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Asia Pacific Women’s Information Network Center Sookmyung Women’s University

ICT Applications in Rural Community eCentres. ICT Training – Livelihood Promotion for Rural Women. Pilot Cases from Bhutan and Philippines. Asia Pacific Women’s Information Network Center Sookmyung Women’s University. Hanah Zoo. Overview. Ⅰ. Ⅱ. Ⅲ. Looking Ahead. Ⅳ. Contents.

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Asia Pacific Women’s Information Network Center Sookmyung Women’s University

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  1. ICT Applications in Rural Community eCentres ICT Training – LivelihoodPromotion for Rural Women Pilot Cases from Bhutan and Philippines Asia Pacific Women’s Information Network Center Sookmyung Women’s University Hanah Zoo

  2. Overview Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ Looking Ahead Ⅳ Contents Project Activities Evaluation & Lessons Learned 1

  3. About APWINC 1996. Founded for managing FebMed/WomMed network in the APEC region 1998. Established as UNESCO Chair in communication Technology for Women (1998~2008) • Opened APWIN IT Edu Center and APEC Women’s e-Biz Center under APWINC • Started “Initiative for APEC Women’s Participation in the Digital Economy” • Project (2005~2009) 2009. Joined UN Global Compact as an academic organization To contribute to the advancement of women’s e-culture and e-business abilities by researching, developing, and spreading future technologies related to gender & ICT Vision 2

  4. Human Capacity Building Customized training for government officials, entrepreneurs, educators, NGO leaders, and local women and recommendations on policies related to gender & ICT issues G L O B A L L O C A L Partnerships Partnerships 3

  5. “Can does not mean will or has” - David Souter about ICTs in Developing countries- Ten Myths about Technology and Development Myth 5: “If you build it, they will come” Myth 3: “ ‘Needs’ are more pressing than ‘Desires’” - Kentaro Toyama - 4

  6. I. Project Overview (1) Project Title Development and Delivery of Training Tools on the Use of ICTs for the Promotion of Livelihood for Women in Rural Areas (2009-10) Project Goals • To promote access and use of ICT and multipurpose telecentres for women in rural areas of Philippines and Bhutan in promotion of local livelihood • To improve rural women’s economic capability with the use of ICT Project Partners • Project Coordination (SEA Area Office) • Resources • Content Development • Trainer/Researcher • (in-kind contribution) • Local Coordination • Telecentre support for trainings 5

  7. I. Project Overview (2) Project Duration August 2009 ~ April 2010 Project Activities Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4 Preliminary Research Needs Assessment Training Tool Development Pilot Training • Literature review on existing training tools to promote ICT use by rural women • Trained 24 participants from Bato Layette, Philippines, Dec 2009 • Trained 20 participants from Punakha, Bhutan, Mar 2010 • Training content development to improve rural women’s livelihood • via ICT use • 4 modules including • Social Networking • Marketing & Promotion • Use of Internet Source for Work • Comprehensive Review • Field visit to Philippines and Bhutan for consultation with target beneficiary groups and other stakeholders 6

  8. II. Project Activities (1) Preliminary Research Objectives • To review existing training tools for promoting ICT use by rural women • To examine the feasibility of applying the tools to target telecentres Findings Further Segmentation of ‘Women’ Different Motives, Different Use • There are more women (55%) who haven’t visit telecentre than those who have • ‘Women’ is too big a category to identify reasons for ICT uptake • Women visit telecentre more frequently than men (62% vs. 38%) •  Once women adopt ICT, they utilize better • Women access the Internet for social networking •  Telecentre as a communication access point • Women relatively weak at using ICT for their ‘productive’ work • Training tool combining social networking + livelihood development to motivate women’s ICT use for livelihood Adaptation of Gender Evaluation Methodology for Philippine Community e-Center” National Computer Center on March 18, 2009 7

  9. II. Project Activities (1) Preliminary Research Approach Social Networking Livelihood Promotion User Capacity Telecentre Sustainability Motivation Basic ICT Skills ICT-aided Problem Solving Productivity Efficiency Uptake Use/Apply Social use Livelihood use 8

  10. II. Project Activities (2) Needs Assessment Objectives • To familiarize the trainers with the sources of livelihood in the pilot areas • To identify the information needs of women to improve their livelihoods • To evaluate the level of target women’s ICT access and use Pilot Areas in Brief • Brgy. Santo Nino, Bato Leyte, the Philippines • October 22-23, 2009 (2-day consultation) • 4th class municipality with 32 barangays (partially urban) • Farming (coconut, cassava) and animal raising major sources of livelihood • Punakha Dzong, Bhutan • December 21, 2009 (half-day consultation) • Previously capital of Bhutan until 1955, located 1200 meters above sea level (rural) • Rice farming is the primary source of livelihood and weaving as supplementary income source for women 9

  11. II. Project Activities (2) Needs Assessment Bato Leyte Phunaka Questions • Demographic Info • Years of schooling • Age • Income/livelihood • Livelihood • Existing info source • Information needs • Level of ICT Use • Mobile / SMS usage • Email/prev. ICT exposure • Others • Secondary level • 20~84 yrs (median) • Farmers/Housewives • Dep. of Agriculture • Agri-info, finance, • Co-Op promotion • Yes (100%) • No (100%) • Expectation to project • Availability • Secondary level (8th Gr.) • 17~26 yrs • Housewives (unemployed) • Words of mouth, TV • Housekeeping, weaving, • SME management • Yes (100%) • No (100%) • Availability 10

