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PRESENTATION TO THE PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE ON THE ANNUAL REPORT OF THE DEPARTMENT OF WOMEN, CHILDREN & PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES – 2010/2011 19 OCTOBER 2011. Overview of the Audit Report. The Department received in its first audit an Unqualified opinion from the Auditor-General of SA.
Overview of the Audit Report • The Department received in its first audit an Unqualified opinion from the Auditor-General of SA. • There was however certain emphasis of matter and additional matters that the AGSA highlighted. • The department already engaged in action plans with the Senior Managers to ensure that the issues raised will not be repeated in the next financial year’s audit. • Commitment letter sent to the AGSA on 5 October 2011 indicating measures put in place to address the issues on the emphasis of matter and other matters categories.
Emphasis of matter • Unauthorized and Irregular Expenditure: • The department over spent its budget and disclosed this amount of R3,729 million as un-authorized expenditure. • Administration over spent by R8,830 million due to travel and accommodation expenditure, seconded staff, venues and facilities. • WEGE branch had an over expenditure of R387,000 due to insufficient budget for travel and accommodation to provide for the delegation attending the UN Commission on the Status of Women conference and seconded staff. • The Children’s rights and responsibilities had an over spending of R167,000 due to the travel expenditure incurred by seconded officials who were not provided for.
Emphasis of matter • Rights of People with Disabilities had a saving of R5,656, which resulted in a net over expenditure of R3,729 million. • The amount of R6,629 million was disclosed as irregular expenditure as savings realized under Capital Expenditure were used to defray Current expenditure without first obtaining Treasury approval. • Approval from National Treasury was subsequently obtained.
Additional mattersPredetermined Objectives • Usefulness of information: • The department had no Strategic Plan and the information on the predetermined objectives was deficient in that there was no clear and logical links between objectives, indicators and targets. • indicators were not well defined and verifiable, no time bound and measurability. • The department has corrected these in drafting the 2011/12 strategic plan to ensure that the concerns of the AG are addressed.
Compliance with Laws and regulations • The Strategic Plan as mentioned in the previous slide was not properly done as there was no capacity in the department to form a Management Team to look at the Strategic Plan for the department. • This led to a document that was not compliant to the relevant policies and prescripts.
Budgets & Expenditure Management • As the department was still within the Presidency during the time of audit, Budget related matters and Expenditure Management were dealt with within the Presidency. • The lack of capacity for the department led to certain problems areas that were identified by the AGSA, such as: • Overspending and misallocations of expenditure • Payments not made within 30 days • Non-submission of reports to National Treasury • Prevention of Unauthorized & Irregular Expenditure • Since the department started operating independently from the Presidency as from May 2011, capacity has increased on finance support staff, and policies are in place to ensure compliance to regulations.
Audit Committee & Internal Audit • During the audit period the department did not have an Audit Committee this is non-compliance to section 77 of the PFMA and Treasury Regulations ( TR) 3.1. • Subsequently the Audit Committee was appointed on 01 October 2011. • The internal audit function was not in place during the audit period as per TR3.2.2. • Subsequently the interviews for the Director: Internal Audit were conducted on 06 October 2011, and the appointment will be finalised soon.
Procurement & Contract Management • During the audit period the procurement function was not in place in the department which led to non-compliance of bidders regarding the submission of documents together with bid documents. • Support staff have been appointed since June 2011 in Supply Chain Management to solve these matters as well as the Director Supply Chain Management. • SCM policy documents have been finalized and are being implemented.
Human Resource & Compensation Management • The Human Resource Plan was not submitted during the audit period as per Public Service Regulations (PSR)1/IIIB.2(d) which led to non-compliance. • The Human Resource Plan has been subsequently submitted to DPSA as required by the Public Service Regulations. • During the audit period, the non-submission of Performance Agreements was as a result of internal transitional arrangements. • Performance Agreements for SMS members for 2011/12 have been submitted. • Pay points have been created as per Treasury Regulations 8.3.4.
Internal Control • Leadership: • The DWCPD did not have sufficient monitoring controls to ensure proper implementation of the overall process of planning, budgeting, implementation and reporting on performance against predetermined objectives, as well as to ensure compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. • The DWCPD also did not have sufficient monitoring controls to ensure that funds were utilised in accordance with the approved budget and for the purposes for which they were intended. • This matter has been addressed by the appointment of staff on management level to ensure compliance with applicable laws and to ensure monitoring controls are in place for sound financial management. • Governance: - Risk Assessment was not done – The Risk Assessment will be done as soon as the Internal Audit component is up and running in consultation with all the relevant business units.
Index of content • Overall expenditure analysis for the financial year 2010/2011 • Expenditure per program per economical classification • Detail breakdown on travelling expenditure: • International travel • Detail breakdown on advertisement cost in terms of recruitment • Detail breakdown on post establishment
Goods & Services expenditure analysis: Fin Year 2010/2011 • Programme 1: Administration – R5 104 over spending. • The main cost items in terms of the over spending are travel & subsistence, accommodation and air and road transport for seconded officials, who had not been provided for in the budget. • Venues and Facilities ( National Women’s Month) • Some of the expenditure for local and foreign travel will be recovered from the Presidency in 2011/12.
