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Pay It Forward . By Kaylee Doncouse. “What if the world is just a big disappointment ... . Unless… you take the things that you don’t like about this world and you flip them upside down… you can start today!” (Pay it forward).
Pay It Forward By KayleeDoncouse
Unless… you take the things that you don’t like about this world and you flip them upside down… you can start today!” (Pay it forward)
Just Imagine …You do a favor that really helps someone and ask that they not pay it back
But, instead pay it forward to 3 other people, who will again repeat the cycle
Stand up for what you believe is right and for those who can’t bear to stand up for themselves
If Pay it Forward went on for 20 levels of people it would affect the lives of 31,381,059,609
JOIN AN ORGANIZATION… HABITAT FOR HUMANITY Builds houses for families in need
WATCH WHAT YOU BUY … TOMS SHOESFor every pair of shoes purchased TOMS gives a pair to a child in need
MAKE DONATIONS old clothes and toys that you don’t wear or play with; or take food to a food bank
“I do believe that paying it forward works… I believe in karma… sometimes it just makes you feel better to do something nice for someone in need because eventually you will be that person …and it’s nice knowing someone is there for you.”-RiannaRydman
“It can be something small, and simple like giving your spare change to the salvation army at Christmas, or helping an elderly person carry bags to their car”-Sam Pacynski
“It’s not going to get rid of all the bad things, but it will spread more love around…just a small act of kindness can drastically alter someone’s day”-MaddieIrman“When people do kind things for me, I am inspired to do kind things myself.”-Olivia Wagner
“Paying it forward is small unselfish acts that encourage society to improve itself.”-Megan Halicek“This is a basic concept in many religions.”-Hadley Green
“It also depends on whether people appreciate the act or If they just shrug it off and don’t pass it on. I hope people would do kind acts subconsciously because they would want others to help them out in a time of need.”-Samantha Chau
“A man would come into the coffee shop everyday and buy his coffee and the coffee for the person behind him. Sometimes the next person would repeat this and leave money for the next person. Some days this would go on the entire day. Other days people took advantage of the free coffee and didn’t leave extra money for the next person. It was cool to see how pleasantly surprised people were when we told them the person ahead of them already bought their drink.”-Elizabeth Niehaus
Bibliography The movie “Pay It Forward” Images • transportation.ky.gov • msp229.photobucket.com • blog.lib.umn.edu • newyork.timeout.com • lifestyle.indiainfo.com • www.waynesburg.edu • www.designverb.com • thegreenloopblog.com • livingministry.org • blog.lib.umn.edu • img85.imageshack.us • www.teachnet.ie/fwilliams • douglawrence.files.wordpress.com • news.stanford.edu • pragmaticideas.files.wordpress.com • passionateaboutblogging.com/.../ 12/suicide.png • www.psychminded.co.uk/.../ suicide