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“European Multiplicator Workshop” Ulm, November 17, 2001

Evaluation in Self-Organised Learning Groups by Mariano Sánchez, Juan López & Carmen Tallada University of Granada (Spain). “European Multiplicator Workshop” Ulm, November 17, 2001. What do we mean by a Self-Organised Learning Group?. Learning is mainly considered a group process

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“European Multiplicator Workshop” Ulm, November 17, 2001

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  1. Evaluation in Self-Organised Learning Groups by Mariano Sánchez, Juan López & Carmen TalladaUniversity of Granada (Spain) “European Multiplicator Workshop” Ulm, November 17, 2001

  2. What do we mean by a Self-Organised Learning Group? • Learning is mainly considered a group process • Learning is mainly self-directed • Degree of formalization varies

  3. What do we mean by a Self-Organised Learning Group? • Learning is mainly considered a group process • Learning is mainly self-directed • Degree of formalization varies

  4. What do we mean by a Self-Organised Learning Group? • Learning is mainly considered a group process • Learning is mainly self-directed • Degree of formalization varies

  5. Self-directed Learning is one in which “the learner chooses to assume the primary responsability for planning, carrying out, and evaluating the learning experience” (Caffarella, 1993)

  6. What do we mean by a Self-Organised Learning Group? • Learning is mainly considered a group process • Learning is mainly self-directed • Flexible degree of formalization

  7. In this context, what do we mean by Evaluation? • A reflective inquiry about the Project’s development • A group’s commitment based on its own interest • Part of the learning process itself • A coordinated effort towards improvement, not an exam

  8. In this context, what do we mean by Evaluation? • A reflective inquiry about the Project’s development • A group’s commitment based on its own interest • Part of the learning process itself • A coordinated effort towards improvement, not an exam

  9. In this context, what do we mean by Evaluation? • A reflective inquiry about the Project’s development • A group’s commitment based on its own interest • Part of the learning process itself • A coordinated effort towards improvement, not an exam

  10. In this context, what do we mean by Evaluation? • A reflective inquiry about the Project’s development • A group’s commitment based on its own interest • Part of the learning process itself • A coordinated effort towards improvement, not an exam

  11. How are we proceeding with evaluation in Granada? • Evaluation has been designed as the Research Project is being implemented • Identified evaluators were introduced in the group from the very beginning • Evaluation is considered and ongoing task which has to be continuously rethought

  12. How are we proceeding with evaluation in Granada? • Evaluation has been designed as the Research Project is being implemented • Identified evaluators were introduced in the group from the very beginning • Evaluation is considered and ongoing task which has to be continuously rethought

  13. How are we proceeding with evaluation in Granada? • Evaluation has been designed as the Research Project is being implemented • Identified evaluators were introduced in the group from the very beginning • Evaluation is considered and ongoing task which has to be continuously rethought

  14. How are we proceeding with evaluation in Granada? • Tracking the whole process along weekly gatherings • Observation • Minutes • Semi-structured interviews • Periodical submission of brief reports

  15. Observation: • Field notes along the weekly working sessions (see our web site) • 3 units of analysis: • Integration in the Project • Group functioning • Role of facilitators • Dimensions and indicators (see our web site)

  16. Observation: • Field notes along the weekly working sessions (see our web site) • 3 units of analysis: • Integration in the Project • Group functioning • Role of facilitators • Dimensions and indicators (see our web site)

  17. Observation: • Field notes along the weekly working sessions (see our web site) • 3 units of analysis: • Integration in the Project • Group functioning • Role of facilitators • Dimensions and indicators (see our web site)

  18. How are we proceeding with evaluation in Granada? • Tracking the whole process along weekly gatherings • Observation • Minutes • Semi-structured interviews • Periodical submission of brief reports

  19. Minutes: • Facilitators take notes as well along the sessions • The Minutes of each session is posted on the web site • Every meeting starts with the reading of the last Minutes • Minutes foster self-reflection on the Project developments

  20. How are we proceeding with evaluation in Granada? • Tracking the whole process along weekly gatherings • Observation • Minutes • Semi-structured interviews • Periodical submission of brief reports

  21. Semi-structured interviews: • Produce interpretations about the experience beyond the working sessions • Scheduled • 5 dimensions: • Sociological features of the participants • Involvement in the Project • Contribution to the Project’s implementation • Self-directed learning experiences • Working experience within the group

  22. How are we proceeding with evaluation in Granada? • Structured tracking of the whole process along the weekly gatherings • Semi-structured interviews • Periodical submission of brief reports

  23. Periodical submission of brief reports: • Written reflections about how each person perceives his/her experience in the Project (posted on the web site)

  24. Web site of Self-Organised Learning in Later Life (SOLiLL) group in Granada http://giig.ugr.es/~grundtvig

  25. SOLiLL Project University of Granada Mariano Sánchez – e-mail: marianos@ugr.es Juan López – e-mail: jdoblas@ugr.es Carmen Tallada – e-mail:tallada@wanadoo.es Center for Older Adults Education

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