WEGE expenditure analysis: Fin Year 2010/2011 • Programme 2: WEGE – R4 585million over spending under goods and services. • The main cost under this programme that led to the over spending was the 2010 National Women’s Day and 16 Days of Activism Campaign • Road, air travel and accommodation both locally and internationally. • Promotional materials including transfer of funds to GCIS for the Women’s Month Campaign • Women’s Day celebrations held in the Eastern Cape.
Main costs under Travel and subsistence and accommodation • Local Travel is R11, 812 and Foreign Travel is R4,218 and the main costs are as follows: • Some of the expenditure under local and foreign travel will be recovered from the Presidency before the end of 2011/12 financial year. • DWCPD travel involved rented vehicles by staff on official trips, travel expenditure for the planning meetings, attendance of UN and other international bodies meetings, point to point transport for officials with disabilities. • Accommodation for official trips
Main costs under advertising • An amount of R7,004 million was spent on the advertisement of recruitment and marketing activities as follows: • payments amounting to R554 224 for the first initial advertisement of vacancies in DWCPD. The structure was then amended by cabinet. • The new advertisement amounting to R144 386 was placed in the newspaper for all the senior management posts (23 Posts). • An additional advertisement was placed amounting to R48 236 to extend the application submission date from 07 to 21 January 2011. • Development of a comprehensive and integrated communication strategy for the department R403,000. • Promotional material amounting to R809,789 for the Women’s day celebration in Eastern Cape. • Funds transferred to GCIS for the Women’s day campaign R1,617,646
Main costs under advertising cont. • An amount of R1 610 820 was spent on Child Protection campaign. • An amount of R391,200 was spent on other promotional materials for commemoration of the Day of the African Child. • Promotional material for the event of 16 July 2010 and other promotional material amounting to R250,000.
Main costs under Venues and facilities • The total amount on Venues and Facilities is R4, 487 million and one of the main activities paid for by the department was the 2010 Women’s conference that was postponed to 2011/12 • DWCPD paying tribute to women with disabilities who contributed in various sectors of society. • National Machinery meetings for the three sectors
PROGRAMME PERFORMANCE • The activities of the department of Women, Children and People with Disabilities are organised in the following programmes: • Programme 1:Administration This programme was non-existent in 2010/11 as the department was reliant on the Presidency`s Corporate Services support. • Programme 2:Women `s Empowerment and Gender Equality • Programme 3: Children`s Rights and Responsibilities • Programme 4: Rights of People with Disabilities
PROGRAMME 2: WOMEN`S EMPOWERMENT AND GENDER EQUALITY (WEGE) • Purpose: To provide strategic leadership, guidance and programmatic measures on the promotion of women`s rights • Objective 1: To monitor and evaluate delivery of government on national, regional and international mandates for women`s empowerment and gender equality. • Objective 2: To plan, coordinate and advocate for programmes on women`s empowerment and gender equality.
WEGE ACHIEVEMENTS • Developed and consulted on a draft National Strategy and Implementation Plan for Women`s Empowerment and Gender Equality • Developed the draft concept document on the proposed National Council for Gender Based Violence including a reviewed 365 days National action Plan for ending violence against women and girls • Compiled a draft strategy on rural women`s development and initiated the process of engendering the New Growth Path and the job`s fund • Coordinated National task team on women in informal cross border trade. A proposed plan of action has been drafted • Developed a draft concept document on Sanitary Dignity Campaign • Developed a draft concept document on the decent work for domestic workers • Developed a draft concept document for the National Techno girl Launch • Developed a draft concept document on the SADC Ministerial meeting on climate change.
PROGRAMME 3: CHILDREN`S RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES (CR) • Purpose: To promote, protect and advance the rights and dignity of all children to enable them to develop to their full potential in an inclusive and equitable society • Objective 1: Promote human dignity and advance child survival, protection and development • Objective 2: To coordinate, monitor, evaluate and advocate on children rights delivery
CR ACHIEVEMENTS • The Plan of Action for 2010 FIFA World Cup was implemented • The Draft Plan of Action for the Child Friendly Cities/Communities Model, Concept Paper was developed in consultation with UNICEF • Engaged different stakeholders in the final refinement of the third United Nations (UN) report • The UN report was presented to the DG clusters for further inputs and refinement • Commemorated the day of the African Child on 1 June 2010 and celebrated the International Children`s Day • Celebrated the National Children`s Day on November 2010 in partnership with NW Province
PROGRAMME 4: RIGHTS OF PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES • Purpose: To ensure equalisation of opportunities for all people with Disabilities • Objective 1: To protect and promote human dignity and equality of persons with disabilities • Objective 2: To create an enabling environment for empowerment, advancement and socio-economic development of persons with disabilities • Objective 3: To prevent and eliminate all forms of unfair discrimination against persons with disabilities
PROGRAMME 4 ACHEIVEMENTS • Consulted the Draft National Disability Policy and orientated stakeholders • Provided assistance to rape victims at Philadelphia Secondary School • Provided support to the raped child with intellectual disability in Phelang Special School • Developed special schools audit questionnaire • Developed draft concept paper empowerment of people with disabilities and consulted with financial institutions • Developed annual indicators for skills development and poverty alleviation • Presented statements at the 3rd conference of States Parties to the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities held in New York-UN Headquarters in 2010 • Supported the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform in establishment of a Disability Forum • Participated in Cerebral Palsy Conference