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The Basics of Autism Spectrum Disorders Training Series. Regional Autism Advisory Council of Southwest Ohio (RAAC-SWO) Training Committee 2011 . Training Series Modules. Module One: Autism Defined, Autism Prevalence and Primary Characteristics Module Two: Physical Characteristics of Autism
The Basics of Autism Spectrum DisordersTraining Series Regional Autism Advisory Council of Southwest Ohio (RAAC-SWO) Training Committee 2011
Training Series Modules Module One: Autism Defined, Autism Prevalence and Primary Characteristics Module Two: Physical Characteristics of Autism Module Three: Cognition and Learning in Autism Module Four: Getting the Student Ready to Learn Module Five: Structuring the Classroom Environment Module Six: Reinforcement in the Classroom
Training Series Modules Module Seven: Autism and Sensory Differences Module Eight: Sensory in the Classroom Module Nine: Communication and Autism Module Ten: Communication in the Classroom Module Eleven: Behavior Challenges and Autism Module Twelve: Understanding Behavior in Students with Autism
Training Series Modules Module Thirteen: Social Skills in the School Environment Module Fourteen: Functional Behavior Assessment Module Fifteen: Working Together as a Team Module Sixteen: Autism and Leisure Skills to Teach Module Seventeen: Special Issues of Adolescence Module Eighteen: Safety and Autism Module Nineteen: Special Issues: High School, Transition, and Job Readiness
Training Series Modules • Module Twenty: Asperger Syndrome: Managing and Organizing the Environment • Module Twenty-One: Asperger Syndrome: Addressing Social Skills
Autism and Sensory Differences • The brain needs sensory information to operate. It needs sound, vision, smell, taste, touch and movement. • The way our brain organizes this information affects the way we learn and our behavior. • Students with ASD usually have differences in how they react to sensory input. They can be: Sensory Seekers Sensory Avoiders
Autism and Sensory Differences • Possible difficulty with one or all sensory systems. • Reaction is not always the same. Can over react at one time and under react at another. • Be a detective to figure out the reason for the reaction (ex. avoiding a certain food could be how the food feels, looks, smells, tastes or sounds when chewing).
Big Idea Suspect sensory difficulties when the student’s behaviors seem “illogical” or “extreme”.
Reactions to Sounds • Hands over ears • Try to escape from noises • Upset by sirens or other loud noises • Hear sounds you do not even notice like buzz from a light. Or • Make sounds, like humming, to block out other sounds • Seek noises • Not respond to certain sounds or even name being called
Strategies for Sound Sensitivity • Talk more softly and slow down. • Use short, direct sentences and not chatter on and on. • Don’t repeat what you just said, give time to think it through. • Use soft music or other “good” sounds to block out “bad” sound (consider some thing like an iPOD). • Have a quiet place to retreat. • Have sound blocking headphones available in places where you can’t avoid stressful sounds.
Strategies for Sound Sensitivity • Unexpected sounds can be frightening. • Be aware of difficulty with crowd sounds. For example, you may need to help the student be ready for applause or help move to a quieter area. • Be aware of acoustics in rooms that may be irritating (theaters, gyms, churches, cafeterias). Make plans for possible behavior problems in these settings. • Be ready in case a student bolts from distressing sounds. • Be prepared for dangerous situations such as traffic.
Big Idea Prepare the student for what is going to happen. Anything unexpected is more likely to be negative or scary.
Reactions to Visual Input • Looks off to the side. • More upset around bright lights or sunshine. • More upset around fluorescent lighting. • More upset in busy or cluttered places. or • Stares at bright lights or moving objects like fans. • Seeks out bright colors and movement. • Finger flicking, spinning object in front of eyes.
Strategies for Visual Sensitivity • Allow the student to use peripheral vision (out of the corners of the eyes). • Do not insist on eye contact, but do require the student to look in your direction. • Keep the environment as neutral as needed if student gets over-stimulated. Consider keeping one wall or area more plain.
Strategies for Visual Sensitivity • If possible, don’t use fluorescent lights. • Do not hold instructional materials close to your face. It may be difficult for the student with ASD to concentrate on two things at the same time. • For those seeking visual input, look for appropriate activities (i.e. kaleidoscope, fish tank).
