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An instrument to promote trust and mobility all through Europe ECVET Lifelong learning programme Launching meeting of new projects 2009-2012. European Commission, DG EAC – Unit A3. Michel Aribaud - European Commission, DG EAC – Unit B5.
An instrument to promotetrust and mobilityall through EuropeECVETLifelong learning programmeLaunching meeting of new projects2009-2012 European Commission, DG EAC – Unit A3 Michel Aribaud - European Commission, DG EAC – Unit B5
Single framework for transparency of qualifications and competences, EUROPASS European Quality Assurance Reference Framework for VET Credit system for VET (ECVET) Common principles for validation of non-formal and informal learning Strengthening policies, systems and practices for lifelong guidance – Council recommendation European Qualifications Framework Directive on recognition of qualifications The European cooperation in VET: tools in the fields of Qualification and mobility 2
Political (Copenhague, Maastricht, Helsinki, Bordeaux …) Technical (Qualifications, units, mobility, learning outcomes, ECVET points …) Cultural (mutual trust, openess …) ECVET: a challenge from several point of view European Commission, DG EAC – Unit B5
Dedicated to individuals, in a borderless and lifelong learning perspective Based on learning outcomes (knowledge, skills, competence) achieved in all learning contexts (Formal, Non F, Informal) Centred on qualifications Fully coherent with the European Qualification Framework for Lifelong Learning (EQF – Recommendation of the EP and the Council – April 2008) Focused on all kinds of Mobility: Geographical From one learning context to another From one qualification system/framework to another Different but comparable, compatible and complementary with ECTS used in the higher education sector ECVET is: European Commission, DG EAC – Unit B5
Learning context B Learning context A Non formal Formal Transcript of record Validation of L.O. Recognition of L.O. Accumulation of L.O. Assessment of L.O. Credit for L.O. European Commission, DG EAC – Unit B5
Context AQualification — The learning outcomes gained are accumulated and are now an integrated part of his qualification Qualificationcontext (A) European Commission, DG EAC – Unit B5
Achieving ECVET:the learning outcomes transfer and accumulation cycle Individual transcript of record 7
ECVET Functions and VET qualifications, VET provision systems and mobility • Context/country A • Context/country B Design of qualifications Design of qualifications ? ? Design of formal or non formal training programmes/curricula Design of formal or non formal training programmes ? Design functions ? Design of assessment/validation process and procedures ? Design of assessment/validation process and procedures ECVET Carrying out of the formal or NF programme Carrying out of the formal or NF programme ? ? Assessment of learning outcomes Assessment of learning outcomes ? ? Implementation functions Validation of learning outcomes Validation of learning outcomes ? ? Recognition/certification of learning outcomes Recognition/certification of learning outcomes
Concepts and glossary (prealable): units of learning outcomes, validation of L.O…. Description of qualifications in units of learning outcomes (main) Transfer Process (assessment, validation, recognition and accumulation of learning outcomes) and partnerships (essential) ECVET points allocated to qualifications and to units (additional) The ECVET package (see annexes 1 and 2 to the recommendation)http://www.europarl.europa.eu/sides/getDoc.do?pubRef=-//EP//TEXT+TA+P6-TA-2008-0628+0+DOC+XML+V0//FR European Commission, DG EAC – Unit B5
Voluntary implementation Respect of the Member States’ rules and legislation Respect of the Member States’ qualification and VET systems regulations (centralised, decentralised …) Respect of the Member States’ priorities for the implementation of ECVET Flexibility and adaptability Progressive and step by step development A basis for further cooperation in the field of mobility Testing on the ground and bottom up approach for improving the system ECVET European Commission, DG EAC – Unit B5
Recommendation to be adopted by the Council and the EP- Member States are recommended to: • Promote ECVET • Adopt measures by 2012 for progressively applying ECVET on the basis of results of tests and experimentations • Implement ECVET from 2012 • Support the development of partnerships and networks involving VET stakeholders, social partners and sectors • Ensure access to information and guidance • Ensure that concerned qualifications and related Europass documents contain explicit information on the use of ECVET • Promote and apply the principles for Quality assurance • Insure that mechanisms of coordination and monitoring are operational European Commission, DG EAC – Unit B5
- The Commission’s intention • Support Member States in the implementation by facilitating testing, cooperation, mutual learning and promotion • Develop complementary tools, mainlyan ECVET users’ guide • Develop an expertise for reinforcing the compatibility and complementarity between ECVET and ECTS • Establish an ECVET users ‘group and an ECVET network • Monitor the action • Report to the EP and the Council, 5 years after adoption; possible review of the Recommendation. European Commission, DG EAC – Unit B5
November 2008: Political agreement by the Council 18 December: vote by EP (Strasbourg) May 2009: formal adoption by the EP and the Council 20 May 2009: political launching conference in Prague (promoters of the ECVET projects invited) 17-18 November 2009: technical launching conference in Brussels (partners of the ECVET projects invited) ECVET: updated roadmap European Commission, DG EAC – Unit B5
Experimentations: call for proposals launched in May 2008 + call for tender Complementary tools: ECVET users’ guide, templates (learning agreement, MoU…), Europass… Follow up: European ECVET users’ group Survey: studies and « veille » (Cedefop) Promotion, development and mutual learning: ECVET network ECVET: main accompanying measures European Commission, DG EAC – Unit B5
To enable the concrete experimentation of the ECVET technical specifications To contribute to the establishment of lasting operational partnerships based on full mutual trust (MoU; learning agreements) To join an active pool of projects The ECVET projects are intended: European Commission, DG EAC – Unit B5
ECVET projects applicants agree to take part in the work common to all proposals: Work closely with the Agency, the European Commission and with the contractor responsible for following up proposals Regulaly forward or furnish information on progress and work done during the project and contribute to the compilation of a European compendium on ECVET practices Play an active part in: Thematic workshops(5 to 6 for 2 years projects and 8 for 3 years projects) A European conferenceon ECVET Call for tender EACEA/2008/02: testing and development of the European Credit system for VET (GHK Consulting selected) The ECVET projects will work hand in hand: the coordination process European Commission, DG EAC – Unit B5
ECVET projects monitoring (visits, interviews …) Collection of information Quartely Bulletins (description of projects, events, users’ point of view, thematic sections, update on developements at EU and national levels, key contacts, links …) Projects EU website: what’s new in ECVET world? ECVET 1,5 day Seminar workshops (2009: 23-24 April-Brussels, 2-3 July-Paris, 19-20 October-Berlin; 2010: March, June, December; 2011: June, December) ECVET 2 days conference The ECVET projects will work hand in hand: the coordination tools European Commission, DG EAC – Unit B5
Good luck • Good work European Commission, DG EAC – Unit B5