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Aim: How did Middle Eastern nations seek to establish a national identity in the 20 th century?

Explore how Middle Eastern nations established national identity, focusing on Turkey, Egypt, and Iran's modernization approaches and political changes. Discuss challenges and significant events like the Iranian Revolution.

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Aim: How did Middle Eastern nations seek to establish a national identity in the 20 th century?

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  1. Aim: How did Middle Eastern nations seek to establish a national identity in the 20th century? DO NOW: What do you already know about the Middle East? • Geography • Climate • Early history • Religions


  3. MIDDLE EAST – 20TH CENTURY AND TODAY • What has been the political (governmental) tradition in the Middle East for hundreds of years? • What is nationalism? • What is a national identity? • Why might it be difficult for Middle Eastern nations to achieve a sense of national identity in the 20th century? (consider their political/governmental tradition) • What is the difference between a secular and a fundamentalist approach to modernization in the Middle East

  4. Aim: How did Middle Eastern countries seek to establish a national identity in the 20th century? TURKEY • Mustafa Kemal Ataturk • 1923 – President Turkish Republic • GOAL – modernize/westernize Turkey • 6 Principles • Secularism • Republicanism • Populism • Statism • Revolutionism • Nationalism


  6. Aim: How did Middle Eastern counties seek to establish a national identity in the 20th century? EGYPT • GAMAL ABDEL NASSER • 1954-1970 • Political and economic reform • Aid from both U.S. and U.S.S.R. • NONALIGNMENT • Aswan High Dam • Agriculture – land reform • Pan-Arabism

  7. Aim: How did Middle Eastern countries seek to establish a national identity in the 20th century? EGYPT • ANWAR SADAT • 1970-1982 • Political reform • Constitutional change • Arab-Israeli conflict • Peace talks – Camp David • Peace Prize – 1978 • Break off relations with USSR

  8. Aim: How did Middle Eastern counties seek to establish a national identity in the 20th century? EGYPT • Hosni Mubarak • 1982-2011 • Overthrown • Transition government in place

  9. Aim: How did Middle Eastern countries seek to establish a national identity in the 20th century? IRAN • Reza khan – 1921 • Shah – 1925 • Pahlavi dynasty • Modernize Iran • Secular approach • Built schools, developed natural resources, support rights of women • Despot – harsh ruler • Abdicates in 1941

  10. Aim: How did Middle Eastern countries seek to establish a national identity in the 20th century? IRAN • Mohammad Reza Pahlavi • Son of Reza Shah • Attempts to continue modernization • built factories, schools, highways • Land reform • More freedom to women • Cruel dictator • Failed economic reform • High military spending • High inflation • Unrest • Opposition – Muslim religious leaders

  11. Aim: How successful have Middle Eastern nations been in establishing a sense of national identity? • What approach to modernization did Iran pursue while under the rule of the Shahs? (Pahlavi dynasty) • Why did the modernization efforts of the Shahs fail? • Why did the Shah lose support of many Iranians by 1979? • How did life in Iran change after the revolution of 1979?

  12. Aim: How did Middle Eastern countries seek to establish a national identity in the 20th century? IRAN • Ayatollah Khomeini – 1979 • Iranian Revolution • Shah flees • Islamic Republic established • Reject Western ways/influence • Return to traditional Islamic values • FUNDAMENTALISM • Laws based upon Koran • Rid country of western influences • Hostage crisis (U.S. – Pres. Carter)


  14. DISCUSSION QUESTIONS • What approach did Turkey and Egypt use to modernize in the 20th century? (secular or fundamentalist) • What approach did the Shahs use in bringing modernization to Iran? • How successful were the Shahs’ reforms? • What happened in Iran in 1979? (Why?) • How did this event change life in Iran? • Why did the Iranian government allow 53 Americans to be held hostage in Iran for 444 days? • How did President Carter respond to the hostage crisis? • Was Carter right to protect the lives of the hostages at all costs? • What would be a good reason – if any – to sacrifice the lives of some of the hostages? • How would you characterize U.S.-Iranian relations since 1979?


  16. Good Hijab in Saudi Arabia

  17. Afghan Women Under the Taliban

  18. Executions under the Taliban

  19. SAUDI ARABIA SAUD family • FUNDAMENTALIST APPROACH TO MODERNIZATION • 1932 politically unified • King Fahd of Saud dynasty • Now King Abdullah • Monarchy • Modern cities • New industries • Steel, oil • Education • Health care • ISLAM REMAINS CENTRAL • REFORMS DONE WITHIN CONTEXT OF ISLAM

  20. SUMMARY • What Middle Eastern nations have used a secular approach to modernization? • What Middle Eastern nations have use a fundamentalist approach to modernization? • Why do some women in secular countries choose to wear the hijab? • Is it right to prevent Muslim women from wearing hijab in public schools? (France does, U.S. does not) Explain.

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