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Learn about market failures like externalities, public goods, monopolies, and inequality. Explore theories on government interventions and causes of economic crises.
Unit 8. Market Failures IES Lluís de Requesens (Molins de Rei) Batxillerat Social Economics (CLIL) – Innovació en Llengües Estrangeres Jordi Franch Parella
- It is claimed that markets fail sometimes and that the government can correct the failure: 1) Externalities 2) Public Goods 3) Monopolies 4) Inequality 5) Crises 1), 2) and 3) refer to a misallocation of resources. 4) refers to an unqual distribution of resources 5) refers to a lack of stabilization Market Failures
Externalities • Externalities are effects on others not contemplated within the price • With a negative externality the social cost is greater than the private cost and the market overproduces (pollution) • With a positive externality the social benefit is bigger than the private benefit and the market underproduces • Externalities exist because of a lack of clear property rights
Public Goods • Public goods are non excludable (consumers cannot be prevented from consuming) and non diminishable (the consumption of A does not reduce the consumption of B) • Public goods suffer from the free rider problem and are usually provided by the public sector and not the private sector
Inequality • What should the government do about economic inequality? • Economic analysis alone cannot give us the answer • The question is a normative one and not positive • The richest fifth of the families earns about ten times as much as the poorest fifth • Policies to help the poor include: welfare, subsidies and in-kind transfers, minimum wages
Inequality • According to Utilitarianism (Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill), the government should choose policies to maximize total utility of everyone • Utilitarians would choose the distribution of income to maximize the sum the utility of every one in the society (an additional € for the poor involves more utility than an additional € for the rich)
Inequality • According to social-democracy (John Rawls), the government should choose policies deemed to be just (evaluated by an impartial observer behind the “veil of ignorance”) • Public policy based on the maximin criterion (to maximize the utility of the worst-off person in society) • This idea considers the redistribution of income as a form of social insurance
Inequality • According to libertarianism (Murray Rothbard), the government should preserve private property, enforce voluntary agreements and punish crime, but should not redistribute income • Libertarians argue that equality of opportunity is much more important than equality of income (formal equality but not material equality)
Crises • The world is suffering now a global crisis. Is the free market to blame? Or are the Central Banks and the policymakers to blame? • Interest rates are artificially low, but saving is not high. What are the effects? • The creation of money out of thin air is increasing. What are the effects? • Commercial and saving banks have increased the credit without the backing of saving. What are the effects?
- Housing Bubble: Who is to blame? - Creation of money: Who is to blame? Crisis