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Problem solving, Reasoning and Numeracy Children will: learn to sort, count and learn numbers to 10 and beyond. Learn the names and some properties of 2-D shapes. Learning how to add and take away numbers to 10 in their play.
Problem solving, Reasoning and Numeracy Children will: learn to sort, count and learn numbers to 10 and beyond. Learn the names and some properties of 2-D shapes. Learning how to add and take away numbers to 10 in their play. Children will learn how to measure length, using standard and non-standard units of measure. You can help your child by encouraging them to count on and back to 10 and beyond. When you are out and about ask your child to add objects and take them away. Talk to them about how tall things are and compare lengths. Parents Evenings will be held in November- after mid-term. There will be a Christmas performance in December. Technology fund of £1 will be collected each Monday. Communication, Language and Literacy Children will hear a variety of stories. They will use the language used in these tales in role play and writing activities. They will look at the characters, setting and events in these stories. They will think about the beginning, middle and the end as they re-tell these stories. You can help your child at home by reading and sharing stories each night at bed time. Talk about the characters and setting, what their favourite part was etc. Reception– Autumn This term children will be learning about the world around them through stories and poems. They will learn about People who help us and celebrate festivals from all world faiths and join in preparing food and artefacts. Physical Development Children will practise fine motor skills- (writing and using tools and scissors) and gross motor skills involving their whole bodies e.g. cycling, running, throwing and catching. P.E. Day is Wednesday. Please ensure that P.E. Kits are in school and all jewellery is removed. You can help your child by helping him/her to take their own clothes off and on. Religious Education Children will be learning out about ‘God’s World’- creation and ‘God’s Family’. They will also take part in a Harvest Festival when we ask for food donations for housebound parishioners. School Mass is on Sunday 14th October- Please join us. You can help your child by talking about where they live and their family, using books and photographs. Creative Development Children will explore art and craft activities, practising various skills and expressing themselves creatively through a variety of media. E.g.- paints, crayons, chalks, felt tips They will find out about how sounds are made in music and play un-tuned instruments to accompany songs. In dance, they will learn to listen and respond to music The role play areas in the classroom will be changed regularly so that children can take on various roles and practise speaking and listening to others in imaginative play. You can help your child by talking to them about their experiences. Knowledge and Understanding of the World Children will be using their senses to explore the similarities and differences between materials. They will be finding out about the world around them with the possibility of a walk in Moor Park. They will be developing their vocabulary and finding out about their own culture and other cultures You can help your child by naming and describing materials. E.g. My hat is made of wool because it is soft and warm. Personal and Social Development Children will be learning to use new vocabulary to describe their feelings. They will learn to follow simple class rules.