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mollify. Moll (soft) + fy (make) =. v. Make soft. It can be difficult to mollify someone’s anger. ichthyologist. i chthy (fish) + logy (science) + ist (one who) =. n. Fish scientist. The ichthyologist discovered a new species of fish. polyglot.
mollify Moll (soft) + fy (make) =
v. Make soft It can be difficult to mollify someone’s anger.
ichthyologist ichthy (fish) + logy (science) + ist (one who) =
n. Fish scientist The ichthyologist discovered a new species of fish.
polyglot Poly (many) + glot (tongue)=
n. Multi-linguist She is a brilliant polyglot who speaks seven languages.
diaphanous Dia (across) + phan (appearance) + ous (full of) =
Adj. Semitransparent Look through the diaphanous curtains.
somniferous Somn (sleep) + fer (carry) + ous (full of) =
adj. bringing sleep The somniferous speech put him to sleep.
sinecure Sine (without) + cur (care for) =
n. An easy lucrative job He has a comfortable sinecure on his uncle’s farm.
soliloquy Sol (alone) + loqu ( talk) =
n. Speech to oneself Hamlet’s famous soliloquy is the question.
adherent Ad (to) + here (stick) =
n. supporter Today’s adherents of a militaristic foreign policy are called “neo-cons.”
abjure Ab (away) + jur (swear) =
v. renounce To abjure one’s former beliefs is difficult.
caustic Caust (burn) =
Adj. burning The caustic comments about her clothes hurt her.
confluence Con (together) + flu (flow) =
n. A flowing together The idea was formed by a confluence of other ideas.
depose De (down) + pos (put) =
v. Topple from power He was deposed without violence.
egomania Ego (I) + mania (madness) =
n. self-obsession His egomania made him offensive to his former friends.
egregious e (out) + greg (group) + ous (full of) =
Adj. blatant His egregious disrespect to the teacher was obvious to everyone.
analgesic an (without) + algia (pain) =
n. painkiller Tylenol is a popular analgesic.
chiromancy Chiro (hand) + mania (madness) =
n. Palm reading Some people use chiromancy to try to predict the future.
oligarchy Oligo (few or small) + cracy (government) =
n. government by a few In Animal Farm, control was kept by an oligarchy of the pigs.
intractable In (not) + tract (pull) =
adj. stubborn Mules have a reputation for being intractable.
intransigent In (not) + trans (across) =
Adj. Not-compromising Voters are very frustrated with the intransigent members of Congress. Compromise is not in their vocabulary.
perfidious Per (through) + fid (faith) + ous (full of) =
Adj. treacherous His perfidious cowardice made him infamous.
perspicuous Per (through) + spec (look)+ ous (full of) =
Adj. Brilliantly clear Her perspicuous essay won her the scholarship.
ingenuous In (in) + gen (origin) + ous (full of) =
Adj. Innocent and naive The ingenuous—but not Ingenious—girl believed it.
circumlocution Circum (around) + loqu (talk) =
n. Talking in circles To avoid answering the question, the politician resorted to circumlocution.
gregarious Greg (group) + ous (full of) =
Adj. sociable Most middle school students are gregarious and like to be with friends.
discursive Dis (away) + curs (run) =
Adj. rambling Instead of being concise, her discursive answer confused everyone.