  12. II. Project Activities (3) Content Development Outline • Two ICT Training tools have been developed: • Basic Internet and Computer Literacy Training (Local trainer, Philippines) • Customized Training for Livelihood Promotion (APWINC) 1) Basic Internet and Computer Literacy Training • Scope : Simple computer operations, Internet research, electronic mailing system, • social networking and Microsoft Word • Modules • MODULE I – Basic Computer Systems • MODULE II – Introduction to the Internet • MODULE III – Introduction to Electronic Mail (E-mail) • MODULE IV – Understanding E-mail Folders • MODULE V – The E-mail Processes • MODULE VI – Introduction to Social Networking • MODULE VII – Other Activities in the Internet • MODULE VIII – The Desktop and the Online External Drive • MODULE IX – Introduction to Microsoft Word 11

  13. II. Project Activities (3) Content Development 2) Customized Training for Livelihood Promotion • Topic Areas and Modules 12

  14. Introduction Concept Case Practice Extension II. Project Activities (3) Content Development 2) Customized Training for Livelihood Promotion (cont’d) • Methodology & Structure Introduction of topic with aid of available audio-visual, graphic contents Presentation of main concept in keyword format Presentation of day-to-day cases to facilitate participants’ understanding of concept application, with aid of available multimedia contents Application of concepts with custom-designed exercises reflecting the participants’ specific needs ; Information search on the web Follow-up activities for further self-study by individual participants 13

  15. Sample Page Palay Chikahan • Palay Chikahan is an Internet Forum based in an international social networking site NING You can join the Palay Chikahan Internet Forum and post questions regarding rice production Also, you can build up your Profile to show your interests and expertise to other members 14

  16. Sample Page DA’s Homepage – Daily News Monitor • From ‘Daily News Monitor’, you can get what newspapers speak every day . • You can get other Filippino’s business story from ‘Success Story’. • Click the flowing table or ‘daily news archive’ to see whole list of the tips 15

  17. Sample Page Pinoy’s Site – Production Guides • From ‘Production Guides’, you can get some practical guides for farming various kinds of. • Click the Icon to see more in detail 16

  18. II. Project Activities (4) Pilot Training December 7-9, 14-18, 21-22, 2009 Community eCenter (CeC) Bato Leyte, Philippines March 1-5, 8-12, 2010 Community Information Center (CIC) Punakha, Bhutan 17

  19. II. Project Activities (4) Pilot Training Key facts 2-months CeC voucher* CIC run by an entrepreneur* 18

  20. III. Evaluation (1) Training Contents • Keyboard/mouse practice for trainees with zero-computer literacy • Local examples to maximize content relevancy Facilitators • Language matters • Local knowledge crucial to boost participants’ learning Hands on Exercises • Learning by doing • Motivation to uptake and use ICT for livelihood Follow-up Activities • Post-training exercise/ follow-up output • Involvement with local co-operative • (SNS page/ website for online product advertisement) • Role of telecentres 19

  21. III. Lessons-learned (2) Community Development + Business Incubation One strategy that farmers engage in (to solve information need) is to ask other farmers either from their barangay or from a neighboring barangay who have attended a seminar regarding new information that they can use in their farms. Now the participants can share information they have via online community space. At first, participants thought that there was a mismatch in their needs and the ICT information shared by the project team, but as shared by one participant, he eventually realized that the project can be a great help to them since they can make their own website to promote their own products and skills of every member of the co-operative. Weaving is the most popular business among Punakha women but competition is high as many are producing more or less the same products. Online weaving design community can help them find creative designs that can sell better at the local market. 20

  22. III. Lessons-learned (3) ICT Training for Livelihood & Telecentre Sustainability Use ICT-supported Business Incubation Adoption • Entrepreneurship development • Extending the role of telecentres ICT-enabled Service Capacity- Building • Local online service • (e-Government, Co-op Website) ICT Content • ICT literacy training course ICT access 21 • Facility, Internet connection

  23. IV. Looking Ahead Dissemination of the APWINC model in the APEC region • Incubate women’s e-business and empower women’s entrepreneurship + + Academic Support Financial Resource Tailored Tool To obtainresources from governments, international organizations and global enterprises To raise project efficiency by researching local needs To develop applicable tools for women to meet community needs and activate local economy 22

  24. Breakthrough with Public-Private Partnership Int’l Org. Local Gov’t • Complementing hesitant contribution from governments • New agenda, new funding source • Complementing financial source • Strategic Execution of ODA • Enhancing the value of national brand N E E D N E E D Research &HRD Hub - Experience of Re.& Training for developing countries - New int’l norm (UNGC) friendly activities Private N E E D - Ensuring diplomatic channel to emerging markets - Expanding local-friendly brand image abroad - Lack of proper experiences and programs to do CSR 23

  25. Thank You! Hanah Zoo Head, Division of Policy Development Asia Pacific Women’s Information Network Center (APWINC) Sookmyung Women’s University, Korea Email: hzoo@sm.ac.kr

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