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Nanotechnologies and Safety of Nanotechnologies. Dr. Volkan Özgüz Director Sabancı University Nanotechnology Research and Application Center vozguz@sabanciuniv.edu. What are Nanotechnologies?.
Nanotechnologies and Safety of Nanotechnologies Dr. Volkan Özgüz Director Sabancı University Nanotechnology Research and Application Center vozguz@sabanciuniv.edu
What are Nanotechnologies? • Nanometer : 1/1,000,000 (huma hair is less than 1/10 of millimeter) bıt nanotechnology is not solely about miniaturization • The science and engineering of changing the physical, chemical, electrical, mechanical, optical and magnetic properties of materials sometiens the way that doesn’t exist in natural forms by changing the atomic level structure : the capability of playing with atoms • Nanotechnologies: • Multidisciplinary and inter-sectoral • Initiates new application areas • Almost all applications affected • Primary market in 2007 is 11.6B USD; 2013 expected to be 27B USD • The changes at atomic levels and their application requires the collaboration of all scientific and engineering disciplines Invisible to naked eye but huge visible impact
Is Nanotechnology Trulely New? • Nanotechnology: • Richard Feynman: 1959 “plenty of room at the bottom” talk, proposal ffor atomic level control • Taniguchi:1974 used the “nano” (dwarf) additive • IBM: scanning tunneling microscope and atomic force microscope • Romans used “plasmonics” approaches in 400 B.C • Notre-Dame stained glasses includes “gold nano particles” • Chocalate, Ice cream (Döğme Maraş Dondurma) , Cotton Candy and Tel kadayıf Stained glass rose window of Notre-Dame de Paris. The colors were achieved by coloids of gold nano-particles. • Plasmoics is the formation of surface interference waves at the interface sof very thin metal and dielectric layers due to interactions of surface electrons and light waves • Plasmonics can be used to kill cancerous cells via gold coated nanoparticles Adapted from Harry Atwater, Caltech
Applications of Nanotechnologies Cost, function or performance difference for the user
Applications of Nanotechnologies in Construction Cost, function or performance difference for the user
Applications of Nanotechnologies in Automotive Better Fuels and Efficient Fuel Production Paints, coatings, lubricants Cost, function or performance difference for the user
Applications of Nanotechnologies in Food and Agriculture • Smart systems for monitoring and controlling the health of plants • High efficiency natural fertilizers augmented with nanooparticles • Nanocatalyzers for increasing the efficiencies and reducing the quantities of pesticides • Fast and efficient quality control in food industry by using nanosensors • Smart food packaging to monitor the freshness of food by nanosensors • Packaging with nanoparticles enhanced foils to reduce oxygen permeability to increae the shelf life • Nanocapsules to deliver nutrients to cells only when they are ingested but inert during the stored state Nanotechnologies from production to packaging to digestion to disposal Cost, function or performance difference for the user
Applications of Nanotechnologies in Health • Nanomedicine: the observation, diagnostics and therapy (inclduign regeneration and restrcutring) of biological systems at cell and molecular levels by using nanodevies and nanostructures • Nanodiagnostics: Early diagnostics • Biosensors and molecular devices • Targetable contrast agents • THERANOSTICS • Drug Delivery • Targeted delivery to intended area and the observation of drug effects • Regenerative Medicine • Speeding up the recovery of damages areas • Early detection of cancer at cell level • Minimization of biopsies • Better recevery rates due to early detection • DNA binding agents • Controlled drug edelivery at cell level • Elimination of drug overdose VLP (Virus-Like -Particles) nanodevices with useful payloads such as drugs, vaccines etc Cost, function or performance difference for the user
Nanotechnology is everywhere in Turkey !!! • NANO is used too many times and unnecessarily and sometimes dangerously
Why Nanotechnology Safety? Several Hundreds of consumer products in the markey • Lam et al. (2004) Toxicological Sciences: “On an equal-weight basis, if carbon nanotubes reach the lungs they can be much more toxic than carbon black and more toxic than quartz.” • Oberdörster (2005) Environmental Health Perspectives: “Profound cytotoxicity seen for SWNT…” On a mass basis, toxicity: SWNT>MWNT>C60 • Who is exposed – unknown? www.nanotechproject.org/consumerproducts
