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APELA PRESENTATION. USING LOCAL DRAMA IN TEACHING WRITING AND SPEAKING. Oleh: Dwi Astuti Wahyu Nurhayati State College for Islamic Studies at Tulungagung, East Java, Indonesia .
USING LOCAL DRAMA IN TEACHING WRITING AND SPEAKING Oleh: Dwi Astuti Wahyu Nurhayati State College for Islamic Studies at Tulungagung, East Java, Indonesia THE 2nd CONFERENCE ON APPLYING (PUTONGHUA/ ENGLISH) LANGUAGE ARTS (APELA) Department of English, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University October 2-3, 2012 main page
PREVIOUS STUDIES • Reid (2009) in her research under a title” Teaching Writing Teachers : Writing Difficulty, Exploration, and Critical Reflection “focusses on new teachers should respond to writing assignment that the researcher deliberately designs to be different, exploratory or critically, so that they may better develop flexibility, and engagement as learners, teachers, and theorists in the field of writing instruction. • Zyoud (2009) “ Using Drama Activities and Techniques to Foster Teaching English as a Foreign Language: A Theoretical Perspective” analyses on drama can foster language skills such as reading, writing, speaking and listening by creating a suitable context.
(continuation) • Haneda and Wells (2009) in their research under a title “Writing in Knowledge Building” describe some of roles that writing can play in developing literacy and learning when it takes place within classroom knowledge building community. • Fadda (2012) in his research “Difficulties in Academic Writing: From the Perspective of King Saud University Postgraduate Students” focusses on determining what difficulties King Saud University students encounter when learning to write academic English and to differentiate between students’ learning needs and objective. The results showed English as Second Language (ESL) students face many difficulties and stresses in their academic writing, such as difficulty distinguishing between spoken and written English, making an outline before writing a draft, identifying the skills needed for successful writing, and avoiding plague words and phrases. main page
OBJECTIVES main page
RESEARCH METHOD Place and Time of Research Place Tulungagung Time 4 months (March until June 2012) 2. Type of Research Qualitative Approach: It is intended to figure out the students’activities in conducting the steps of writing the script and conducting local drama. 3. Subject of the Study The Fourth Semester Students of English Department at State College for Islamic Studies at Tulungagung. There were 50 females, and 15 males
4. Source of Data Source of data in this research is the process of students create the script of drama, the students’ task to observe the other drama before conducting drama, the interview result of the students after conducting the drama. • Source of Data include: • Process of implementing writing script and conducting local drama • Subject of research,The Fourth Semester Students of English Department at State College for Islamic Studies at Tulungagung, who join Speaking Class • Things/the students’task/Recorded: Script of drama. (Recorded : the interview result about their responses in conducting local drama).
5.Instruments of Collecting Data • Observation: the subjects were observed in the beginning of lecturing until the end of lecturing by conducting these steps as follows: : 1) create the learning community, 2) the steps are: create script based on themes (romance, humor, folklore, horror, legend) 3) the students consult the script to the lecturer (revised grammatically and semantically)before performing the drama observe any dramas (observe the characters play their characterization, mime, and other aspects), practice the script regularly, 4) perform drama outdoor
Documentation: collect their scripts after observing other dramas in the form of drama script. • Interview: Interview the students about the the contribution of conducting local drama in teaching Speaking by creating drama script • 6 . Technique of Data Analysis • Technique of data analysis which is used in analysing data in this study is qualitative descriptive analysis. • The collected data were analysed by using qualitative descriptive analysis which were done through some steps according to Mc McDrury (inMoloeng, 2005: 248) as follows: 1. Reading and learning the data, signalling the key words and ideas in those data; 2.Learning the key words which represented the themes of data; 3.Writing the models from the findings; 4.Coding. main page
CONCLUSION As the result the students become more self confidence to utter ideas, drama is considered as an appealing teaching strategy which promotes cooperation,collaboration, self-control, goal-oriented learning as well as emotional intelligence skills. • They apply a new technique , establishing teamwork especially to write script, share their knoleledge about the local drama in their culture and combine their creativity by observing other dramas before performing the drama by conducting some steps. • They can be more creative, iniatitive then responsive in performing the local drama in contemporer style . • They also try to entertain the audience without reducing the moral values which they deliver.
BIBLIOGRPHY Anderson, Mark & Kathy. (1998).Text Types in English 3.Australia: McMillan Education Australia Pty. Ltd. pp.9. Barbu, Lucia. (2007). Using Drama Techniques for Teaching English. Retrieved on 17/7/2010 from http://forum.famouswhy.com/index.php? Show topic=1150 Malley, Alan. (2012). Creative Writing for Students adn Teachers. Major Articles.Year14;Issue3; June 2012, ISSN 1755-975Retrieved 26, June 2012..pp.2 Hoetker, James .(1969). Dramatics and the Teaching of Literature. Champaign, Illinois: National Council of Teachers of English. ERIC Clearinghouse on the Teaching of English (ED 028165). Zyoud, Munther. (2009). Using Drama Activities and Techniques to Foster Teaching English as a Foreign Language: a Theoretical Perspective. Al-Quds Open University. Retrieved 25 , May, 2012. http://www.gou.eduenglish.muntherzyoud.pdf. pp.6.