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Aerosmart. Mia, Arcada , Finland Malin, University of Skövde, Sweden Marija , University of Health Scienses , Lithuania Astrid, University College of Nordjylland, Denmark. The Health Car.

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  1. Aerosmart Mia, Arcada, Finland Malin, University of Skövde, Sweden Marija, University of Health Scienses, Lithuania Astrid, University College of Nordjylland, Denmark. Creativity , Innovation and Health

  2. The Health Car A large European carcompany has started a projecttogetherwith the EU…. Theywant to make ”a Health car”. One rule: The car must optimize the drivers healthwhiledriving. Creativity and Innovation in Health

  3. Healthy air • Ourideaonhow to make a carthatimproves the drivers health, whiledriving, fokuseson the air in the car. • Wethoughtabout aroma, oxygenlevel, temperature, humidity and clean air by the use of filter. Creativity and Innovation in Health

  4. Aroma The aroma will have the same princip as ink in a printer. • Youcancombine the differentfragrances. • When the fragrance container is empty, therewillbe an alarm. • Youcanbuy refills in stores. Creativity and Innovation in Health

  5. Aroma Aroma therapy: • Releases tension • Makesyou more alert • Improvesyour mental health/wellbeing. • Improves the immunesystem. Who to contact: • Neurologistwhospecifies in thatarea in the brains. • Aromatherapist. Creativity and Innovation in Health

  6. Oxygenlevel • Wewillinstall an ”aircondition” and a ”fan”. • The car has sensors thatmeasures the amount of oxygen and CO2 in the car. • The airsystemregulates the amount to a healthylevel. • The system takes oxygen from the air outside. Creativity and Innovation in Health

  7. Oxygenlevel • Aerob effect builds up the cells in the body. The body ”reloads”. • Makesyou more awake. • The oxygen goes to the brain and keeps the bloodvescles vital. Who to contact: • A pulmonarydoctor. • An expert in aircondition and climath. Creativity and Innovation in Health

  8. Humidity • The airsystemwillalsotakecare of the humidity. • The right humiditydoesn’t dry out the mucosal. • The right humiditydilates the lungs and willhelpbreathing. • Helpspeoplewithasthma and allergies. Who to contact: • The pulmonarydoctor. • An air moisturizercompany. Creativity and Innovation in Health

  9. Filter • The air goesthrough a filter thatclears the air from allergenes and pollution. Who to contact: • Advanced filter technology for air company. • Respirator company. Creativity and Innovation in Health

  10. Temperature • The airsystemregulates the temperature, so it is optimal for the driver at all time. • The wrongtemperaturecandistract the driver, give vision interruptions and headache. • There is a sensor on the outside of the car, so the carcanadapt the insidetemperature to the outsidetemperature. Who to contact: • Companiesthatmaketemperature sensors. • Contactwww.temperatureworld.com • Doctors. Creativity and Innovation in Health

  11. Conclusion Whatweneed for ouridea: • The recentlyexplainedairsystem. • A sensor thatregulates oxygen, CO2 and temperature. • The system willspread out the right temperatured air withhumidity, oxygen and fragrenceequally in the car nodraft. • The filter contributeswith 100% clean air. Better air makeshealthierpeople. Creativity and Innovation in Health

  12. This is whatwewant!!!!! Creativity and Innovation in Health

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