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Scottish Adult Literacy and Numeracy (ALN) Survey 2009. Jeanette Hägerström, Euan Dick & David Smith - Education Analytical Services – Lifelong Learning. Workshop – Building the local evidence base on Adult Literacy and Numeracy Levels
Scottish Adult Literacy and Numeracy (ALN) Survey 2009. Jeanette Hägerström, Euan Dick & David Smith - Education Analytical Services – Lifelong Learning
Workshop – Building the local evidence base on Adult Literacy and Numeracy Levels • Overview & background of ALN survey - objectives of study, current data, sample and robustness. • Statistical overview and the use of the APS proxy to currently measure ALN levels. • Discussion: your needs, ideas and thoughts on ALN data.
Overview and background to ALN survey • Skills for Scotland – A Lifelong Skills Strategy http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Topics/Education/skills-strategy • Scotland Performs and the National Indicator (NI) for adult literacy and numeracy http://www.scotland.gov.uk/About/scotPerforms/indicators/literacyAndNumeracy • Currently using LFS/ APS as proxy indicator • Future surveys - OECD Programme for International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) survey in 2013 http://www.oecd.org/document/35/0,3343,en_2649_201185_40277475_1_1_1_1,00.html
Objectives of the national ALN survey 2009 • update our national data; • provide a robust baseline estimate of the general population’s level of adult literacy and numeracy in Scotland in time to report on the NI; • explore literacy and numeracy in relation to respondents’ backgrounds; • be able to compare these findings internationally, and; • provide time line.
Sample • A robust sample chosen to be representative of all of Scotland and statistically reliable for Scotland as a whole • 2,500 completed surveys, randomly selected across all of Scotland • Working age population (16-65 year olds) • Face to face in their homes • Break downs by gender, age, socio economic background to some extent, urban/ rural • Ethnicity and disability – will be covered but the numbers are small • Break downs by LA level – sample is not big enough.
Current Statistics How can we measure local levels of Adult Literacy and Numeracy? What work can we do to utilise the results of the ALN survey along with other sources of information to build up a picture of adult literacy and numeracy within each council? Progress so far involving the proxy data used for the National Indicator
Getting your views • Your needs for ALN data Single Outcome Agreements (SOAs) Targeting local needs • What you are currently doing • What you would like to do in the future
Questions • How would you use the ALN survey findings locally? • What do you need to know? • How are you reporting on SoAs on ALN? • What information is locally available? • How are you planning to meet local needs – now and in the future?