Strategies for Visual Seekers • Provide visually interesting materials for leisure time. • Use visual schedules, calendars and lists. • Use photo albums to talk about family or past events.
Reactions to Smells • Avoids cooking smells. • Gets upset around noticeable smells, such as cleaning smells. • Breathes through mouth. • Covers nose. or • Seeks strong aromas. • Sniffs objects and people. • Holds things up to nose.
Reactions to Smells • For a student with a strong reaction to smells, any environment can be too much. • Smells may be the cause of behaviors. • Human odors may be a problem. The student may be uncomfortable with the smell of their own urine and bowel movements. This may explain why some students put off going to the bathroom as long as possible.
Reactions to Smells • What is a good smell to one student can have a bad effect on another student. • Strong food smells may affect behavior. • Certain petroleum products such as diesel engines may cause problems. • Cleaning odors, room deodorizers, scented lotions or soaps can all change behavior.
Reactions to Smells • Students with ASD may continue to be bothered by the smell after others would have gotten used to the smell and no longer be bothered. • This may be why changing environments is so difficult for some students with ASD.
Strategies for Smell Sensitivity • Try not to use scented products. • Keep the environment clean and dry. • If something smells bad to us, it is likely that it smells even worse to the student with ASD.
Strategies for a Smell Sensitivity • If you smell something unpleasant, let the student know that you smell it too. It may be reassuring for the student to know that they aren’t the only one affected by the odor. • Sometimes you can cover up an unavoidable bad smell with a positive smell on a handkerchief or with a food item such as a tic tac.
Strategies for a Smell Seeker • Some students may seek smells. For them a variety of scents may be helpful. Examples: lotions, spices, air fresheners. • Scents can be used to help students wake up or calm down. • A good scent can be added to an activity such as scented markers or pencils when drawing.
Reactions to Taste • Eats only a few kinds of food. • Prefers bland foods. • Prefers each food separate not mixed together as in casseroles or • Prefers strong flavors and spices. • Likes to dip food in sauces. • Licks or chews non-food items.
Strategies for Sensitivity to Taste • Know what tastes the student likes. • Don’t force the student to eat food they do not like. • Offer a variety of foods. • Think about how smells in the room may make it hard to eat, even if the food tastes okay.
Strategies for a Taste Seeker • Know what spices and sauces can be used to increase taste. • Think about the texture or temperature of favorite foods (for example-crunchy, cold, hot). • Watch what is put in mouth for safety and cleanliness. • Sometimes a person with ASD cannot tell when food is too hot. Make sure food or drink is not too hot.
Reactions to Touch • May not like to be touched. • May strike out or withdraw when touched unexpectedly. • May have problems with hair cuts, combing hair. • May dislike getting hands dirty. or • May not feel pain easily. • May seek out rough surfaces. • May put non-food items in their mouth or lick them.
Strategies for Sensitivity to Touch • Give the student space. • Don’t touch the student without warning them that you are going to touch them. • Firm but gentle touch is often better than light touch.
Strategies for Sensitivity to Touch • Never tickle, even if the student laughs. • It may be helpful for families to wash new clothes before wearing to make them softer. • Be aware that problems can be caused by new shoes, textured socks, or tags in clothes.
Reactions to Movement • May be scared when balance is needed, like going down stairs or when walking on uneven ground. • May avoid physical activity, preferring to sit. Or • May jump, bounce, pace, rock, twirl. • May be more active than others.
Strategies for Movement Sensitivity • Let the student know that you understand it is scary and you are there to help. • Give extra support if needed. • If possible, do not push the student with ASD to try something when afraid. You might need to practice when calm. • Expect the student to run off if you are putting them into a scary situation.
Big Idea Offer a variety of sensory experiences but do not force the student to participate if the student is uncomfortable or seems afraid.
Strategies for a Movement Seeker • Provide opportunities to move, clearing a space in living areas. • Give movement breaks during a task. • Choose chores that give movement and physical work as part of the task. • Provide opportunities for exercise with an understanding of any physical limitations. • Challenging behaviors can happen if the student is not getting enough movement.
Big Idea Prepare the student for what is going to happen. Anything unexpected is more likely to be negative or scary.