Looking forward to other uses: are Nanotechnologies safe? • The impact of the nanotechnologies to our environment and to human health is the subject of an intensive debate in the last years • The National Nanotechnology Initiative Amendments Act of 2009 (H.R. 554 ABD de 11 Feb 2009) aims to assess the risks of nanotechnologies and to regulate their applications • The overall effect may be the slowing of the development of nanotechnologies
Nanoparticles and the Human body: concerns • Nanoparticles exist in the atmosphere in large concentrations by natural means • The release of manufactured nanoparticles into environment and their impact are unknown • Nanoparticles can gain access to the body through the gastrointestinal tract, skin and lungs • Nanoparticles interactions with the body is dependent on their size, chemical composition, surface structure, solubility, shape and how the individual nanoparticles accumulate together • Due to small size and higher specific surface area nanoparticles can easily bind with and transport toxic pollutants • Nanoparticles can travel freely in the blood throughout the body and reach the organs like lungs, liver or brain and may cross the blood-brain barrier • Lower sized (<10nm) nanoparticles behave more like a gas and can pass through skin and lung tissue to penetrate cell membranes. Once inside the cell, theymight become toxic or disrupt normal cell chemistry. • Threadlike nanotubes are structurally similar to asbestos fibers, which can cause lung fibrosis when inhaled in large amounts over long periods, according to a report by the Royal Society, the United Kingdom's National Science Academy • Low-solubility ultrafine particles may be more toxic than larger particles on a mass for mass basis
Nanoparticles and the Human body: concerns • The Swedish Karolinska Institute conducted a study in which various nanoparticles were introduced to human lung epithelial cells (2008) • iron oxide nanoparticles caused little DNA damage and were non-toxic • Zinc oxide nanoparticles were slightly worse • Titanium dioxide caused only DNA damage • Carbon nanotubes caused DNA damage at low levels • Copper oxide was found to be the worst offender and was nanomaterial identified as a clear health risk • In a review work (Toxicity Studies of Fullerenes and Derivatives, 2007) Chan conclude that the evidence gathered points to C60 being non-toxic • Nanostructures can activate the immune system inducing inflammation, immune responses, allergy, or even affect to the immune cells in a deleterious or beneficial way (immuno-suppression in auto inmmunity diseases, improving immune responses in vaccines) • Compared to the conventional pharmaceutical agents, nanostructures has a huge size • immune cells, specially phagocytic cells can recognize and try to destroy them • Studies are needed in order to know the potential deleterious or beneficial effects of nanostructures in the immune system.
Danger of the Nanoparticles – Case Study Nanoparticle exposure and occupational lung disease: Seven Chinese workers suffering from nanoparticle-induced lung disease (Song et al., 2010): • Found nanoparticles in the workplace and in the lungs and lung fluid of the workers • Fusion of fluid into the linings of the lung (the pleura) and heart (the pericardium) • Tissue reaction to particles in the lung lining • Paint paste was described as a mix of many organic components that contained nanoparticles of polyacrylate (~30nm),but complete chemical nature of the particles in the lungs or the workplace unknown • Prof. A. Seaton MD: “fumes and dusts are often toxic, appropriate workplace hygiene will prevent this in the nanotechnology industry as elsewhere” • Prof. G. Oberstroder: a conclusion that nanoparticles generically are to blame is very unfortunate • Prof. K. Donaldson: Chemical exposures in the past might have produced nanoparticles but since no one looked for them they may never have been implicated. Currently the reverse is true and there may be a rush to judgement implicating the nanoparticles in the adverse effects • Prof V. Stone: this paper does not effectively illustrate adverse clinical effects of nanoparticles in a worker population, but it does raise the issue that we need to be careful and vigilant in future • Prof. R. Aitken: the key question which remains unanswered at this time is “exposure to what?”
