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Social Networks 101. Prof. Jason Hartline and Prof. Nicole Immorlica. Monday’s game. Game one :. Game two :. C. C. x. 1. x. 1. 0. A. B. A. B. 1. x. 1. x. D. D. 26 people played, 7 took A->C->B: 1.7 points 19 took A->D->B: 1.3 points. 30 people played,
Social Networks 101 Prof. Jason Hartline and Prof. Nicole Immorlica
Monday’s game Game one: Game two: C C x 1 x 1 0 A B A B 1 x 1 x D D 26 people played, 7 took A->C->B: 1.7 points 19 took A->D->B: 1.3 points 30 people played, 7 took A->C->B: 1 point 23 took A->C->D->B: 1.2 points Payoff = 3 - delay
Lecture Eighteen: Network exchange.
Networked exchange theory Network represents potential trades what prices result?
Splitting a dollar Experiment: You have one point to share with a random opponent. Write on your card your name and what fraction of the point you wish to keep for yourself. If you ask for x and your opponent y, you get: 1. 2(x) points if x + y ≤ 1, 2. ZERO POINTS otherwise.
What are the equilibria of this game? Raise your hand if you wrote 0.50.
Nash bargaining How to split a dollar? David (0.5) Christine (0.5) If negotiations fail, you get nothing.
Nash bargaining How to split a dollar? Mark (0.65) Hongyu (0.35) If negotiations fail, Mark gets $0.60, Hongyu gets $0.20.
Nash bargaining Equilibria? Any division in which each agent gets at least the outside option is an equilibrium. Yet …. agents usually agree to split the surplus.
Nash bargaining Assumption: If when negotiation fails, - A gets $a - B gets $b Then when succeed, - A gets $(a + s/2) - B gets $(b + s/2) s = (1 – a – b) is the surplus
Nash bargaining Nash: “Agents will agree to split the surplus.” Motivated by axiomatic approach, optimization approach, and outcome of particular game-theoretic formulations.
Bargaining in networks Important special case: graph is bipartite. There are two groups of nodes and all edges are between nodes.
Bargaining in networks Important special case: graph is bipartite, and each agent is in at most one trade (i.e., set of trades form a matching).
Bargaining in networks Value of outside option arises as result of network structure.
Bargaining in networks Elif (0.75) Eric (0) Stephen (0.25) Tyler (0.50) Transactions worth $1. Only one transaction per person! Matthew (0.50)
Other experiments Almost all the money.
Outcomes A solution for a network G is a matching M and a set of values νufor each node u s.t., - For (u,v) in M, νu + νv = 1 - For unmatched nodes u, νu = 0
Outcomes 0.50 0.50 0 0.30 0.70
Stable outcomes Node u could negotiate with unmatched neighbor v and get (1 - νv). Outside option of u is αu = maximum over unmatched neighbors v of (1 - νv).
Outcomes ®2 = 1 0.50 0.50 0 1 2 3 ®1 = 0 ®3 = 0 0.30 ®4 = 0.5 4 0.70 ®5 = 0 5
Stable outcomes Defn. An outcome is stableif for all u, νu ≥ αu.
A stable outcome ®2 = 1 0 1 0 1 2 3 ®1 = 0 ®3 = 0 0.30 ®4 = 0 4 5 0.70 ®5 = 0
Another stable outcome ®2 = 1 0 1 0 1 2 3 ®1 = 0 ®3 = 0 0.90 ®4 = 0 4 5 0.10 ®5 = 0
Stable outcomes Notice there are many stable outcomes, so which one should we expect to find?
Balanced outcomes Each individual bargaining outcome should agree with the Nash bargaining solution. suv = 1 - αu - αv νu = αu + s/2 And similarly for νv.
A balanced outcome ®2 = 1 0 1 0 1 2 3 ®1 = 0 ®3 = 0 0.50 ®4 = 0 4 5 0.50 ®5 = 0
Current research: understand when balanced outcomes exist and how earnings depend on network structure.
Next time Games of incomplete information.