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Relativity, what is wrong?

Delve into the historic debate between ether and the principle of relativity, from Galilean transformations to Einstein's isotropic light propagation. Understand Lorentz transformations, time dilation, and length contraction, debunking assumptions with detailed analyses. Discover key experiments like Michelson-Morley's interferometer and implications like the Cosmic Microwave Background. Unravel the complexities of time dilation, twin paradoxes, relativistic Doppler shift, and GPS functionality within the realm of special relativity. Explore the ongoing challenges to established theories and the future of relativistic physics.

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Relativity, what is wrong?

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  1. Relativity, what is wrong? Hartwig Thim Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria Time is up 13.05.2005

  2. Overview ·Principle of relativity (Galilei-Transformation) ·Measurement of speed of light (or microwaves) ·Medium for propagation = „Ether“ (fundamental frame of reference - Maxwell, Lorentz, Larmor, Ives, Marinov and many others) ·Ether: Measurement of Michelson/Morley using interferometry 1881 wrong interpretation: W. Voigt (Göttingen) warns already in 1886 ·Einstein 1905: there is no ether, therefore light propagation is isotropic with respect to any inertial coordinate system: c = 299.792 km/s ·Lorentz -Transformations (space and time are connected to each other) ·Consequences: time dilation, length contraction, twin (clock) paradoxon, Cosmic Microwave Background, GPS, relativistic Doppler shift, etc. Time is up 13.05.2005

  3. Principle of relativity: two trains leave a railway station If all previous accelerations would be recorded a fundamental frame of reference could be defined! Time is up 13.05.2005

  4. A point P (f. e.: a train) moves at v in x-direction. In its own coordinate system S‘ the point does not move. Time is up 13.05.2005

  5. Galilei – Transformationen The point P (the train) moves at v in x- direction In its coordinate system S’ the train does not move Seen from the coordinate system S’ the system S moves at -v in the opposite (-x) direction (mechanical principle of relativity) In both coordinate systems clocks tick at same rate (t = t‘) Time is up 13.05.2005

  6. Measurement of velocity v • Using light or radio waves (sound is too slow)) • Is there a medium for propagation of em. waves? Before Einstein (1905) everybody agreed: there is a stationary medium, the so-called „Ether“, in which light propagates isotropically at c = 299.792 km/s. • Does the ether follow the earth‘s motion? • Michelson und Morley built in 1982 an interferometer in order to detect an „etherwind“ on earth Time is up 13.05.2005

  7. Michelson – Morley - Interferometer 2Δt = L/(c-v)+L/(c+v)=2Lc/(c²-v²) Time is up 13.05.2005

  8. Michelson – Morley - Interferometer Longitudinal: 2Δt = L/(c-v)+L/(c+v)=2Lc/(c²-v²) Transversal: v²Δt² + L² = c² Δt² —> NULL – RESULT is observed! J. P. Wesley (2005): phase velocities must be considered! The square root is wrong! Etherwind cannot be detected IN PRINCIPLE by this method even if one exists! Woldemar Voigt (1887): Both beams travel at equal times! Time is up 13.05.2005

  9. Michelson – Morley Null result is a classical Doppler effect J. P. Wesley: Two-way phase velocity is isotropic! An ether cannot be detected by this method! Time is up 13.05.2005

  10. W. Voigt 1887: Time is up 13.05.2005

  11. Lorentz - Transformations 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 + + - = = + + - x y z c t 0 x ' y ' z ' c t ' = - = x / t ' v x t v ' / = g + ( x ' vt ' ) x = g - ' ( x vt ) x - g = - = 1 2 2 v / c c 300 . 000 km / s 1 vx = - - 2 2 = = = - - 2 2 t ' ( t ) / 1 v / c y ' y , z ' z x ' ( x vt ) / 1 v / c 2 c Galilei-Transformationen Time is up 13.05.2005

  12. Lorentz-Transformations: The Consequences • Length contraction (Ehrenfest-Paradoxon) • Time dilation (Clock- or Twin-Paradoxon, symmetry) • Transverse Doppler Effect • GPS (traffic guidance) Time is up 13.05.2005

  13. Length contraction • Moving rods are shorter • 1. question: a rotating disk should break (Paul Ehrenfest) • 2. question: which rod contracts? (Car or road hole?) Time is up 13.05.2005

  14. Time dilation • Moving clocks tick slower • Moving twin ages slower Question: Which one of the two????? • Contradictions disappear, if a) Δt‘ = Δt (Galilei-Tr.) are used or b) absolute frame of reference is used Time is up 13.05.2005

  15. Transverse Doppler-Shift Rotating antennas Time is up 13.05.2005

  16. Mikrowellenexperiment Time is up 13.05.2005

  17. Experimental result • Transverse (relativistic) Doppler-shift is not observed, although the sensitivity of the apparatus is found to be sufficient. One measures: instead of Time is up 13.05.2005

  18. Consequences • Relativistic (transverse) Doppler shift and, hence, time dilation does not exist • The Lorentz-Transformations are not ap-plicable, special relativity has been refuted • A simple experiment is missing which all physicists can reproduce and understand Time is up 13.05.2005

  19. Further falsifications • Penzias und Wilson observed already in 1964 an absolute frame of reference, the so-called Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (our solar sys-tem moves at 360 km/s towards LEO) • Speed of light is isotropic and equal to c only in the CMB,according to Arno Penzias. The CMB coincides with the center of all masses in our universe. That has been ignored up to date! • The „simple“ experiment is still missing, for ex.: The measurement of the one-way velocity of light! Michelson has proposed such an experiment already in 1887! Time is up 13.05.2005

  20. Measurement of the one-way speed of light Marinov 1975 General Relativity and Gravitation, vol. 12, No. 1, pp.57 – 66, 1980 Time is up 13.05.2005

  21. GPS Time is up 13.05.2005

  22. Mass Increase (W = mc2) absolute effect (Hasenöhrl 1904, Annalen der Physik) A body with mass M is irradiated by an electromagnetic wave: The wave is absorbed by a body with mass M. The energy W of the body is increased by dW and its mass M by dm: Time is up 13.05.2005

  23. Thank you for your attention Time is up 13.05.2005

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