Dual Nature of NanoParticles - Silver • NanoscaleSilver as an antimicrobial biocide, used in numerous commercial products— washing machines, clothing (socks etc), kitchen utensils, wound dressings, and food storage • Likely to wash into the waste stream • Once released into the environment, their biocidal activity is harmful to beneficial microbes such as some bacteria and fungi, causing disturbances in critical ecosystems and ecological food webs • The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is proposing to conditionally register the antimicrobial pesticide product, HeiQ AGS-20, a silver-based product used as a preservative for textiles. Public comments will be accepted until the 6th September 2010 • The requirement is based largely on a November 2009, independent consultation EPA held with the FIFRA Scientific Advisory Panel (SAP)
Dual Nature of NanoParticles – CNT, CNF • Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and Carbon nano fibers CNFs are used as fire retardants in polyurethane foam (PUF) • They may pose siginificant hazard when released especiiay during fires • They were destroyed in the flames and, therefore, were not released when CNF containing foams are burned under well-ventilated conditions • Despite the fact that they are not present in the smoke, significant amounts of CNFs are released when the chars left behind after burning CNF containing PUFs are mechanically disturbed Characterizing Nanoparticle Emissions from Burning Polymer NanocompositesM.R. Nyden, R.H. Harris, Y.S. Kim, R.D. Davis, N.D. Marsh, M. Zammarano, Proc. Nanotech 2010, p 717-719
Dual Nature of NanoParticles – Cerium Oxide • Nano-cerium oxide particles are added to diesel fuel to decrease toxic diesel emissions and increase fuel efficiency • Nano-cerium oxide induced cell damage in human lung cells • Nano-cerium oxide reduced levels of reactive oxygen species • The ability of nano-cerium oxide to pass into cells was dependent on the particle size and agglomeration state, suggesting that these and other properties must be considered when assessing the risks to human health from exposure to nanomaterials Initial in vitro screening approach to investigate the potential healthand environmental hazards of Envirox™ – a nanoparticulate ceriumoxide diesel fuel additiveBarry Park et al. Particle and Fibre Toxicology 2007, 4:12 Prospect project, Toxicological Review of Nano Cerium Oxide, July 2010
Nanoparticle Interactions with Cells • A biological surfaceadsorption index -BSAI - is developed by quantifyingthe competitive adsorption of a set of small moleculeprobes onto the nanoparticles • Adsorption properties ofnanomaterials are assumed to be governed by Coulombforces, London dispersion, hydrogen-bond acidity and basicity,polarizability and lone-pair electrons. • 12 nanomaterials: silver (AgP: powder andAg50: colloid), TiO2, ZnO, CuO, NiO, Fe2O3, SiO2, C60(powder), nC60 (colloid), MWCNTs and hydroxylated MWCNTs(CNTOH) • Quantitativeavenue towards the development of predictive nanomedicine, creation of integrated pharmacokinetic and for quantitativerisk assessment and safety evaluation of nanomaterials. An index for characterization of nanomaterialsin biological systems, Xin-Rui Xia, Nancy A. Monteiro-Riviere and Jim E. Riviere* Nature Nanotechnology Letters, 15 Aug 2010
Looking forward to other uses: Nanotechnologies for Safety? • Nanotechnology-based sensors and communication devices can reduce the workers’ exposure to risk of injury • Nanosize sensors coupled with wireless technology may facilitate development of wearable sensors and systems for real time occupational safety and health management • Nanotechnology-based fuel cells helps environment by reducing pollution • Nanotechnology based lab-on- chip analyzers provide faster diagnostics. • Nanotechnology based self-cleaning clothes, fillers for noise absorption materials, fire retardants, protective screens for prevention of roof falls and curtains for ventilation control in mines enable better working environment and occupational safety • Nanotechnology based catalysts help for reducing hazardous emissions and clean-up of pollutants and hazardous substances • The development of nanotechnology based high performance filter media, respirators help for safe handling of nanoparticles
Nanotechnology Awarness and Communication? • Need to provide accurate education to public and especially! • NANODIALOGUE, NANOCAP, MACOSPOL, NANOPLAT, FRAMINGNANO: public EC programs • NANOYOU, NANOTOUCH, TIMEFORNANO: for youth • Survey of youth on nanotechnology at 25 EC members(2010): • Don’t know but seems interesting! • “nano is cool” may be worth learning! • Follow the good, leave the bad(nano safety) • Girls value health, boys value information tech
