“Emancipation and development” this is the title of a new program of Open Society Foundation to be carried out in 2000-2001, with the main purpose of designing gender centered public policies. So far such topics have sometimes been the concern of non-governmental organizations, and I have even seldom heard political men or women, journalists tackling or at least discussing such issues. Nobody questioned the Romanian society about the role that women and men should have in Romanian life, about the relationships between them, or their everyday life. The idea of such a poll is not novel. It was advocated by “AnA Society for Feminist Analyses” and by the “Women Program” of the Foundation. But designing gender-centered public policies is a process that cannot be pursued without considering the way public opinion think about it, the priorities it envisages. Therefore, we believed that it was high time for the Gender Barometer. Mihaela Miroiu, Manuela Stănculescu, Ionica Berevoiescu and myself have been the members of the coordinating team who was engaged in designing the present poll, from choosing the topics, finalizing the question sets, pre-testing the questions, to interpreting the collected data. It is our pleasure to thank to all who have helped us along the project, supporting us with invaluable ideas, time and their expertise: Alfred Bulai, Laura Grumberg, Valentina Marinescu, Dumitru Sandu. Due to the limitations of the traditionally printed formula, our work represents only a selection of information and data collected for the interviews. The complete database of the poll is to be found on the web page of Open Society Foundation www.osf.ro. Thanks are due to all of those invited by the Foundation to take part at the brainstorming organized before launching the idea of the Gender Barometer: Mircea Cărtărescu, Laura Grunberg, Anca Jugaru, Dina Loghin, Cristina Mihai, Mihaela Miroiu, Doina Ştefănescu, Marina Roman, Roxana Teşiu, Cristian Vlădescu. We express our belief that their outstanding commitment in understanding and promoting women’s rights will go on as well as their collaboration with Open Society Foundation. Our fruitful collaboration with The Gallup Organization Romania has been of paramount importance in carrying out the survey, and we are grateful to director Alina Şerbănică for her professional commitment in this project. Renate Weber Chair of the National Board Open Society Foundation - Romania Program Coordinator: Oana Cinca Tel. (40) -1 - 212 54 30, 312 86 36, 312 70 52; Fax: (40) - 1 - 312 70 53 E-mail: ocinca@buc.osf.ro Gender Barometer - August 2000 2
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY • The sample volume: 1839persons aged 18 and over. • The type of the sample: stratified, probabilistic, tri-stadial. • Stratification criteria: 18 cultural areas grouped by historical regions,place of residence (urban-rural), the size of urban localities (towns under 30 thousand inhabitants, towns between 30-100 thousands inhabitants, cities with 100-200 thousand inhabitants, and over 200 thousand inhabitants), the development level of rural localities (low, medium and high). • Sampling design:probabilistic selection of the localities (116), of sampling points (200 constituencies)and of persons. In order to select the persons, the latest electoral registers were used as a main source. The sampling design is the same as that used in 1998, 1999 and 2000 research activities of OSF for the Public Opinion Barometer. • Representativeness:the sample is representative for the adult population of Romania over 18 years old, with a sampling error ± 2,3 %. For each historical region of Romania (Moldavia, Dobrogea, Valachia, Oltenia, Banat, Crişana-Maramureş, Transylvania, Bucharest) the corresponding sampling has a smaller representativeness than the national sampling. • Checking :the sample was checked against the data form the National Council for Statistics and the 1992 Census. • The presented values represent the values obtained in the field (no weighting was performed). • The interviews were taken at respondents’ household. • Data display:The presentation of the data is selective. The breakdowns submitted are statistically significant. The variables used are: sex, age group (18-29, 30-59, 60 and+), level of education (primary education - 8 grades at the most; secondary education – more than 8 grades, but no more than upper secondary school; higher education – at least post upper secondary school to graduate studies), the occupational status of the respondent (employed, pensioner, student, unemployed, unregistered unemployed, housewife), place of residence (cities- over 100 thousand inhabitants, towns - less than 100 thousand inhabitantsand commune/villages) and historical region. For the complete list of questions and for data conveying to more elaborated analysis, please access the complete database in the web page of Open Society Foundation www.osf.ro. • Survey timetable: 17 July - 4 August 2000. G A L L U P Open Society Foundation Romania
CUPRINS R O M Â N I A Gender Barometer - August 2000
Is it women’s duty more than men’s to undertake the housework? breakdown by historical region How to read the figure: 59% of respondents in Moldavia think that “doing the housework is women’s duty more than men’s”, 36% answered that “doing the housework is not women’s duty more than men’s”, and 5% do not know or do not answer. R O M Â N I A Gender Barometer - August 2000
Is it women’s duty more than men’s to undertake the housework? G A L L U P Open Society Foundation
Is it women’s duty more than men’s to undertake the housework? breakdown by occupational status How to read the figure: 68% of the retired that “it is women’s duty more than men’s to undertake the housework”, 24% think that “it is not women’s duty more than men’s to undertake the housework”, and 8% do not know or do not answer. G A L L U P Open Society Foundation
Is it women’s duty more than men’s to undertake the housework? breakdown by age group 18 - 29 30 - 59 G A L L U P 60 and + Open Society Foundation
Is it women’s duty more than men’s to undertake the housework? breakdown by level of education primary education secondary education R O M Â N I A higher education Gender Barometer - August 2000
Is it women’s duty more than men’s to undertake the housework? breakdown by place of residence city town R O M Â N I A commune / village Gender Barometer - August 2000
