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S E L F +. When people are conscious of their behaviour and its impact , they are free to choose other behaviours that are more effective and appropriate. How to Analyse Behavioural Style.
SELF+ When people are conscious of their behaviour and its impact, they are free to choose other behaviours that are more effective and appropriate
How to Analyse Behavioural Style • Complete the questionnaire and look in particular for scores over 44. These are strong preferences in responding to situations • Your highest score is probably your natural, preferred and most common response and this reflects your personality and normal pattern of behaviour • We can and do, use all styles and each style is more or less effective depending on the situation • The big question is: can you adapt your style to get the best from others and the situation you face • You can strengthen relationships, especially with those diagonally opposite to you by taking into account the different outlooks and responses in people working together
SELF+ Behavioural Styles More Extravert/Outward Looking/Go Fast F E Results focus Assertive Direct/Challenge Decisive/Take Action Enthusiastic Persuasive Animated/Participative Creative Facilitative Executive More People/Emotional More Task/Rational Systematic Analytical Accurate Cautious Team Harmony Good Listener Supportive/Loyal Co-operative/Consistent L S More Introvert/Inward Looking/Go Slow Logical Supportive
Executive Style: dominant and decisive When dealing with Es, do… Be straight to the point Be objective Talk about facts Be specific Suggest a result Acknowledge their position …and don’t Be over-emotional Ramble on Waste their time Criticise their ability Tell them they are wrong E To be more effective Es should… Explain how you got there as well as announcing decisions Recognise the effort of others Take more time to think through consequences before going ahead Es are motivated by… Control over work Directing others Opportunity & challenge Advancement …and demotivated by Being questioned/overruled Limited responsibility for results Restricted access to resources Close supervision Es avoid or dislike Appearing soft or weak Routine, predictable situations Being micro-managed Preferred environment Maximum freedom Fast-paced Results-oriented
Facilitative Style: influential and optimistic When dealing with Fs, do… Be informal Talk about feelings Be enthusiastic Talk of the future Consider “what if?” …and don’t Be formal Demand detail Talk about task only Criticise them personally F To be more effective Fs should… Develop time management skills Be realistic when evaluating people and situations Be less impulsive in responses to avoid escalating situations Fs are motivated by… Dialogue with others Immediate verbal feedback Enthusiastic recognition Acknowledgement of feelings …and demotivated by Reserved/Unfriendly co-workers Rigid schedules Pessimism Routine, detailed tasks Fs avoid or dislike Conflict Losing approval Detailed, repetitive tasks Working alone Preferred environment Fast-paced Positive feedback and recognition Variety and creativity
Supportive Style: sympathetic and cooperative When dealing with Ss, do… Be sincere Make personal comment Be patient Listen Enlist their help Follow the rules …and don’t Blame them or others Shout Demand Be rude Ignore them Assume they agree To be more effective Ss should… Small steps to being more flexible about routines and change Learn some techniques to help you be more assertive when needed Ss are motivated by Cooperating with others Clearly defined responsibility Providing good service Job security …and demotivated by Rapid, unpredicable change Competitiveness/aggression Lack of support Confrontation Ss avoid or dislike Unpredictable or uncertain situations Disorganised, disorderly workplaces Preferred environment Predictable and orderly Harmonious, informal and friendly S
Logical Style: conscientious and correct When dealing with Ls, do… Be specific Be factual Explain why Be formal Be diplomatic Follow the system …and don’t Be sloppy Ramble on Cut corners Be informal, loud or confront Generalise To be more effective Ls should… Be more open to others’ ways When others comment on performance, consider that they may be trying to help Loosen up, we do not have to be right all the time Ls are motivated by Wanting to be right Logical systematic approaches Rewards for quality/accuracy Specific feedback …and demotivated by Constant change in rules Lack of time to process info Mandatory socialising Lack of quality controls Ls avoid or dislike Being criticised, especially when you lack control Lack of time to think through consequences Emotionally charged situations Disclosing personal information Preferred environment Time and resource to attain standards Reserved, business-like and task-oriented L
Effect on Team Working • Teams with similar types make quick decisions but not necessarily better ones • Dissimilar team members reach decisions slower (and more painfully) - but often make better decisions due to varied viewpoints • Teams with only one person with a particular work preference may fail to appreciate that person because they are different • Successful teams, getting good results, with many different types, learn from each other • Teams who learn to appreciate different types usually experience less conflict
Z TechniqueProblem Solving with SELF+ Es Fs Get the facts and analyse Generate ideas and possibilities Ss Ls Check how people are affected Challenge and decide on action
How to Communicate with… Es Fs Executive Facilitative • Get right to the point • Watch for selective hearing • Be organised and have something prepared • Ask for a solution to a problem • Listen, they want to talk • Check in frequently to see if getting it and how they feel • Ask what, when, where and how • Watch the time • Clarify what was decided • Stick to the facts • Get right down to business • Give time to think it over • Be specific and precise • Chat, maybe informally over coffee • Ask for input and they will respond • Keep the lines open as they may go quiet • Pay attention to non verbal signs and feelings Ss Ls Logical Supportive
SELF+ Behaviours at Meetings Executive Facilitative Es Fs • Appear in a rush – waste no time • Get bored quickly – try to move things on • Talk about results – skip things • Make very fast decisions • May not necessarily talk a lot but when they speak they have impact • Come to meetings with views of their own • Always seeking to influence • Refer to others/networks as resources • Talk more than anyone else • Appear at ease with strangers • Are usually enthusiastic, or at least open to new ideas • Over commit themselves • Are reserved and formal • Can be quite cutting in their questioning • Will not make immediate decisions • Demand guarantees and references, agendas etc. • Expect formal procedures • Speak little, but when they speak they usually show good perception and can sum up a situation/conversation/problem • Make an effort to be friendly and make one feel at ease • Look to others for solutions, don’t initiate ideas • Are concerned about risks • Expect established business procedures and systems • Like to consult with colleagues (are good at delegating upwards) • Are nervous with authority Ss Ls Logical Supportive