Conclusions • Nanotechnologies can be made safe and green (?) : the jury is still out and may remain out for a long while • Conventional and extended workplace safety precautions should be exercised no matter what • Bio and micro industry guidance should be followed as a minimum • Nanotechnologies may offer solutions to the problems they created and to general safety problems • Open issues provide excellent opportunities for R&D from technology and tool development, to instrumentation , to clinical studies and modeling, to risk management, and to policy making, regulatory issues • Evidenced by a large body of project work and meetings NANOTECHNOLOGY AREA HAS ABUNDANT R&DOPPORTUNITES FOR GOOD MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCE & ENGINEERING COUPLED WITH SAFE TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT FOR MAJOR COMMERCIALAND SOCIETAL IMPACT
R&D and Commercialization of Nanotechnologies in USA Source: Nanotechnology Research Directions for Societal Needs in 2020; M. Rocco, C. Mirkin ; December 2010
Nanotechnology Research Centers in Türkiye Cost of R&D centers in various disciplines (M TL) Nanotechnology centers have the largest share of government funding
Nanotechnology Centers in Türkiye • Middle East Technical University- METU-CENTER : first central lab in Turkey • Bilkent National Nanotechnology Center: first and largest multi-purpose nanotechnology center • Anadolu University Ceramic Research Center: now a corporation based on strong interest from participating companies • Bilkent NanoTechnology Research Center • Sabancı Üniversitesi Nanotechnology Research and Application Center • TUBİTAK MAM Materials Institute • Koc University Surface Technologies Research Center • Gazi University Nanomedicine and Advanced Technologies Research Center • Hacettepe University Nanotechnology and ve Nanomedicine Science Center • ITU Advance Research Institute for Nanoscience ve Nanotechnologies • ITU Nano-Micro Electro Mechanical Systems Laboratories • Gebze High Technologiy Institute Nanotechnology Research Center • Marmara University Nanotechnology and Biomaterials Research Center • Zirve University Nanotechnology Research Center • Fatih University Bio-Nano Technology Research Center • Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University Nanoscience and Technology Research Center
Nanotechnology Education in Türkiye • Anadolu University: multidisciplinary Nanotechnology Graduate Degree program consisting of 8 core and 22 elective (M.Sc) • Bilkent University:“Material Science and Nanotechnology “graduate program (M.Sc. And Ph.D) in collaboration with the University’s National Nanotechnology Center. • Middle East Technical University: “Micro and Nanotechnology M.Sc. And Ph.D Programs” joint interdisciplinary programs with biological sciences, physics, chemistry, chemical, electrical and electronics e, metalurgical and materials, mining and mechanical engineering departments • Hacettepe University: “Nanotechnology and Nanomedicine” undergraduate and graduate program with contributions from about 50 faculty members from various departments including the School of Medicine • Istanbul Technical University: M.Sc.,Ph.D. (Nanoscience and Nanoengineering)
Nanotechnology Centers in Türkiye • Anadolu University “Ceramic Research Center” • First example of successful pre-competitive research consortium between university and companies • 16 member companies representing 85% of the ceramic production • 2 MTL support from ceramic producers • The capacity of 30 students is always full • 8 MTL support to the University for infrastructure and research personnel • Industry access to better infrastructure and technical support for R&D • Large economical value added by generating qualified researchers • Became a university-industry jointly owned corporation in 2009
Dr. Volkan Özgüz vozguz@sabanciuniv.edu
SABANCI UNIVERSITY • Sabanci University (SU) is a non-profit, private research institution in Istanbul • Founded by Sabanci Foundation, established by one of the largest industrial and financial conglomerates in Turkey • Total investment exceeding 300 Million EUR • Interdisciplinaryeducation to fit 21st century • About 300 full time faculty members and instructors • Overseas PhDs constitute 83% of the full time faculty • 52% of the fulltime faculty had international careers • Faculty has an average of 12 years of teaching and 4 years of industrial experience; average age 48 • Campus is set within a green landscapeof 1,360,000 m2, of which only about 10% has been allocatedfor buildings. • The modern architecture, within a state-of-the-art technological infrastructure, co-exists with nearbyforests
SABANCI UNIVERSITY • Schoolof Engineering and Natural Sciences (FENS) • School of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS) • Schoolof Management (FMAN) • A total of 12 undergraduate, 18 graduate, and 3 minorhonors programs • 3.000undergraduate and 700 graduate students • The student-to- faculty ratio is a verydesirable 10:1 ratio • The Schoolof Engineering and Natural Sciences has an academic staff of 100 members, about 750 undergraduate and 325graduate students.