Is it men’s duty more than women’s to be the main breadwinners in the household? G A L L U P Open Society Foundation
Is it men’s duty more than women’s to be the main breadwinners in the household? breakdown by historical region R O M Â N I A Gender Barometer - August 2000
Is it men’s duty more than women’s to be the main breadwinners in the household? breakdown by age group 18 - 29 30 - 59 G A L L U P 60 and + Open Society Foundation
Is it men’s duty more than women’s to be the main breadwinners in the household? breakdown by occupational status G A L L U P Open Society Foundation
Is it men’s duty more than women’s to be the main breadwinners in the household? breakdown by level of education primary education secondary education R O M Â N I A higher education Gender Barometer - August 2000
Is it men’s duty more than women’s to be the main breadwinners of the household? breakdown by place of residence city town R O M Â N I A commune/ village Gender Barometer - August 2000
In your opinion does a woman have to follow her man? G A L L U P Open Society Foundation
In your opinion does a woman have to follow her man? breakdown by historical region R O M Â N I A The differences up to 100% represent "DK/DA". Gender Barometer - August 2000
In your opinion does a woman have to follow her man? breakdown by age group How to read the figure: within the age group 18 – 29 , 70% of respondents think that “the woman has to follow her man”, 10% that “the woman does not have to follow him” and 19% answered “It depends”. G A L L U P The differences up to 100% represent "DK/DA". Open Society Foundation
In your opinion does a woman have to follow her man? breakdown by level of education How to read the figure: within “primary education” category, 87% of the interviewed think that “the woman has to follow her man”, 4% think that “the woman does not have to follow him”, and 9% answered “It depends”. R O M Â N I A The differences up to 100% represent "DK/DA". Gender Barometer - August 2000
In your opinion does a woman have to follow her man? breakdown by occupational status G A L L U P The differences up to 100% represent "DK/DA". Open Society Foundation
In your opinion does a woman have to follow her man? breakdown by place of residence R O M Â N I A The differences up to 100% represent "DK/DA". Gender Barometer - August 2000
Are men as able as women in raising children? breakdown by historical region R O M Â N I A The differences up to 100% represent "DK/DA". Gender Barometer - August 2000
Are men as able as women in raising children? G A L L U P Open Society Foundation
Are men as able as women in raising children? breakdown by age group G A L L U P The differences up to 100% represent "DK/DA". Open Society Foundation
Are men as able as women in raising children? breakdown by level of education R O M Â N I A The differences up to 100% represent "DK/DA". Gender Barometer - August 2000
Are men as able as women in raising children? breakdown by occupational status G A L L U P The differences up to 100% represent "DK/DA". Open Society Foundation
Are men as able as women in raising children? breakdown by place of residence R O M Â N I A The differences up to 100% represent "DK/DA". Gender Barometer - August 2000
Is man the head of the family? G A L L U P Open Society Foundation
Is man the head of the family? breakdown by sex males R O M Â N I A females Gender Barometer - August 2000
Is man the head of the family? breakdown by level of education G A L L U P The differences up to 100% represent "DK/DA". Open Society Foundation
Is man the head of the family? breakdown by historical region G A L L U P The differences up to 100% represent "DK/DA". Open Society Foundation
Is man the head of the family? breakdown by age group R O M Â N I A The differences up to 100% represent "DK/DA". Gender Barometer - August 2000
Is man the head of the family? breakdown by occupational status R O M Â N I A The differences up to 100% represent "DK/DA". Gender Barometer - August 2000
Is man the head of the family? breakdown by place of residence G A L L U P The differences up to 100% represent "DK/DA". Open Society Foundation
Is woman the mistress of the house? R O M Â N I A Gender Barometer - August 2000
Is woman the mistress of the house? breakdown by sex males G A L L U P females Open Society Foundation
Is woman the mistress of the house? breakdown by historical region R O M Â N I A Differences up to 100% represent "DK/DA" Gender Barometer - August 2000
Is woman the mistress of the house? breakdown by level of education R O M Â N I A Differences up to 100% represent "DK/DA" Gender Barometer - August 2000
Is woman the mistress of the house? breakdown by age group G A L L U P Differences up to 100% represent "DK/DA" Open Society Foundation
Is woman the mistress of the house? breakdown by occupational status G A L L U P Differences up to 100% represent "DK/DA" Open Society Foundation
Is woman the mistress of the house? breakdown by place of residence R O M Â N I A Differences up to 100% represent "DK/DA" Gender Barometer - August 2000
Do you usually go out alone in the late evening? breakdown by sex G A L L U P Open Society Foundation
Do you usually go out alone in the late evening? breakdown by place of residence R O M Â N I A Differences up to 100% represent "DK/DA" Gender Barometer - August 2000
Why don’t you go out in the late evening? % calculated just for those who do not go out in the late evening G A L L U P Open Society Foundation
Compared with men, the women you know are more…, as…as…, or less …? R O M Â N I A Differences up to 100% represent "DK/DA" Gender Barometer - August 2000
Compared with men, the women you know are more…, as…as…, or less …? breakdown by sex males females G A L L U P Differences up to 100% represent "DK/DA” Open Society Foundation
What is important for a successful marriage? R O M Â N I A Difference up to 100% represent “less important/not at all important” and “DK/DA”. Gender Barometer - August 2000
Is it important for the spouses to match sexually? breakdown by age group G A L L U P Difference up to 100% represent “less important/not at all important” and “DK/DA”. Open Society Foundation
Is it important for the spouses to match sexually? breakdown by level of education R O M Â N I A Difference up to 100% represent “less important/not at all important” and “DK/DA”. Gender Barometer - August 2000