who use internet are using job resources. • Non-whites are use assistance in job markets than whites. • Adults seem unclear about the impact of a global economy in the future. • Impact of Sept.1lth took at toll on the job outlook. • Why?
Facts from General Accounting Offices (GAO) • School to Work issues. • 1/3 of (16 to 24 year olds) to not have skills they need to perform entry level semi-skilled jobs. • GAO asked Congress to assist in helping non-college bound students. • More than half the students in high school leave school without the knowledge of how to find and hold a good job.
AARP impact • Less than ¼ of people 65-74 call themselves retired. • Most return to work because of boredom or financial reasons. • What is the overall impact of older Americans working? • Issues • Age discrimination • Technology training issues • Adapted Technology issues • Never been involved in a search for a job.
Historical Impact of Career Development (highlights) • 1895 vocational guidance-George Merril • 1905 Parsons developed Breadwinners Institute for immigrants and youth in Boston. • 1917 First Group Intelligence test used by the Army called the ARMY Alpha. Started an explosion of testing. • 1939 First DOT
Historical Impact of Career Development (highlights) cont. • 1957 –National Defense Education Act-$ to to train school counselors to support counselors. This was the result of Americas fear to what? • 1963 Vocational Education Act • 1990 Americans with Disabilities Act • 1994 School to Work Opportunities Act-$’s for schools who challenge children after identification of career hopes. • 1994 O*Net classification system from DOT (hasn’t really happened).
Politically Correct or Incorrect? • Career or vocational choice-process of selecting a career • Vocation-rejected by psychologists as it is associated as being “called by God” to do something. • Work vs. job • Work-Puritans and poets (p.8) • Why people work? • Provides the person, and often the family, with status, recognition, affiliation, and similar psychological and sociological products for participation in a complex society. • Improvement of Self-Esteem-because you are producing something other people value. • Unemployed People have poor self esteem. • Why?
Work and Education • Robot and information age- • Doing manual labor and we need to educate how to operate the advanced technology. • National Alliance of Business- unsatisfied with reading, writing and reasoning skills of high school graduates. • What is the impact of this statistic?
Positivist and Post-Positivist way of thinking. • Paradigm Shifts • 4 areas
What we know will happen! • Work will change and will be dramatically different in the future. • New jobs created and old ones eliminated. • More technological and less manual. • Academic Skills requirements will escalate. • People will change jobs and the types of jobs they do.
What we know will happen! (cont.) • Internet will replace job services and information. • Training and retraining will become of lifetime requirement. • Learning new skill via internet and intranet will be the new way. • Decentralized locations in other countries may be the norm.
What you talkin about? • Position-a group of tasks performed by an individual. • Job-a group of similar positions in a single business. • Occupation-group of similar jobs in several businesses. • DOT (12,741 occupations listed) • Career (Sears, 1982 definition)-series of paid or unpaid occupations or jobs that one hold throughout his or her life. • Career Development – lifelong process that involves all factors that interact to influence career development.
Career Definitions • Career Interventions (Spokane, 1991)- act aimed at enhancing some aspect of a person’s career development, including the career decision-making process. • Such as Career: • Guidance • Counseling • Information • Education • Development • Coaching.
Career Guidance • Encompasses most strategies listed on previous slide. • What are some of the traditional career guidance tasks?
Career Education • (Hoyt,1977) Systematic attempt to influence the career develop of students and adults through various types of of educational strategies, including providing: • Occupational information • Infusing career related information into the curriculum • Taking field trips • Having guest speakers • Classes devoted to study of careers • Internships • Labs that simulate career experiences
Career Counseling • Service provided to a single client or group of clients who come seeking assistance with career choice or career adjustment problems.
Career Information • Labor market information (LMI), particularly when it involves providing comprehensive information about trends, the industries in this country, or comprehensive information systems. Variety of formats: • Print, film, audiotape, internet • Occupational Outlook Handbook • O*Net, Occupational Information Network
Career Coaching • Facilitation of career development of employees. • Identify work opportunities within the work settings.