SABANCI UNIVERSITY School of Engineering and Natural Sciences • Competitive and dynamic faculty • Student participation to research from undergraduate level • National and international cooperation • Close relations with industry • Interdisciplinary Research Activites • Effective collaboration within faculty • Multidisciplinary research laboratories established with an cumulative investment exceeding 50 Million EUR • Highest sponsored research funds perfaculty memberin Turkey
Sabancı University Nanotechnology Research and Application Center • Multi and Interdisciplinary, paradigm shifting R&D, focused on selected application areas • Open to national users as a central lab • Developments for bridging-the-gap and to address the needs of local and global industry • Strategic collaborations with many national and international universities, research centers, companies and professional unions • LEED and BREEAM certified green building • Dedicated 7.400 m2 research building with cell inspired architecture and constructed using state-of-the-art techniques • Laboratories equipped with state-of-art equipment among the bests in Turkey to complement existing infrastructure • Inauguration : 9 July 2011 • A trend setting research facility in Turkey
Center Infrastructure - Equipment • Multidisciplinary Laboratories • Micro-Nano Fabrication • Molecular Biology • Electron Microscopy • Materials Characterization • Nanoelectronic • Energy Systems • Micro/Nano-fluidics • Advanced Microscopy • Testing & Characterization • 3D Micro-Nano Prototyping • Tissue and Regenerative Eng. • 15 M € worth of state-of-art equipment to complement existing infrastructure • Selected equipment reflects interdisciplinary nature of nanotechnologies • Selected equipment the best or among the bests in Turkey MultiBeam SEM-FIB Gas and Mass spectrometer High Resolution TEM Genome Sequencer Optical Lithography ICP-MS Electron Beam Lithography Plasma Deposition Confocal Microscope Wet processing
Sabancı University Nanotechnology Research and Application Center “Creating and Developing Together” • Synergy between a critical mass of scientists from a diverse scientific and engineering disciplines and industry participants: team science • Focused R&D with personal ingenuity • Multi and Interdisciplinary, Paradigm shifting R&D, focused on selected application areas • Open to SU and national users as a central lab and/or for fee based services • Developments for bridging-the-gap (or crossing the valley of death) • Developments to address the needs of local and global industry • Developments to yield technology leaders and technology leading start-ups
Application Areas and Approaches • Close interactions with the representatives of several industrial sectors to address their needs: companies, societies, groups, associations • Member of the voluntary industry-wide initiative to promote nanotechnologies • Selection of key human-centric, highest added valueareas based on national priorities, and merging the academic and industrial strengths of our partners • Strategic research alliances, pre-comptetitive consortiums and collaborations with many national and international universities, research centers, companies and professional unions Sectoral Applications Materials and modules • Food and agriculture • Structural materials • Health : Nano-bio tech • Energy • Environment – Water • Defense Calendar to meet the needs of the industry – low hanging fruits