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Gan Eng Seng School Singapore

1 Henderson Road Singapore 159561 Tel 64745594 – Fax 64732479. Gan Eng Seng School Singapore. Portrait of the school founder and philanthropist, Gan Eng Seng (1844—1899) In 1888, GESS became an aided school which meant government recognition as an education institution.

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Gan Eng Seng School Singapore

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 1 Henderson RoadSingapore 159561Tel 64745594 – Fax 64732479 Gan Eng Seng SchoolSingapore

  2. Portrait of the school founder and philanthropist, Gan Eng Seng (1844—1899) In 1888, GESS became an aided school which meant government recognition as an education institution. The school became co-educational in 1986. FOUNDER

  3. 1985 Our school

  4. In December 2000, GESS moved to its new site at No. 1 Henderson Road, its eight home, where it stands to the present day.

  5. The School Crest has a Red Dragon on the left and a Chinese Junk on the right. Our school colours are Red and Green. The Red stands for courage and the everlasting fire of leadership while the Green stands for peace, success and progress. The Dragon symbolizes good luck, courage and fortitude. The Chinese Junk sailing in the rough sea symbolizes seeking and making progress. School Crest

  6. This is our schoolLet peace dwell hereLet there be contentmentLet love abide hereLove of one anotherLove of mankindLove of life itselfAnd love of GodLet us rememberThat as many hands build a houseSo many hearts make a school School Creed

  7. Core Values • DisciplineExercise self-control and appropriate behavior at all times. • RespectHonour all school staff and respect other people's feelings, rights, properties and differing opinions. • CompassionDemonstrate kindness, care and understanding to those who are less fortunate than us.

  8. For boys: White short-sleeve shirt with white short for the juniors and long pants for the seniors For girls: White short-sleeve blouse with light green dress Formal assembly: Additional wearing of a maroon school-tie embroidered with the school emblem Uniform

  9. English and Literature Mathematics Science Humanities Technology Mother Tongue (Chinese, Malay, Tamil) Physical Exercise and Aesthetics Student Development Student Leadership Student Management C u r r i c u l u m

  10. Our d e p a r t m e n t s

  11. Program: Nutrition and Health Meal Planning & Meal Analysis Food Choices Food Science Mission of the Home Economics DepartmentTo provide all GESSians with basic homemaking skills so that they and their future families can lead a healthy and quality lifestyle. Home Economics DeptTeachers: Ms Regina Lim & Ms Amy Ng

  12. As part of its co-curricular activities for students, GESS has six uniformed groups, five sport teams and ten special interest groups in its offerings to date. Co-Curricular activities

  13. S p o r t BASKETBALL Table Tennis Team SOCCER

  14. Uninformed group Dragon Scouts (est since 1922) A movement that covers all ages!

  15. GESS was highlighted in MOE's press release for having students with outstanding results at the 2007 GCE O-Level Examination.

  16. Students who excel in school exams

  17. Presentation of Advanced Elective Module (AEM) ‘Essentials of Marketing’ certificates to participants 4th September 2009

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